St Louis area trainer posts picture of overweight fan at Cardinals game



  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2015
    ASKyle wrote: »
    Recently I flew direct from Boston to Seattle, sitting in the middle seat between two obese people. It was hell. My 5'1" self was lost between them. I absolutely did not have to "accept them as they are" like people are saying here. Give me a break. Also, what would have happened if I was obese as well? There would have been no way for all of us to fit.
    Whether anyone wants to accept it or not, obese people are going to travel. They can't quickly make themselves not-obese and they need to travel right now.

    It's not right that you had to sit between two larger people who took up more room than was provided by their seat but that is what is happening in modern airline travel. All of the seats should be wider but airlines are making the seats even narrower so that they can fit more people per flight.

    If people don't demand an immediate change of seat when they don't have enough room in their seat due to neighboring passengers, the airlines won't be pressured to alter their layouts. One trick they use to avoid accommodating those sort of requests is to overbook so that there are no extra seats on the plane. There used to be more extra seats so that people could spread out a bit more.

    Everyone should be comfortable. There should be wide seats for normal people and really wide seats for obese people.

    We are being treated like sardines and are blaming each other for it.

    If you didn't have enough room, complain to the airline. You paid for that seat and you should have had enough room. Airlines are getting away with crowding airplanes because people are complaining about each other rather than pointing their complaints toward the companies.
    ASKyle wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Special wide seats that you can pay extra (but not double) are available on some flights. It's called premium economy. But not short haul. For those, just shut up and deal, I'm afraid. I put up with skinny people's *kitten* behaved kids, they can cope if I take up all the space in the tiny seats.

    Take up all the space, absolutely. What I'm curious about it why nobody seems to care about the person forced to accept the unwanted touch of a total stranger? Seriously, do you not care how you make someone feel? Why not just grab a boob then? What's the difference?
    I don't have a magic button that suddenly allows me to take up less room. If I did, I would hit it. I don't have a wall that I can put between my seat and the seat beside me. What can I do, hold my breath? Even if I could hold my breath for the entire trip, I would still spill over the sides of my tiny seat.

    How do you propose that I take up less space? I would love to avoid touching the person next to me but they are right there and I don't have a portable wall or anything that will physically prevent me from encroaching.

    So you don't care then. It's your world; everyone else is just in your way.
    Of course I care. I don't want to touch strangers either.

    I don't see a proposed solution. How do you suggest that people avoid touching others when the seats are too narrow? Or are you just suggesting that I should stay home so that I'll be out of sight and out of mind?

    It's everyone's world.

    I think the solution is for you to purchase extra space so that everyone is comfortable. You should not have to stay home.
    As someone stated above, that's not always an option. Some planes just don't have any "wide" seats. Luckily, I haven't actually flown recently so it's not a current issue for me.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I don't really have a problem with this, but he shouldn't be surprised that people are giving him a hard time about it. Both people (the trainer and overweight woman) were being rude, of course, but people like her are usually the ones who end up with personal trainers. Not to mention, it's the midwest.

    How was she being rude?
  • who4fan
    who4fan Posts: 388 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    ASKyle wrote: »
    Recently I flew direct from Boston to Seattle, sitting in the middle seat between two obese people. It was hell. My 5'1" self was lost between them. I absolutely did not have to "accept them as they are" like people are saying here. Give me a break. Also, what would have happened if I was obese as well? There would have been no way for all of us to fit.
    Whether anyone wants to accept it or not, obese people are going to travel. They can't quickly make themselves not-obese and they need to travel right now.

    It's not right that you had to sit between two larger people who took up more room than was provided by their seat but that is what is happening in modern airline travel. All of the seats should be wider but airlines are making the seats even narrower so that they can fit more people per flight.

    If people don't demand an immediate change of seat when they don't have enough room in their seat due to neighboring passengers, the airlines won't be pressured to alter their layouts. One trick they use to avoid accommodating those sort of requests is to overbook so that there are no extra seats on the plane. There used to be more extra seats so that people could spread out a bit more.

    Everyone should be comfortable. There should be wide seats for normal people and really wide seats for obese people.

    We are being treated like sardines and are blaming each other for it.

    If you didn't have enough room, complain to the airline. You paid for that seat and you should have had enough room. Airlines are getting away with crowding airplanes because people are complaining about each other rather than pointing their complaints toward the companies.
    ASKyle wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Special wide seats that you can pay extra (but not double) are available on some flights. It's called premium economy. But not short haul. For those, just shut up and deal, I'm afraid. I put up with skinny people's *kitten* behaved kids, they can cope if I take up all the space in the tiny seats.

    Take up all the space, absolutely. What I'm curious about it why nobody seems to care about the person forced to accept the unwanted touch of a total stranger? Seriously, do you not care how you make someone feel? Why not just grab a boob then? What's the difference?
    I don't have a magic button that suddenly allows me to take up less room. If I did, I would hit it. I don't have a wall that I can put between my seat and the seat beside me. What can I do, hold my breath? Even if I could hold my breath for the entire trip, I would still spill over the sides of my tiny seat.

    How do you propose that I take up less space? I would love to avoid touching the person next to me but they are right there and I don't have a portable wall or anything that will physically prevent me from encroaching.

    So you don't care then. It's your world; everyone else is just in your way.
    Of course I care. I don't want to touch strangers either.

    I don't see a proposed solution. How do you suggest that people avoid touching others when the seats are too narrow? Or are you just suggesting that I should stay home so that I'll be out of sight and out of mind?

    It's everyone's world.

    I think the solution is for you to purchase extra space so that everyone is comfortable. You should not have to stay home.
    As someone stated above, that's not always an option. Some planes just don't have any "wide" seats. Luckily, I haven't actually flown recently so it's not a current issue for me.

    Most planes don't have any larger seats, they just have those teeny, tiny seats. There are very few people who are actually comfortable in an airplane seat these days. And your right, they routinely overbook so that there are no open seats.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I don't really have a problem with this, but he shouldn't be surprised that people are giving him a hard time about it. Both people (the trainer and overweight woman) were being rude, of course, but people like her are usually the ones who end up with personal trainers. Not to mention, it's the midwest.

    How was the woman rude, and what does the Midwest have to do with this?
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    bencze1 wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    Avoiding circumstances that will contribute to obesity is nearly impossible unless you shut yourself in the house, never socialize, and cook healthy foods for yourself. Until society makes it easier to be thin than it is to get and stay obese, obesity isn't going anywhere.
    it's always someone else's fault. :)
    Of course it isn't.

    However, temptation can't be discarded as irrelevant.

    You should be stronger than your temptations. If you're giving in on a regular enough basis that it is causing you to gain/remain obese, it's time to discuss your issues with someone. I agree that the airlines shouldn't cram more narrow seats in--but the alternative is higher ticket prices.

  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2015
    seska422 wrote: »
    bencze1 wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    Avoiding circumstances that will contribute to obesity is nearly impossible unless you shut yourself in the house, never socialize, and cook healthy foods for yourself. Until society makes it easier to be thin than it is to get and stay obese, obesity isn't going anywhere.
    it's always someone else's fault. :)
    Of course it isn't.

    However, temptation can't be discarded as irrelevant.

    You should be stronger than your temptations. If you're giving in on a regular enough basis that it is causing you to gain/remain obese, it's time to discuss your issues with someone. I agree that the airlines shouldn't cram more narrow seats in--but the alternative is higher ticket prices.
    If everyone were stronger than their temptations, then no one would be obese, alcoholic, or a shoplifter.

    I appreciate your concern for my personal issues but I'm referring to the population in general. For me, MFP is working nicely. ;)

    I agree that larger seats on planes would mean some combination of higher ticket prices and lower airline profits. However, if we don't push back, people will eventually just be stacked like cordwood in the Economy section.


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    bencze1 wrote: »
    seska422 wrote: »
    Avoiding circumstances that will contribute to obesity is nearly impossible unless you shut yourself in the house, never socialize, and cook healthy foods for yourself. Until society makes it easier to be thin than it is to get and stay obese, obesity isn't going anywhere.
    it's always someone else's fault. :)
    Of course it isn't.

    However, temptation can't be discarded as irrelevant.

    You should be stronger than your temptations. If you're giving in on a regular enough basis that it is causing you to gain/remain obese, it's time to discuss your issues with someone. I agree that the airlines shouldn't cram more narrow seats in--but the alternative is higher ticket prices.
    If everyone were stronger than their temptations, then no one would be obese, alcoholic, or a shoplifter.

    I appreciate your concern for my personal issues but I'm referring to the population in general. For me, MFP is working nicely. ;)

    I agree that larger seats on planes would mean some combination of higher ticket prices and lower airline profits. However, if we don't push back, people will eventually just be stacked like cordwood in the Economy section.


    People ARE pushing back. But most people are conscious of the sensitive nature of this issue and realize the impact of making a scene on an airplane when they find themselves being encroached upon. I for one would not. I know that if I asked to be moved, it would be VERY obvious as to why. I chose to be uncomfortable over humiliating someone.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2015
    emdeesea wrote: »
    It really doesn't change the fact that what this trainer did was incredibly unprofessional and unnecessary.

    it only adds to the absurdity of this whole thing ...6 pages written about someone that doesn't exist...all we really know is some women was wearing a red t-shirt and sitting in a ball park. Plus it's all on the Internet so maybe none of it happened at all! :D

    So let me get this straight... there is no Beverly, the Jared dude made up the whole story of knowing her only it wasn't the person at the ballpark he knew but another person named Beverly who wasn't in the ball park? OMG!

    Seriously? I don't quite see how the Jared dude thinks it's OK to pretend to be someone he doesn't know. He's looking as absurd as the crazy 'trainer' dude.

    To those trainers that said this gives them a bad name.. yea.. sure does. Makes you wonder what the trainer is thinking when working with obese clients.

    I think I better be done with this silly story... I think it's become more a time suck for us all than anything else. :(
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2015
    Fuel prices drive the costs of airline tickets. The weight of the loaded plane drives the amount of fuel used. Similar to UPS/Fed Ex.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited May 2015
    holly wrote:
    As if it's her choice that she's too big for the seat
    It was her choice to eat so much she ended up weighing over 400 lb. (It's probably the usual
    garden-variety eating too much that's the problem, just like for 99.7% of the population.)
    So yes, it was her choice to be too big for the seat.

    sconnie wrote:
    what right is it of his to post her photo on the internet or write about her on his Facebook page
    She's in public, he's allowed his opinion.
    It's a pretty jerk-face thing to do, and I hope his business suffers for it, but he has the same 1A right
    to freedom of expression that any of us does. Did he say anything which wasn't true? Truth is a
    defense against a charge of defamation, which is about all that could have come from that post of his.

    binky wrote:
    BTW, are you an engineer
    OMG! LOL!!! :smiley:
    I'd known this guy (older, retired) for probably 5 years, and was on his boat when he was explaining
    some of the features to a new person. I hadn't ever had the whole "this is what systems are available"
    lecture before, and partway through I broke in to ask if he was an engineer.
    I really didn't know, but it just seemed likely from all the redundancy.
    Yes, he is.

    bambi wrote:
    what is the proper response when there is someone taking up more than their share of
    their seat and taking up some of the space that you paid for
    Ask them to stay in their space, which obviously is not going to go over well.
    Ask them to move.
    Ask the staff to move them.
    Ask the staff to move you to an equal or better seat with the room/comfort you've paid for.

    afurca wrote:
    I'm being penalized for the person I am
    You're being asked to pay your fair share for the resources (seats) you use, just like everyone else.

    It's just like why larger clothes cost more - they take more fabric. The layout is different, less
    efficient, has more waste. I never liked paying more, but since I sew I understood why the upcharge
    was there. One of my goals is to get slender enough that I have less wasted fabric, can use smaller
    size patterns, lay things out in one normal 45" wide piece of fabric. (Or for my tights, a 58" piece,
    because there's only 1 pattern piece, which wraps around & makes one whole leg, with only an
    inseam & crotch seam joining the 2.)

    meadow wrote:
    I can't understand why anyone would go through the hell of airport/airline travel when
    there's Amtrak with full sleeping accommodations for North American travel and the Queen Mary
    ocean liner for those British/Euro trips
    Expense & speed.

    If you take the train, getting a sleeping berth is even more expensive than getting a nice hotel room,
    but you get much less space & no private bathroom. Or you can just have a normal seat & hope to
    find a place to stretch out overnight, maybe in the observation car. Plus it's a pain to check bags,
    because they think they can prohibit certain tools from being carried aboard. You have to notify them
    in advance, and if they don't manage to get your notice or find the right kind of baggage car (with a
    locking cage, because apparently their normal baggage car isn't secure enough for your baggage not
    to be stolen by employees or passengers), you're stuck - either you don't travel or you can't take
    your defensive tool.

    A plane gets you there at 500 mph, but you have to deal with "security" (as well as being packed into
    the plane practically on top of other passengers, even at a healthy weight). Getting publicly groped,
    or visually strip searched, or bullied by the TSAgents is not high on my list of fun things to do. In
    fact, the last time I got publicly groped I ended up extremely upset because it reminded me of when
    I was sexually assaulted. And no, it would not be better to do in private... who knows what the bleep
    they'd try to do in that situation!? They could make up anything & there's no camera, no witnesses.
    The only time I chose that option was when I had a medical device & really didn't want to take off my
    shirt in public.

    When I travel, I drive most of the time. Once in a _great_ while I'll put up with the triggering actions
    of the TSAgents, the humiliation, their ignoring civil liberties, and accept a plane ticket. Once I took
    Amtrak, which other than not being safe / secure and having no place to sleep was a pretty nice way
    to travel. Oh, and getting motion sick. (Which I almost never do.) But the bartender was very nice,
    gave me a free can of club soda to calm my tummy.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    ^ I like you :)
    Lol I asked about the engineer because I'm married to one and his constant over analyzing of everything drives me bat-$h*t crazy. I can recognize the engineer personality from a mile away.
    The poster never did answer though. :(
  • who4fan
    who4fan Posts: 388 Member
    I would take a train if I could get a ticket at a comparable price. I have no clue why it is so much more expensive! It. of course, also takes longer, but I would be happy to just build the extra time in to the trip. BTW, I get an upset tummy every time I fly, my 4 year old, however, has fallen asleep during the landings!