Help with frequent parties/BBQs?



  • kimadm4
    kimadm4 Posts: 68 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Try taking your own food in your purse--apples, cheese, nuts. People have parties and bbqs to get together and hangout. You can have a good time with friends without eating the party food.

    Yes! Need a reminder of that! Thanks!
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    Fill your plate with a reasonable amount, move away from the food, and then be social. I eat less when I'm talking to people because, well, I'm talking, and that's rude to do with my mouth full. :smile: If your favorite people like to hang out by the food, then this will simply become a test of willpower, but if you can get some distance, do so.

    I'm not a fan of skipping tasty things, so I would personally focus more on portions than cutting out food items I enjoy. I would drink water, though. I've found I don't much enjoy most drinks, so it's a waste to use up my calories there. That said, if there is a drink available that I truly enjoy (sangría?), I would adjust the rest of my meal accordingly.

    You could also do a decent cardio session that morning for a nice deficit.

    Things like chips and dip are my nemesis; I can eat and eat them without registering any satiation. If there's a food like that for you, maybe you can make a rule to follow: something like "I won't refill my plate with that item more than once" or "before I refill my plate with that item, I have to finish a plate of veggies."

    Speaking of veggies... If there are veggies, you can fill half your plate with those. They're light on the calories, take time to eat, and can be filling in the short-term. If there aren't usually veggies, those can be your contribution.

    You mentioned eating less during the day, but then eating right before so you don't go hungry. I know that's common advice, but it doesn't work for me. If there is food I really enjoy, I'm going to eat it, hungry or not. Instead, I would suggest eating slightly less throughout the day, but also changing meal times a bit so you aren't starving when you go, but you are ready for a meal. For example, I usually eat breakfast at 6am, snack at 10am, and lunch at 12. If there's a party at 2, then I might have breakfast at 8am and lunch at 11. I'd save calories by not having my snack, and I'd be hungry, but not too hungry to think straight, at the gathering.

    That's all I've got. I hope something in here proves useful.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    I usually load my plate up with fruits and vegetables and take one item from the dessert table ( yesterday it was a chocolate covered strawberry) I throw my plate away and make it a point to not go back for seconds. I always have a bottle of water in my hand to drink from. I agree with staying away from the food table as much as possible.
  • kimadm4
    kimadm4 Posts: 68 Member
  • kimadm4
    kimadm4 Posts: 68 Member
    @msty112 really helpful, thank you!
  • highland06
    highland06 Posts: 3 Member
    Try brushing your teeth after you have finished eating one plate of food. I carry my tooth brush in my purse and I find brushing my teeth helps me to stop snacking. Food tastes so bad after brushing