Why Women Should Not Run (as their only means to lose)



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    You didn't get my point... when you see the female doctor, is she not looking at your chart? Are you not talking to her face to face? Is she not giving recommendations to you based on your information, your conversation with her?

    That's not the same as some woman you don't even know saying to you "Men shouldn't do X"
    difference being when I go to a male doctor or a male trainer, I have a personal relationship with them and they know me personally.

    ^^I guess I read this and understood it as, when you go to a male doctor or male trainer you have a personal relationship with them and they know you personally, not he's got my chart.

    well it's more than just your chart, right? Like you can talk to her face to face? Or at least on the phone. You have a chance to tell her about you, and ask her about her, right? There is that whole two way communication thing that is specifically about you as an individual. And there is also the whole if you don't like their advice, you hire a new trainer/doctor.

    Which is it? They know you personally, or they can look at your chat and ask you questions?

    You said that whenever you go to a male Dr or Trainer you have a personal relationship and they know you personally. Not they can look at your chart..... I didn't make up your quote.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    And I'm actually getting kind of tired of these self-proclaimed "experts" herein dictating how they think other people should diet and/or train. Everybody is different and every BODY is different. And, let's face it, what works for a man won't work for a woman. And, no offense, I quite frankly know of no woman personally who thinks chiseled gym rats who are so "buff" they can't even hold their own arms naturally are attractive. LOL.

    "And, let's face it, what works for a man won't work for a woman."

    Pray tell, why not?
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    also, tired of men telling me what i should be doing.

    SERIOUSLY. No uterus, no opinion. :)

    Did you really search for this thread just so you could declare moral superiority? One need not have a uterus to have knowledge of the female body. That I'm quite sure of.

  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I seriously cannot believe some of the women in here...


  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    I run everyday folks and have been for about four years now. Yes, I'm addicted but b/c of it I can say I've lost over 100 pounds :wink:
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    Unless running completely changes their outlook on life!

    Running makes me want to workout all the time (and not just running - I hike, spin, & do light weight training), eat better, and even be a better person...Running is AWESOME!!!
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Unless running completely changes their outlook on life!

    Running makes me want to workout all the time (and not just running - I hike, spin, & do light weight training), eat better, and even be a better person...Running is AWESOME!!!

  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I knew this would not end well. :frown:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    You didn't get my point... when you see the female doctor, is she not looking at your chart? Are you not talking to her face to face? Is she not giving recommendations to you based on your information, your conversation with her?

    That's not the same as some woman you don't even know saying to you "Men shouldn't do X"
    difference being when I go to a male doctor or a male trainer, I have a personal relationship with them and they know me personally.

    ^^I guess I read this and understood it as, when you go to a male doctor or male trainer you have a personal relationship with them and they know you personally, not he's got my chart.

    well it's more than just your chart, right? Like you can talk to her face to face? Or at least on the phone. You have a chance to tell her about you, and ask her about her, right? There is that whole two way communication thing that is specifically about you as an individual. And there is also the whole if you don't like their advice, you hire a new trainer/doctor.

    Which is it? They know you personally, or they can look at your chat and ask you questions?

    You said that whenever you go to a male Dr or Trainer you have a personal relationship and they know you personally. Not they can look at your chart..... I didn't make up your quote.

    I hate to do this. But I have to:



    1.With the personal presence or action of the individual specified; in person.
    2.Used to indicate that a specified person and no other is involved in something.


    in person
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Unless running completely changes their outlook on life!

    Running makes me want to workout all the time (and not just running - I hike, spin, & do light weight training), eat better, and even be a better person...Running is AWESOME!!!

    Haha you inadvertently supported the OPs post. Running as the ONLY means to lose.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    You didn't get my point... when you see the female doctor, is she not looking at your chart? Are you not talking to her face to face? Is she not giving recommendations to you based on your information, your conversation with her?

    That's not the same as some woman you don't even know saying to you "Men shouldn't do X"
    difference being when I go to a male doctor or a male trainer, I have a personal relationship with them and they know me personally.

    ^^I guess I read this and understood it as, when you go to a male doctor or male trainer you have a personal relationship with them and they know you personally, not he's got my chart.

    well it's more than just your chart, right? Like you can talk to her face to face? Or at least on the phone. You have a chance to tell her about you, and ask her about her, right? There is that whole two way communication thing that is specifically about you as an individual. And there is also the whole if you don't like their advice, you hire a new trainer/doctor.

