Cardio VS weight lifting



  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    Definitely both. I don't know if you can judge by the pic but you might be able to tell that i don't look too muscular for a woman at all (i'm saying is in case there are women worried about turning like Hulk) And i lifted HEAVY from the beginning, eating the right amount of proteins from the beginning and i'm very strong right now.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Cardio always will do the fat loss faster. It did for me anyway. Weights would not have gotten that off as fast.

    Not the case at all with a lot of women though, just to add. Plenty find they see changes in body shape much quicker through lifting. To say cardio will always lose fat quicker is misleading, and not true in every case anyway.

    Agree, though I think you have to be careful here and differentiate between weight loss and fat loss.

    Weight training, if done at a mild calorie deficit, is going to grow muscle and burn fat. So your weight might not change, it might even go UP, but you will look better, clothing will fit better, etc.

    I do both because I enjoy them, but much of my initial weight loss (320 or so in December, 294 now) was from running. I gained some weight when I started lifting because I was lifting heavy and lost focus on diet, but in the mirror things haven't changed much at all except for some more noticable muscle. The belly is pretty much where it was. Now it's time to get focused on burning that off :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Bump for later reading. I have been basically only doing cardio and even though I lost a good amount of weight and I am smaller.. I am still the same pudgy shape in the belly area.

    Lift heavy weights That will change quickly and you will NOT get bulky. You will get lean. Check out the New Rules of Weightlifting for Women for a good plan. I have a ton of female friends here who lift and all look fantastic.

    Women only get bulky if they are taking drugs or HGH.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Cardio and Resistance Training are BOTH important. Do both to see the best results. No Joke, anyone telling you otherwise is just not giving you the truth. You can reduce weight using either, but what good is strength without endurance and what good is endurance without strength? I want both. If you can lift 250 lbs but can't run around the block without getting winded what good is that? If you can run 10 miles but strain your back bringing in the groceries you have problems...Do both.

    Cardio improves the cardiovascular system (who could use a healthier heart??? all of us) and burns calories which keeps you in a constant calorie deficit. That is a GOOD thing.

    But resistance training builds bone density (really important to women as they age) and muscle which increases metabolism. This helps you burn fat more efficiently and keeps it from returning to your body...who wants to get fat again?

    Long story short. Do both for the best results and best health.

    ^^THIS. I do both and the changes to my body have been fantastic.
  • lswain1970
    lswain1970 Posts: 58 Member
    Edit to add: People need to stop focusing on what gives the fastest results. Things don't happen overnight!

    ^^ this. After years (decades) of yo-yo weight loss I finally decided to make small but meaningful LIFESTYLE changes to include higher quality food (with an occasional treat) and a regular but increasingly intense exercise program that I could live with for life. The weight is coming off slowly but this is all becoming just part of who I am and how I live so I am more confident than I ever have been that this will stick.

    *disclaimer: I am certainly not an expert, but excited about my new way of life :)
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    Cardio always will do the fat loss faster. It did for me anyway. Weights would not have gotten that off as fast.

    Not the case at all with a lot of women though, just to add. Plenty find they see changes in body shape much quicker through lifting. To say cardio will always lose fat quicker is misleading, and not true in every case anyway.

    ^^^^^^^^ Agreed!
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    Cardio always will do the fat loss faster. It did for me anyway. Weights would not have gotten that off as fast.

    How can yo make this statement if you've never weight lifted? You have no idea if the weights would have made you lose fat faster or not if you never did it. I personally find that cardio helped me to lose the initial bulk of my weight, but weight training is completely changing my body for the better, that cardio could never do. And I can say this because I have done cardio my whole life, so I can compare cardio to weight training.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    HIIT and a lifting program that fits your goals and you find enjoyable, for me, HIIT everyday for 30-40 mins and PHAT :)

    forgive my ignorance but what is PHAT
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    HIIT and a lifting program that fits your goals and you find enjoyable, for me, HIIT everyday for 30-40 mins and PHAT :)

    forgive my ignorance but what is PHAT
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Cardio and Resistance Training are BOTH important. Do both to see the best results. No Joke, anyone telling you otherwise is just not giving you the truth. You can reduce weight using either, but what good is strength without endurance and what good is endurance without strength? I want both. If you can lift 250 lbs but can't run around the block without getting winded what good is that? If you can run 10 miles but strain your back bringing in the groceries you have problems...Do both.

    Cardio improves the cardiovascular system (who could use a healthier heart??? all of us) and burns calories which keeps you in a constant calorie deficit. That is a GOOD thing.

    But resistance training builds bone density (really important to women as they age) and muscle which increases metabolism. This helps you burn fat more efficiently and keeps it from returning to your body...who wants to get fat again?

    Long story short. Do both for the best results and best health.
