100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I am okay. My termite inspector was coming and I was madly cleaning house. I was gone and busy all week so it was a mess. It is better but I was still kind of embarrassed. He goes around with a flashlight and checks everything. Church was long and I was tired and I cleaned all day Monday and Tuesday morning. I waited too late to write Monday nite..I know better and went to sleep instead. I do better to write earlier and record foods earlier. Of course did not do that again tonite!! lol...
    Hi Jan
    I gather that where You are the Termites are even more voracious than up here and here they can do a lot of damage :(
    I have seen TV shows where they buy a older home to flip it and the termite damage they uncover is staggering, Even the Hardwood Floors are not immune, Add in the other things like Dry Rot, Powder Post Beetles, and Carpenter Ants and It is amazing any older homes are still standing.

    I figured it would be something like keeping You from posting :smiley:
    Why did you get your doggie back?? I remember him cuze I never remember how to spell his name. Loved the pictures of them all asleep with you. Wish May would do that, I miss it!!

    Just put two kings together, Val... :D

    Yep, those are tax deferred accounts. Recommended by experts..not by me after using it... :#

    Yum...Bacon!! Good luck on doing well with St Patty's Roger... :) You would be right with that feast or famine theory, IMO..

    I does not surprise me Em got those compliments, Val!! <3

    Take care all... ..Jan
    I had wondered about the why myself and forgot to ask :(

    Experts, Ha and I bet they charged for that advice too.

    I am in Complete accord, Bacon, Bacon and Bacon, Yum.

    You'll love this one, since I was there with my brother when he picked up lottery tickets I grabbed a menu. It is a Deli and Grill. They have a Breakfast sandwich that has Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Pork Roll, Eggs, Cheese and Home Fries on Italian Bread :wink:
    They Also have a Breakfast Omelet that has Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Pork Roll, Eggs, and Cheese, served with Home Fries and Toast.
    I'm sure they are both low calorie, Not.

    The Moon was nice and bright, If I am remembering the weather forecast fro yesterday this will be the last Super Moon of 2019.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes siree!!! I want some of that breakfast sandwich...if I get the omelet will it be keto? :D I had made spaghetti for Sunday and since two of us were bring it, I had leftovers. One of those that one pan may not be enough, but 2 pans was kind of a lot. So I ate spaghetti for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A lot of spaghetti!! The Italian in me was so happy..the dieting part not so much...You gain VERY quickly when you do keto, then eat carbs for more than a day. All that work I will be doing again. Worst part, I still want a reg sandwich in the worst way..before going keto!! I did get thru yesterday and was keto.. now for today...

    It was expensive making that baked spaghetti for small group, with meat, cheeses and sauce. And I have guest lunch to buy this weekend. That is usually a salad or app, main dish, a veg, and dessert. Another expense. It is also 2 showers this month, as well as Giving Sunday the 31st. This is a yearly thing for church maintenance, 2 missions, children's ministry and probably something I am forgetting. Not to mention just regular Sunday giving. With expenses going up, and the rate I am taxed I will need to really curtail my spending. No one makes you give, but obviously you have the much is given, much is our responsibility syndrome. Almost as much guilt as Catholics, lol...I really have no extra money at all in my budget and have to go to my taxable funds for so much..Quite the Quandary. I need to readjust and get over the guilt!! :# They are killing me.... :)

    Super moon tonite and a space station flyby for us..Do you see that??

    I need to go back and look at my original termite contract. It was one of those we treat, then inspect, and if we find damage I think I pay no extra except what I have paid already for the inspection. Not sure If I void that contract if I go say every 2 years and inspect instead of one. it sure would save.. He also told me I need to find someone to look at my boot on the roof. He said it looked like I may need to replace that and maybe some shingles. My roof is over 25 years old and just starting to show wear..so I knew roof repair or a new roof was coming...

    Am I wrong everyone seems to have a hand out... :|

    Take care..we are having some cool spring weather but it has been wonderful. Nites a little cool at 40 for flowering plants but 60's and some 70's coming in the next bit. next week one possible 39.

    Take care!! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I had a sore throat for a few days, got worse today with fever. Doc put me on antibiotics and stuff.
    Started out fair at work, productive. Then had a meeting with my boss’ boss. He’s worse than the boss. He was such a jerk. I stayed professional. At the end of his ranting he complained that HE was having a hard day. I was already so sick...that meeting pushed me over the edge of functionality. After the call, i cried and tgen just logged off and cuddled my doggos.
    Boudreaux’s first adopter is having lots of personal problems and is unable to care for him. I’m proud of that guy for realizing it and getting the dog to a healthy safe place. As a pup, we thought he was a boxer mix. Surprise, he’s a greyhound mix! 💜tys8kadskqfm.jpeg
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    pic Low Carb BBQ SAUCE Battle - The BEST Keto Barbecue Sauces!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 47 degrees. When I left the house all was dry, given the early rain in the forecast I modified my walking path so that I was more or less close to the house. At the furthest point I felt my first drop of rain and by the time I was home everything was wet and the rain had temporarily stopped. There is heavy rain in the forecast for later today :(

    Spring may have sprung, however I have seen better looking days :smile:

    This mornings weather forecast was titled Spring Fail :smiley:

    I could see the Super Moon last night around the 9:30 to 10PM time period as it appeared when the clouds that were moving in did not obscure it. This morning not a trace of it through the heavy cloud cover :(

    The lawyers who took on Big Tobacco are aiming at Realtors and their 6% fee

    Heading in the right direction: humans have an inbuilt compass

    ‘You lit her on fire!’ Miami judge scolds man who torched girlfriend to death
    “To tell you the truth, I didn’t mean to do this,” Alvarez said.
    “Mr. Alvarez, when you put gasoline on someone and you light a match, it’s generally not a good outcome,” Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Ellen Sue Venzer said.

    The $1 Million HOA Blowup: It Started With the Misplaced Flower Pots
    A resident in a Kansas neighborhood, who says his freedom is being infringed, battles a homeowner association that says it is holding chaos at bay

    Cotton swab stuck in ear led man to suffer seizures, skull infection

    Authorities move to shut down 'national puppy laundering ring' with ties to
    Chicago pet stores

    Federal government offering $1,000 to anyone adopting a wild horse

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Yes siree!!! I want some of that breakfast sandwich...if I get the omelet will it be keto? :D I had made spaghetti for Sunday and since two of us were bring it, I had leftovers. One of those that one pan may not be enough, but 2 pans was kind of a lot. So I ate spaghetti for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A lot of spaghetti!! The Italian in me was so happy..the dieting part not so much...You gain VERY quickly when you do keto, then eat carbs for more than a day. All that work I will be doing again. Worst part, I still want a reg sandwich in the worst way..before going keto!! I did get thru yesterday and was keto.. now for today...

    It was expensive making that baked spaghetti for small group, with meat, cheeses and sauce. And I have guest lunch to buy this weekend. That is usually a salad or app, main dish, a veg, and dessert. Another expense. It is also 2 showers this month, as well as Giving Sunday the 31st. This is a yearly thing for church maintenance, 2 missions, children's ministry and probably something I am forgetting. Not to mention just regular Sunday giving. With expenses going up, and the rate I am taxed I will need to really curtail my spending. No one makes you give, but obviously you have the much is given, much is our responsibility syndrome. Almost as much guilt as Catholics, lol...I really have no extra money at all in my budget and have to go to my taxable funds for so much..Quite the Quandary. I need to readjust and get over the guilt!! :# They are killing me.... :)
    Hello Jan
    The Omelet will be 100% Keto especially if You eat the toast and all the Home Fries :wink:

    I hate that sort of thing, Especially when You know You will eat any leftovers since You spent the money for them :(
    Meats, Was that Ground Beef as Loose Beef and Meatballs, Sausage and some sort of Pork. I used to buy Thin Cut Pork Chops since they cooked quick and fry them before adding to the Tomato Gravy. Taking into consideration that there is a surplus of cheese the price has not really dropped, Possibly the Government propping it up by buying the surplus ?

    The problem with going to the taxable funds is the taxes due later on. It can become a vicious circle :(

    Is the Guest lunch for one or a group ?

    This sounds like a tough and expensive month, Good Luck

    Eating Carbs make me crave more carbs too FWIW. Not to mention they seem to interfere with the part of my brain involved in resisting eating things I know I should not eat.
    Super moon tonite and a space station flyby for us..Do you see that??

