How do you plan? What sets you up for success?



  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm a planner :) I log at least a week in advance. I would just do it each day instead, only I usually have at least one meal a week out or at my boyfriend's, so I have to allow for that :) If I don't know what I'll be eating on a certain day for any reason, I will just 'quick add' my daily amount so I can plan the other days.
  • mpat81
    mpat81 Posts: 351 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    I'm a planner too. A good planner always has a contingency plan, and that's what makes it work.

    For exercise, I have a schedule. If I can't follow the schedule, I have a backup workout. Example: Friday I injured my foot running. I was supposed to run yesterday, but I rode my bike instead. Tonight I was going to try a short run again, but it's supposed to rain, so I'll do cardio and bodyweight stuff indoors instead.

    For food, I just sort of mentally categorize my food into groups based on how many hundreds of calories, rounded. If I know I'm shooting for 700-800 calories for today's lunch, I grab that many calories based on what looks good.

    Today, I grabbed
    1x 300 Calorie Item (Quinoa Casserole, 304 calories)
    1x 200 Calorie Item (1oz Almonds, 160 calories)
    2x 100 Calorie Items (Hard Boiled Egg, 84 calories and Greek Yogurt, 65 calories)
    1x 50 Calorie Items (Spinach Salad, 35 calories topped with Kidney Beans, 55 calories)

    For a grand total of 800 calories (or 703, if I sit down with a calculator).

    At dinner time, I'll see that I have about 800 calories left, so I'll have an entrée that's about 400 calories, then check my macros to see what I need. If I see I'm low on fat, I'll have some fruit with peanut butter. If I see I'm low on protein, I'll make a protein shake. And so on.

    Love this approach! I'm going to try it. I am always within my calories but my macros are way off some days. This seems like a good way to fix that problem.

  • mariel918
    mariel918 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started recently pre-logging about 75% of my food the night before when I pack meals for work. I typically enter breakfast, lunch and snacks. Then depending on whether I have left overs I'll log my dinner too. The 25% usually goes towards snacks, another side for dinner, or a treat.

    Since I am a big snacker so it has been incredibly helpful in keeping me accountable in making sure I don't accidentally over eat and log and realizing after the fact I ate to much. For exercise though I always wait until I'm finished eating for the day before logging. Otherwise I feel I'd be too tempted to eat back my calories.

    Find what works for you! :smile: