tell me your experience with low carb



  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2015
    I did LC a number of times. It did help me dump a lot of water weight but after that initial drop, I had to reduce my calories anyway. On my LC boards, there were tons of people saying they ate quite a few calories while keeping things LC and continued to drop masses of weight - fat, not water - but that never happened for me. I'm talking giving this months at a time, over a period of I think about four years (looking back and trying to remember now).

    Another issue for me - this is just me - is that emotionally I couldn't hack it (wanting, for example, the mouthfeel of actual grain-based foods). Or I guess, didn't want to hack it - I mean let's face it, if it were the Zombie Apocalypse and the Keebler factory blew up and all that was left to eat on earth were somehow meat, eggs and LC veggies, I'm sure I'd survive on them. ;)

    I also never seemed to get past the "carb flu," even weeks down the road. That was seriously tough for me as I am already hypothyroid - I have my good and bad days as it is (Hashi's). I need ALL the energy I can get. It was very, very tough to get by on my days that were "down days" not only due to that but due to that low-energy thing I was having on LC. A lot of people recommended serious amounts of salt to boost my energy. I'd be standing there trying to lick salt off a spoon. It seemed insane to me after a while.

    So that was my own personal experience, which the OP asked for. I can't speak for anyone else. There definitely were people on my old LC boards who seemed to do quite well with it and planned on it for life.