    I need to go back and look at my original termite contract. It was one of those we treat, then inspect, and if we find damage I think I pay no extra except what I have paid already for the inspection. Not sure If I void that contract if I go say every 2 years and inspect instead of one. it sure would save.. He also told me I need to find someone to look at my boot on the roof. He said it looked like I may need to replace that and maybe some shingles. My roof is over 25 years old and just starting to show wear..so I knew roof repair or a new roof was coming...

    Am I wrong everyone seems to have a hand out... :|

    Take care..we are having some cool spring weather but it has been wonderful. Nites a little cool at 40 for flowering plants but 60's and some 70's coming in the next bit. next week one possible 39.

    Take care!! ...Jan
    I think that if You try and go every two years that voids the contract.

    25 Years is about the life of a shingle roof, Not so for a metal roof. The problem with a roof at the end of life is that it may be seeping in and damaging the sheathing and still not show inside. We had that problem here by the time we discovered the roof was bad because a leak showed up. When The trusted roofer checked the roof we had a lot of soft spots that needed replacing :(

    Keep in mind that if You have two or more roofs that You need to strip back and start again with one layer.

    You are 150% right that everyone has a hand out for You money, Around here in the spring we get what they refer to as the Gypsies going around looking to do crud work and rip You off. As an example they will seal the driveway cheap. What they really do is spray used oil so it looks like sealer for a week or two.

    Another thing I have heard that they do is sell a cheap roofing job, What they really do is go up on the roof and pound in nails nosily so You think they are replacing the roof and instead spray the old shingles with oil so they look new when You look up at it. Complete Scam artists.

    5 Home Improvement & Repair Scams to Watch Out For – How to Find the Best Contractors

    We get Number 2 at the door several times a year.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I had a sore throat for a few days, got worse today with fever. Doc put me on antibiotics and stuff.
    Started out fair at work, productive. Then had a meeting with my boss’ boss. He’s worse than the boss. He was such a jerk. I stayed professional. At the end of his ranting he complained that HE was having a hard day. I was already so sick...that meeting pushed me over the edge of functionality. After the call, i cried and tgen just logged off and cuddled my doggos.
    Boudreaux’s first adopter is having lots of personal problems and is unable to care for him. I’m proud of that guy for realizing it and getting the dog to a healthy safe place. As a pup, we thought he was a boxer mix. Surprise, he’s a greyhound mix! 💜tys8kadskqfm.jpeg
    Hello Val
    You are having no luck, I hope the Antibiotics help.

    That is not a big surprise to me that a jerks boss is a bigger jerk TBH. It is crying shame You are stuck there for now.
    Teleconference (Video conferencing) ?

    That is a good thing, I tend to be optimistic until it is nearly to late :(

    If I said that does not look like a Greyhound mix, How do You tell ? He still looks like a boxer mix to me, what do I know however.

    Good Luck and have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I was super sick last night. Throat hurt so badly and i was gagging on throat yucky stuff. Gargled w warm salt water. This morning and through the work day, I was completely unable to talk. Now i can talk again. Super tired. Good night.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks for the roofing advice, Roger..I am sure it will come in handy! I did a little better getting back to my diet again.. I sure wish I had not messed up!! Interesting articles and love the bit about the BBq sauce. Sorry your weather seems a little more dismal. It has sure been a winter of contrasts.

    Val, I am very glad that Bord..'s family did return him and not just put him in a shelter or sell him to someone unvetted os worse, abandon him. Bless his heart. I hope you get to feeling better too. You sure do not need to be dealing with those crazy bosses and being sick. <3 Love your pic..I can see a greyhound behind, lol..

    May visit my son and family at a state park for a few hours tomorrow. It will be later after school, but should be pretty and at sunset. With any luck at all. :#

    Everyone needs to rest up!! If possible and have a good week end! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor will be posted in a few minutes

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 45 degrees. The Rain yesterday was off and on, more on than off. This morning it was wet outside and as I was walking a fine mist started blowing on the breeze, That mist slowly became heavier as I walked and the breeze caused a bit of a wind chill :(


    Pesticide residues found in 70% of produce sold in US even after washing
    Strawberries, spinach and kale among most pesticide-heavy
    Conventionally farmed kale could contain up to 18 pesticides

    Man charged with fatal stabbing in Alexandria thought victim was a werewolf, attorneys say

    Ford Explorer Owners Say Their SUVs Are Making Them Sick

    Ink remains on I-285 after overturned tractor-trailer spills its load
    A tractor-trailer hauling 5,500 gallons of printer ink overturned Wednesday on the Westside Perimeter, spilling its cargo onto the interstate and causing delays for the first half of the morning drive.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was super sick last night. Throat hurt so badly and i was gagging on throat yucky stuff. Gargled w warm salt water. This morning and through the work day, I was completely unable to talk. Now i can talk again. Super tired. Good night.
    Hi Val
    I'm sorry to hear that, does that mean the Antibiotics are not helping ? I hope they are helping.
    Did the warm salt water help ? I have never managed to gargle without choking on it and spraying it all over and making a mess.

