Cheat Days



  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member
    Don't make it a whole day....Its reinforcing an "all or nothing" mind set. Developing healthy eating habits is to find a happy medium. Don't allow yourself to binge one day a week and eat super healthy for the rest of it. It will not work long term. Not to mention, your body will have crazy ups and downs after a unhealthy day and make you want to eat more the next.

    What I do is I know I will go out to eat every Friday before grocery shopping so I allow myself a nice dinner without worrying about cals and one dessert from the store. The weekends, well, If there is something going on and if there is a holiday I am a bit more relaxed but I don't allow myself to binge either. There will always be cake, don't deny yourself but don't shove your face in it either LOL
  • Pelamblue
    Pelamblue Posts: 177 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Pelamblue wrote: »
    A quote from matt huckle one of the writers of ' mens health '
    'Scheduling cheat meals can help optimise your body's hormone levels to avoid it entering 'starvation' mode and holding onto calories. Your rule: plan two a week and throw away any remaining nasties afterwards '
    There we go people hope this clears away all the bro science

    Hope you were being ironic.

    Absolutely not. No BRO SCIENCE there my friend.
    Threads like this infuriate me!!! most of it is ' this guy once told me that... '
    Unless you have an informed view ( by which i mean you know because you have the qualification) then pipe down
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Pelamblue wrote: »
    A quote from matt huckle one of the writers of ' mens health '
    'Scheduling cheat meals can help optimise your body's hormone levels to avoid it entering 'starvation' mode and holding onto calories. Your rule: plan two a week and throw away any remaining nasties afterwards '
    There we go people hope this clears away all the bro science

    Hope you were being ironic.

    BWAHAHA I was thinking the same thing.

    Most of these posts are people sharing what works for them, not bro science.
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    I hate to bring up "the word", but there is a theory that the word "cheat" has a negative connotation psychologically. We learn to feel ashamed about our decisions, and when we feel bad about ourselves it sets us up for failure. I'm sure that's different from person to person. I do really like what someone else said about "treat" day.

    In personal experience, I find it difficult to work a satisfying level of moderation into 1200 calories (as a short female it's what I need for .8lb/wk loss), so I do let myself eat over target on Friday and Saturday. I try to save a hundred or so calories per day Sunday-Thursday (anyone who looks at my diary will see that this doesn't always happen lol) so that I can do this. Then those 500 extra calories can be put to good use...why helloooo cake! If you're working on maintenance I think that overall moderation is the way to go for sustainability; and if you have more than 2000 calories to work with that moderation should be a cakewalk (sorry, can't stop thinking about cake now). Do any heavy hitters care to give their opinion on that theory?
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    kmsoucy457 wrote: »
    I hate to bring up "the word", but there is a theory that the word "cheat" has a negative connotation psychologically. We learn to feel ashamed about our decisions, and when we feel bad about ourselves it sets us up for failure. I'm sure that's different from person to person. I do really like what someone else said about "treat" day.

    In personal experience, I find it difficult to work a satisfying level of moderation into 1200 calories (as a short female it's what I need for .8lb/wk loss), so I do let myself eat over target on Friday and Saturday. I try to save a hundred or so calories per day Sunday-Thursday (anyone who looks at my diary will see that this doesn't always happen lol) so that I can do this. Then those 500 extra calories can be put to good use...why helloooo cake! If you're working on maintenance I think that overall moderation is the way to go for sustainability; and if you have more than 2000 calories to work with that moderation should be a cakewalk (sorry, can't stop thinking about cake now). Do any heavy hitters care to give their opinion on that theory?
    Honestly some ppl put way too much stock into a stupid phrase. When I have my cheat day I never ever binge, feel guilty or ashamed. I pick a level of cals I will go over and do it. If words cause ppl that much anxiety and frustration then should see a therapist for that. Words are only as powerful as you allow them to be.
  • denali26
    denali26 Posts: 20 Member
    For me if I had to wait a week for treats I would never last that long. It works much better for me to save 200-300 cal a day for after the kids go down then enjoy a few treats a night.
  • leximarie3
    leximarie3 Posts: 34 Member
    I don't have a "cheat day" per say, but I indulge here and there on any given day ;) I try to stay within the range of my calorie/macro goals, but sometimes the indulgence throws me over. I just work out a little harder and eat better the rest of the day, or the next day haha! I am 2 1/2 years maintenance though, so I will say when I first started logging on here there were VERY FEW indulgences. I was very serious and commited, not to say I'm not now, but now that I've maintained where I want to be for so long, I've found I can fit those indulgences in without a negative effect on my weight, as long as I don't LIVE in indulgence, and maintain my healthy eating habits otherwise :)
  • oilphins
    oilphins Posts: 240 Member
    khaled3006 wrote: »
    i don't have "cheat days" i have cheat meal its better ,i think cheat day will make you get some fat lol

    This is so not not true it isn't even funny. I've been having a cheat day once a week for so long I can't even remember. I have mine every Saturday and as long as I log the other six days and keep up my running and exercising, it won't change. I'm at the weight I want to be and having a cheat day once a week isn't going to make you gain weight. Some people add it to their daily calories and good for them, but I don't. If I want to have a night out with my buddies and have a burger and some beers, then that's what I do on a Saturday. If you have to add so called cheat foods to your daily calorie intake, then your thinking of junk food way too much. And it's something to look forward to and also much healthier. Do I need to add a quarter of a burger or fries or a chocolate bar to my meals everyday? Not me, but to each his own I guess. For the people who like to do that, I can imagine your cholesterol must be through the roof. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a cheat day once a week