    Which is it? They know you personally, or they can look at your chat and ask you questions?

    You said that whenever you go to a male Dr or Trainer you have a personal relationship and they know you personally. Not they can look at your chart..... I didn't make up your quote.

    I hate to do this. But I have to:



    1.With the personal presence or action of the individual specified; in person.
    2.Used to indicate that a specified person and no other is involved in something.


    in person


    . to be acquainted or familiar with: she's known him five years

    Yay, semantics fight...
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member


    . to be acquainted or familiar with: she's known him five years

    Yay, semantics fight...

    exactly! And OP here is not acquainted or familiar with me at all!

    ETA: quit editing your posts! Its unfair to make my target a moving target!

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    You didn't get my point... when you see the female doctor, is she not looking at your chart? Are you not talking to her face to face? Is she not giving recommendations to you based on your information, your conversation with her?

    That's not the same as some woman you don't even know saying to you "Men shouldn't do X"
    difference being when I go to a male doctor or a male trainer, I have a personal relationship with them and they know me personally.

    ^^I guess I read this and understood it as, when you go to a male doctor or male trainer you have a personal relationship with them and they know you personally, not he's got my chart.

    well it's more than just your chart, right? Like you can talk to her face to face? Or at least on the phone. You have a chance to tell her about you, and ask her about her, right? There is that whole two way communication thing that is specifically about you as an individual. And there is also the whole if you don't like their advice, you hire a new trainer/doctor.

    Which is it? They know you personally, or they can look at your chat and ask you questions?

    You said that whenever you go to a male Dr or Trainer you have a personal relationship and they know you personally. Not they can look at your chart..... I didn't make up your quote.

    I hate to do this. But I have to:



    1.With the personal presence or action of the individual specified; in person.
    2.Used to indicate that a specified person and no other is involved in something.


    in person


    . to be acquainted or familiar with: she's known him five years

    Yay, semantics fight...

    exactly! And OP here is not acquainted or familiar with me at all!

  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I have a uterus, so I'm going to state my opinion. The women I see at the gym do nothing but cardio. I'm the only female utilizing the weight section, and I always get weird looks for being there. If you're a woman, you're going to get better results with strength-training than the same old tired cardio day after day. I've seen this with mine own two eyes. My friend switched from the elliptical to cardio after being nudged into it by her husband. The difference was astounding. She looked great! The five pounds she lost looked like 20.

    However, we do have different body types, and strength training has done nothing for me. I've gained weight, quite a lot of it. It's made me *stronger*, but I'd like to look nice as well. I have a body type that builds muscle and fat easily, though, and while most women don't bulk, I'm one of the few who do. In light of that, I don't plan to give up the strength-training entirely, but interval cardio will be my main focus.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Did not read all the replies, but only got in a few pages and kept seeing "but I lost weight doing only cardio!".

    Weight loss =/= Fat loss

    I would rather have fat loss.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    And yes, I am a fat marathon runner. I am backing off on running, and hitting the free weights.
  • msqueenofpain
    msqueenofpain Posts: 34 Member
    70% clean eating 20% weight training 10% cardio It works for me :smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So many people keep missing this part:
    (as their only means to lose)

    If you're ONLY running, that's like eating ONLY chicken. There's nothing at all wrong with chicken, and you can eat chicken every day if you want, but you're not going to get everything your body needs from JUST eating chicken.

    I've never seen a running training plan that didn't recommend at least some cross training and strength training.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    also, tired of men telling me what i should be doing.

    SERIOUSLY. No uterus, no opinion. :)

    Did you really search for this thread just so you could declare moral superiority? One need not have a uterus to have knowledge of the female body. That I'm quite sure of.


    In for careful study of the female body
  • TattooedMuffin
    TattooedMuffin Posts: 174 Member
    I started my fitness journey running. only recently in the last 3 months have i included strength training in my workouts. and in the last 3 months, my weight has dropped significantly and i went from a size 11-14 to a size 5-7. I still run because i want to build up my endurance and just because its like my stress reliever.
    I run 12 miles a week split into 4 days. and I dedicated 2 days to strength training. BUT, I also do strength training on the days i run, just not as hardcore.

    I can only progress from here on.