Advice Needed: 30 day ab/core program



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited April 2015
    jamesrreed wrote: »
    Just tested using the hand held device that looks like an XBOX controller. Was 17% body fat.

    I asked the trainer for emphasis on chest and arms. He is going to hit all muscle groups though.

    You need to emphasize on compound movements.

    Protein is obviously important. You may or may not need shakes. I can get my protein from food. No need to go crazy on protein. I would say aim for 160gr per day (Give or take) and call it good.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    I personally do very few ab exercises, one at the end of each workout unless I'm spent. I prefer to work my Core with the big compound movements (front/back squat, dead lift) and by doing as many exercises standing with free weights as possible (BB press, DB lunges, DB split squats, etc. However, I'm not trying to get a six pack. I figure once that fat% gets low enough, I'll see what's under there and go from there :smile: