I am never hungry I have to force myself to eat and I just gain gain gain weight



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    melandry03 wrote: »
    I haven't read the entire thread, so I'm sorry if this has been said before.

    It's really hard to say what the OP is doing wrong except for offering general advice, such as logging everything and weighing what she eats for accuracy. She might have a thyroid problem, or maybe she's on a drug that makes you put on ridiculous amounts of weight and causes diabetes if you're on it long enough. Zyprexa, for example, was a drug that created a class action lawsuit because of these type of effects. The people who sued won.

    That said, ignorance is not bliss, and until the OP gets the information she needs from logging what she consumes, she won't know where the problem lies.

    Drugs that cause weight gain do so by increasing appetite, lowering physical activity due to fatigue, or increasing fluid retention. They do not create fat out of nothing. I'm pretty sure the OP would know if she was on a medication that caused severe fluid retention to the turn of 45lbs. So either she is eating more than she thinks, or she is in a coma and burning less than a woman of her size should. Even with hypothyroidism one would not burn less than 800 calories a day.

    Are you a scientist studying metabolic abnormalities and antidepressants? If not, you have no clue.

    I have taken a number of anti depressants, I've actually taken nearly every anti depressant on the market. Did I gain weight while on them? Sometimes I did. Was I eating more when I gained weight? Absolutely. They cause weight gain by increasing appetite, which is how most drugs that cause weight gain manage to do it. You cannot create something out of nothing, it just doesn't work that way. I actually am a science major, but no I've never studied metabolic disorders specifically, and I never said anything about metabolic disorders. I was commenting specifically on weight gain due to medications.

    I've taken every AD on the market, as well. I was 95 lbs when I started the meds. Prior to starting them, I couldn't gain a pound no matter how hard tried. After gaining the initial 20 lbs, I saw a dietitian who put me on a restrictive diet and I followed it to a T. I was a competitive gymnast and cheerleader, training 3 hours a day, 5 times a week. I wasn't eating more or moving less. In fact, I was eating less and still as active as I was before I started the meds. Antidepressants can directly cause metabolic disorders, hence my situation. Not only did I develop insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, I have a medically low RMR now on top of it.

    Science is constantly evolving. This is a field in particular that is not well understood and more research needs to be conducted to figure out why people gain massive amounts of weight on AD's when they are not eating more calories. Hopefully some day, a genius will figure it out so more people don't have to suffer.

    So you also are convinced by a sample size of one that your body was created out of thin air. Okie doke.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited May 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You are trying to make it read something that isn't there. They still burn calories. The OP is claiming she is eating under maintenance and gaining. No where does it say that the people with the condition you listed will be able to store fat in a caloric deficit. If your TDEE reduces due to the condition you would still not be able to gain eating 300 calories like she is. What are you claiming, that her TDEE is 250 calories????

    I don't have all the answers. The point is that there are medical conditions that affect a person's 'calories out' in all sorts of ways that are not yet fully understood, even by the experts (as they will admit themselves) and that people with such conditions can be virtually starving yet still gain weight.
    [Edit:] just FYI, this study (not related to Lustig) even says that they think HO could be a far wider phenomenon than was previously thought; that it's not necessarily confined to people with brain lesions.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Medication can make you more hungry ( that is were the gaining comes from) it can make you hold more water and bloating issues It can slow down your weight loss process

    But gaining weight is only by consuming too much calories!
    What is causing you to consume too much is a whole other thing. So stress, medication or medical condition, emotional eating etc etc

    There are enough people here with medical issues and medication ( so do i) and they all lose weight just fine.
    Maybe slower maybe less But they lose weight as soon as they consume less calories than they burn.
    I lost almost 90 pounds in a bit over a half year. because of my medical condition i can gain water weight of 10 pounds in one night and i have to work those off again over days sometimes even 2 weeks.
    But i lose weight!!!!
    So do other team members with all kinds of medication and health issues. As long as they eat less than they burn.
    For some it is only harder.

    The OP says she dont eat anything 300 calories a day or so according to her.
    But here is the problem
    1. she didn't log anything before yesterday ( she closed her diary now btw)
    2. she doesn't weigh her food
    3. she obviously has a problem with food or is in denial....or both.

    So nobody here can solve any of her problems she needs professional help
    And she need to start logging and weighing her food on a food scale of every bite she takes.

    If she finds me rude and mean to say all of this...well oke by me.
    Its her body her life. I cant change that.
    She needs help not me.

    She is an adult with a child, she needs to act like an adult and take responsibility for her and her family.
    Its not up to me to change her life.

    So well, i have no problems to tell her like it is and be rude and a mean person if she think so.
    It doesn't affect me. I tried to give advice and help her out.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member

    There is no drug, and no medical condition that will make you store fat in the absence of calories to create it. It's really that simple.

    Well said. People have been trying to say that, but you nailed it down in one sentence.

    There are always calories involved. But if you're a person who eats 800 calories per day and 600 of them are stored as fat, that statement is worthless.
    So, the OP could very well be consuming as few calories as she states, and still gaining weight. It is possible.

    If you ate 800, and 600 are stored as fat, then you are not in an absence of those calories. The statement still holds. It's basic thermodynamics. She's saying that if you eat nothing, you can't gain fat. Period.

    There isn't a medication or a medical condition in the world that would cause your body to live on 200 calories, unless you're a head in a vat.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited May 2015

    I've taken every AD on the market, as well. I was 95 lbs when I started the meds. Prior to starting them, I couldn't gain a pound no matter how hard I tried. After gaining the initial 20 lbs, I saw a dietitian who put me on a restrictive diet and I followed it to a T. I was a competitive gymnast and cheerleader, training 3 hours a day, 5 times a week. I wasn't eating more or moving less. In fact, I was eating less and still as active as I was before I started the meds. Antidepressants can directly cause metabolic disorders, hence my situation. Not only did I develop insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, I have a medically low RMR now on top of it.

    Science is constantly evolving. This is a field in particular that is not well understood and more research needs to be conducted to figure out why people gain massive amounts of weight on AD's when they are not eating more calories. Hopefully some day, a genius will figure it out so more people don't have to suffer.

    Edited to fix grammar.

    I have never had anything like that happen to me on anti depressants. I've gained weight on them, but I know I was eating more. I was also very thin when I was younger (underweight actually), but as I got older I was eating more and moving less so I gained weight. I am now 63 lbs heavier than I was when I was 18, but I don't blame the anti depressants at all. I blame myself.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Has OP been back any time recently....?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You are trying to make it read something that isn't there. They still burn calories. The OP is claiming she is eating under maintenance and gaining. No where does it say that the people with the condition you listed will be able to store fat in a caloric deficit. If your TDEE reduces due to the condition you would still not be able to gain eating 300 calories like she is. What are you claiming, that her TDEE is 250 calories????

    I don't have all the answers. The point is that there are medical conditions that affect a person's 'calories out' in all sorts of ways that are not yet fully understood, even by the experts (as they will admit themselves) and that people with such conditions can be virtually starving yet still gain weight.

    No they can't. It is not physically possible to create matter out of empty space. We must consume mass in order to add mass to ourselves. I'm completely open to the possibility that there are beings in the universe who do not need to do that and who can extract energy from air and turn it into body mass; however we Earth creatures are not yet that evolved.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.

    So why not try it out on all the hungry little children??? and see who is affected by it and gain some weight?

    Its *kitten* sorry

    You gain weight when you consume to much calories!!

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Has OP been back any time recently....?


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    The pills made me fat excuse!!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Has OP been back any time recently....?

    No i was mean to her by telling the truth
    i chased her off apparently.

    We all know she is reading this......

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.

    So why not try it out on all the hungry little children??? and see who is affected by it and gain some weight?

    Its *kitten* sorry

    You gain weight when you consume to much calories!!

    Because putting children on medications that have dangerous side effects and aren't absolutely necessary is irresponsible :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.

    So why not try it out on all the hungry little children??? and see who is affected by it and gain some weight?

    Its *kitten* sorry

    You gain weight when you consume to much calories!!

    Because putting children on medications that have dangerous side effects and aren't absolutely necessary is irresponsible :)

    More irresponsible than letting them starve to death when a simple pill could make them gain weight without having to eat food? I can't imagine that's the case.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.

    So why not try it out on all the hungry little children??? and see who is affected by it and gain some weight?

    Its *kitten* sorry

    You gain weight when you consume to much calories!!

    Because putting children on medications that have dangerous side effects and aren't absolutely necessary is irresponsible :)

    Starving children in third world countries.... Kind of necessary, no?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.

    So why not try it out on all the hungry little children??? and see who is affected by it and gain some weight?

    Its *kitten* sorry

    You gain weight when you consume to much calories!!

    Because putting children on medications that have dangerous side effects and aren't absolutely necessary is irresponsible :)

    More irresponsible than letting them starve to death when a simple pill could make them gain weight without having to eat food? I can't imagine that's the case.

    No where did anyone say without having to eat food.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    edited May 2015
    TIL, children who are starving to death should not be used in weight gain pill studies due to possible negative side effects.

    Damn...late as usual.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    If you believe all of the "drug/medication" makes me store fat/gain weight theories than you all do realize that this drug/medication that makes you store fat, solves the world hunger, right?

    Wrong because not all medications affect each person the same way.

    So why not try it out on all the hungry little children??? and see who is affected by it and gain some weight?

    Its *kitten* sorry

    You gain weight when you consume to much calories!!

    Because putting children on medications that have dangerous side effects and aren't absolutely necessary is irresponsible :)

    More irresponsible than letting them starve to death when a simple pill could make them gain weight without having to eat food? I can't imagine that's the case.

    No where did anyone say without having to eat food.

    Um, you did. You said you gained a ton of weight on a calorie deficit. Either you can create body mass out of nothing, or you can't. Make up your mind.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    My desk is making me fat and keeping me that way...harharhar
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    First use the food diary and record everything you do eat. Make sure to use a scale and weigh everything to make sure it is acurate. Eat as you normally do and see how many calories you're actually consuming. Often times we eat more than we think. Or our food choices are so bad we are starving our body nutritionally speaking with sugar foods with no substanance.

    There is nothing wrong with sugar.

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