Going Gluten free for a month



  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Today is the day.......I am going to skip the substitutes. justcat206; am not that desperate and not for 30 days......I get away without chocolate for over 6 weeks every year, so I CAN do this......just need to be aware of hidden forms....gulp
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The hidden forms are in the kitchen too -- for sensitive people it is in the cutting boards, toasters, teflon pans. pots, silverware drawers, even in the mayo and mustard jars in the fridge that you have stuck knives in.
    If you want starch, eat sweet potatoes and white potatoes. Most people can handle white rice and quinoa.
    (Basically, you will end up going lower carb than you usually do although that is not the intention.)
    Good luck.
  • ThisOrderedLife
    ThisOrderedLife Posts: 24 Member
    Been GF for a long while... feel free to ask any question... be sure you dont go too low carb for you (potato salad, baked potato, sweet potato chips, rice etc will help!)

    Be sure to read labels clearly in the UK now all sources need to be in bold but sneaky ones like malt, rusk and other randoms make their way into things
  • ThisOrderedLife
    ThisOrderedLife Posts: 24 Member
    Also there are stupid amount of Paleo recipes that are GF and don't just try to substitute and end up with higher cal.. one of my current favs is this "chinese takeaway" egg fried rice I make
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    cajuntank wrote: »
    Is there a reason you wouldn't want to confirm you have a gluten allergy with a Dr. before eliminating food groups?
    Not asking to be a "tool"...just curious.

    I'm a probable celiac (my aunt has it) and I wasn't diagnosed because when I was going to the doctor with 12 sinus infections and 2 bouts of bronchitis per year, I wasn't thinking clearly & just wanted to feel better. I also don't want it in my medical charts, as while they say the medical insurance companies can't discriminate against you, nothing has been said about life insurance or any other industries. (Yes, I know, my tin foil hat is showing...not aluminum, tin, as aluminum foil has been shown to increase the wavelengths the government is generally accused of using - http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/09/tin-foil-hats-actually-make-it-easier-for-the-government-to-track-your-thoughts/262998/ :wink: )

    The other thing is, lots of people react to gluten and it doesn't show up in the standard tests. Even a blood test that shows you have the gene for celiac does not actually show that you have celiac disease, just that you have the possibility of developing it.

    At this point, I'll never be officially diagnosed with celiac disease unless they change the standard criteria for diagnosis - there's no benefit to me knowingly eating enough of the crap that makes me sick to make my intestines show villi damage on a biopsy when the only result will be them telling me not to eat the crap that makes me sick!

    Oh, and by the way - gluten isn't a food group. It's a grain, but not all grains are gluten. While I do best on a low carb diet, I can eat corn, rice, etc. in moderation.
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Twibbly, ta for that. It confirms my brothers experiences in a lot of ways. Because it wasn't obvious as such,,,,,it was a slow process for them. I am just testing it out based on our common symptoms,,,,,,,,, I may as well do it by myself.....I steer clear of docs if I can,,,,,,!!!!