    Being able to talk again sounds hopeful

    Good Luck and sleep well
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Thanks for the roofing advice, Roger..I am sure it will come in handy! I did a little better getting back to my diet again.. I sure wish I had not messed up!! Interesting articles and love the bit about the BBq sauce. Sorry your weather seems a little more dismal. It has sure been a winter of contrasts.

    Val, I am very glad that Bord..'s family did return him and not just put him in a shelter or sell him to someone unvetted os worse, abandon him. Bless his heart. I hope you get to feeling better too. You sure do not need to be dealing with those crazy bosses and being sick. <3 Love your pic..I can see a greyhound behind, lol..

    May visit my son and family at a state park for a few hours tomorrow. It will be later after school, but should be pretty and at sunset. With any luck at all. :#

    Everyone needs to rest up!! If possible and have a good week end! ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    Keto BBQ sauce, It has to be a good thing. The only problem is that it could be a bit expensive finding one You like the taste of.

    Weather has been weird this winter, Nothing I can do to change it however.

    I Agree it would have been easier to just abandon or drop of at a shelter rather than return him. Both of You must be seeing something I do not see :wink:

    One let alone two crazy bosses is bad enough, add in illness and Yikes.

    I am guessing that You meant Friday for the visit even though You posted early Friday Morning, You Night Owl You :wink:

    Enjoy the Visit
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning Jan and Val

    I shall be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 35 degrees. The Rain yesterday ended in the afternoon and the winds picked up as the cold front moved in. This morning while walking there was a stiff breeze with high wind gusts causing a wind chill that was tolerable, barely having heard the wind gusts throughout the night I added a light long sleeve under the sweatshirt and hoodie.

    More than a third of New Yorker's say they can’t afford to live here

    ‘Flat Earthers’ planning bizarre Antarctica trip to prove conspiracy theory

    Stop ignoring the brutal downside of legal pot

    Auschwitz Museum asks visitors not to balance on train tracks

    Retirement Blues: Average Retiree Grows Bored After Just One Year, Survey Finds

    I thought I was paranoid but now I’m 100% sure our phones are listening to us – and I’ve got proof

    Have a Great Weekend
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. Antibiotics are helping! The gunk in my throat is gone, so i can talk again. The salt water gargle helps the pain of my sore throat. I’m on the mend.
    Thursday my lawyer attempted to file an agreed order between my ex and I to terminate my ex’s parental rights. But the judge declined to accept. I need to testify next Thursday. Still waiting to hear if Emily is needed to appear. No reason was given, but i can think of four lines of questions: why are you filing this motion? What is the relationship between kid and ex? Do you have the means to support the child? What happens to the child if you die? I have very appropriate answers to all, but still stressed about having to appear.
    Next week i will be out of the house 4/5 days...which is stressful for an introvert who’s used to working from home. Monday dentist and office because VP in town; Tuesday doctor check to prep for surgery in July. Wednesday office-they are having a chili cookoff and requested I bring my award-winning vegetarian chili. Thursday court. None are bad, just extra time.
    Today i cram in work and all my chires. Tomorrow I drive to Austin with Charlie to meet a potential adopter.
    I planted my zucchini starts...and think they sre properly protected from the doggos.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    So glad you are on the mend Val. Sounds like just in time for your busy week. You better plan a little extra nap or something in there (somehow!) as it sounds like a hectic schedule when you may not be 100%. You are however very prepared from the sounds of it.. <3 Good luck with Charlie!!

    I know we have a legal system but really, someone who stabs someone that many times does not need to be in society. I found the article rather weird, as the first article claims a gang of people assaulted him. Then he apparently dies at some point then no mention of the gang ..why would they be touching him inappropriately either. How do you not charge the guy with murder and think it is manslaughter.. :o

    Rather scary story on those Ford explorers too!!

    There are sure a lot of crazy people in the world..

    Roger you sound like you are in the last throes of winter there. Bless you for going out!! That is dedication!! :)

    Nice catch on my timing to visit my son. You would think after 20 years of nite shift I would not make that mistake. But you are right..I stay up late but think of it as the same day,lol!! :#

    Great lake visit, nice to get out..Take care all!!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor will be posted in a few minutes

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 34 degrees. It was nice walking, The sky is clear and the moon was bright enough that I was casting a shadow from the Moonlight.

    Man faces felony charges after getting caught with 216 Venus flytraps

    Teen intentionally drives car off scenic cliff — and survives

    Jury awards $250K to woman jailed 96 days without seeing a judge

    The toilet seat that could save millions of lives: New gadget can detect early signs of heart failure by picking up blood pressure, oxygen levels and heart rate

    Have a Great Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    The lady in Austin is fostering Charlie for a week to make sure, and plans to adopt him next Saturday. I think they’re perfect for each other. Her boyfriend is also super nice. When i was leaving i said “Charlie, can I have a kiss?” He ran to me and obliged...then ran right back to her! That’s how it’s supposed to be.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Awesome about Charlie, Val!! Hope each day you are feeling stronger!!

    Roger, I know I am not a day person, but dang you are an early riser!! Good for you!! Sounds nice to walk seeing the moon like that! :) My daughter is on spring break this week. Hope to spend some time with her. Sunday cooking for the church group again. This is open to the whole church, mainly though for guests and newcomers. And of course our group stays. Too much food..and yummy. Did not do well today, lol.. :#

    Take care all!! ..Storms for Monday here... ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor will be posted shortly

    I'm back home from walking two pennies were found as I walked across a parking lot. The Temperature out the door was showing 53 degrees and at 5:13 AM a time and temperature was showing 53 degrees also. It was nice walking outside for walking, I was somewhat overdressed in the hoodie and ended up with it unzipped to let some cooler air in.

    Half Of Americans Battle ‘Gymtimidation,’ Afraid Of Working Out In Front Of Others

    Baristas beware: A robot that makes gourmet cups of coffee has arrived

    Greedy California Governor Nut Job
    Details of Newsom's drinking water tax plan revealed

    There's a vending machine for baguettes in San Francisco. It beat a bakery in our blind taste test

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. Antibiotics are helping! The gunk in my throat is gone, so i can talk again. The salt water gargle helps the pain of my sore throat. I’m on the mend.
    Thursday my lawyer attempted to file an agreed order between my ex and I to terminate my ex’s parental rights. But the judge declined to accept. I need to testify next Thursday. Still waiting to hear if Emily is needed to appear. No reason was given, but i can think of four lines of questions: why are you filing this motion? What is the relationship between kid and ex? Do you have the means to support the child? What happens to the child if you die? I have very appropriate answers to all, but still stressed about having to appear.
    Next week i will be out of the house 4/5 days...which is stressful for an introvert who’s used to working from home. Monday dentist and office because VP in town; Tuesday doctor check to prep for surgery in July. Wednesday office-they are having a chili cookoff and requested I bring my award-winning vegetarian chili. Thursday court. None are bad, just extra time.
    Today i cram in work and all my chires. Tomorrow I drive to Austin with Charlie to meet a potential adopter.
    I planted my zucchini starts...and think they sre properly protected from the doggos.
    Hi Val, I had Your post opened to reply to and git sidetracked when my brother came down to go shopping and I went with him and that was that, Apologies to You and Jan.

    Damn Judges an agreed to order should have been a easy rubber stamp approval, Good Luck when You go.

    This Sounds like a busy week, Award Winning, Wow.

    Good Luck with the potential adopter and the Zucchini starts. I suspect that You as well as my brother eat a lot of them fresh off of the vine. Every Year the vines end up wit borers that slowly kill them off but not before they go into overdrive producing.
    The lady in Austin is fostering Charlie for a week to make sure, and plans to adopt him next Saturday. I think they’re perfect for each other. Her boyfriend is also super nice. When i was leaving i said “Charlie, can I have a kiss?” He ran to me and obliged...then ran right back to her! That’s how it’s supposed to be.
    That does sound promising. I hope all goes well.

    BTW the one picture in Sunday's humor was for You, I bet You can guess which one too after You one post.

    Have a Nice Day