How long did it take you to loose the last 15 pounds?



  • yves2218
    yves2218 Posts: 1 Member
    I know what are you talking about. I’m facing the same problem now. It took me close to 1 year to lose the initial 30 pounds, 200 down to 170 for 5’9”, 31 yr old male. But I got stuck since then, I lost only 10 lbs in the second year, and got 5 back at the end of it. Now I start to think it will take me another year to lose the last 15 lbs. My goal is to get to 150 lbs. But one fortunate thing is, I somehow had this idea that it would take me 3 years to lose 50 lbs at the beginning, so I’ve been extremely paitient in doing this, going to gym 5-6 days a week also. So far it transformed me not only in body shape, but in mind as well. It’s been the most wonderful thing since I was born, it’s part of who I am now. At the end, my theory of me losing weight so slow is I’m growing substantial amount of muscle during the process. And that’s true I can tell. I also adapted Keto Diet 1 year ago. It’s been working great for me. Good luck with everything, all the hard work will be paid off eventually.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    I lost the first 60 pounds in about eight months. Then I stayed at that weight for a while. I was at the top of my healthy BMI and I was fine there but I wanted to lost that last 15.

    Took me nine months because I was truly hungry and had trouble sticking to ANY deficit at all. I would never have been able to set it and stick to it at "Lose 1 pound per week." It was all I could do to create a 250 daily deficit.

    The good part is that it was an easy transition back into maintenance eating. Just a few days of increased hunger when I added in those calories, and then I settled in.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I think you can do it quicker (~1lb or more / week) if your diet is strict. You need a good amount of protein and have a rigorous weight training routine.

    Not everyone can do that. I am pretty active and work out every day but still maintain around 1650 calories a day. To lose one pound a week, I would be at 1150 calories a day. As it is, I am always hungry despite eating proper foods. 1 lb a week is too aggressive when you have little to lose.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited February 2019
    During my active weight loss phase the last few pounds came off at the same rate as the rest, at about a pound a week (I was doing ADF at the time so my calories did not follow the 'normal' pattern).

    Now in maintenance a few years, I'm in a short weight loss phase to get rid of some vanity weight/creep. I started January 2nd and set my goal for .5lb a week. I'm currently down almost 7lbs. Some of that is water weight, some of it is due to an intentional increase in fiber and subsequently better/more regular digestion movement and then 2ish pounds of that is actual fat loss, give or take.

    I have around 6 pounds to go and expect to hit that late April/early May. I started at 1,400 calories and I'm now down to 1,350ish.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I think you can do it quicker (~1lb or more / week) if your diet is strict. You need a good amount of protein and have a rigorous weight training routine.

    Not everyone can do that. I am pretty active and work out every day but still maintain around 1650 calories a day. To lose one pound a week, I would be at 1150 calories a day. As it is, I am always hungry despite eating proper foods. 1 lb a week is too aggressive when you have little to lose.

    Yep, I maintain at around 1,600 calories. .5lb a week is about as crazy as I get lol.
  • Marcie9278
    Marcie9278 Posts: 64 Member
    So why is it harder to lose the final 15? All I want is to lose 20.....