
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    Just a quick check-in to comment on a couple of things. I like the Grippando novels. They are good. I liked Stephanie Plum for a while, but then got tired of her. Same with Sue Grafton. I also like Harlan Coben, but think I might get tired of him, too. I used to love Stuart Woods, but then same thing. It's like their novels all start sounded alike after awhile. Lately, I've read some really good stuff by Clifford Irving and Sheldon Siegel. I also really like Sandra Brown, but some of her earlier stuff is pure Harlequin.

    When the "Microsoft" guy called me, I asked him if people really fell for his spiel, and he said yes. Then I asked for his name and phone number. He read me back my phone number. At that point, I told him that he had the wrong number. He must be trying to reach somebody stupid.

    A real virus that my computer got once: I was alone in the house and kept hearing voices. I started looking for them. If was my computer saying that it had been taken over by the FBI for violation of the copyright act. I needed to go to CVS and buy a green dot card and call them with the info to pay my fine or I would be arrested. My computer would do nothing but repeat this over and over. I got my iPad out and googled how to get rid of it and was able to successfully remove it.

    Have a good one,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 50 minutes of the Supreme 90 DVD (legs and abs). The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD called Total Cardio Burn. Hopefully, it burned OK for me.

    DJ - yes, that deep water class is "slow". that's why I've started going early and doing my own thing so that I can get moving. I don't want to spend 20 minutes stretching, maybe 3 but that's about it. I want to MOVE, especially in the winter when the water is cooler (because the ambient air is cooler)

    Got up, exercised, then went to Bi-Lo then the farmers market then to WalMart then back to BiLo. Decided that strawberries won't be in season much longer, and I really needed to get some organic strawberries. The guy with the good corn was at the farmer's market so I got 4 dozen from him. Spent the morning cooking the corn, then cut up some of the strawberries to freeze for later. Then went in the pool, came in and made fish for us to have later in the week, got the corn put away in the freezer, went to church, came home and made brownies for Vince for later in the week. I tried mixing the cream cheese into the brownie mix, this way he'll never know it's in there. Now just checking in

    Mary from MN
    - I'm so sorry the appraisal didn't go well. I've never dealt with FHA so have no clue to help you. I'm sure someone on here has. Glad that candy bar has gone adios

    Lenora - Jessica gets upset when we're outside working (cutting grass or something) and don't take a cordless phone with us. When she calls, usually the house first, we get the "where were you, why didn't you take a phone with you". We've never said it to her, but we've certainly thought it "we don't want to be bothered, we have work that we want to get finished. We have an answering machine for a reason -- leave a message and we'll get back to you". Good for you paying DnL's phone bill and telling her to turn it off! As Vince says "rap rhymes with crap for a reason"

    Pip - Lenny was a hottie, for sure. You lucked out twice. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must have been for you to lose him

    Joyce - we have a landline, too. Actually, we have two, but we very seldom use the one. The only reason we got it was because by getting the phone in with a bundle, we got better internet and cable than we had.

    Kim - lately I've wanted less and less sweets. I'm not at all like barbie who doesn't have them at all. Oh, I'll have my sweets. But lately I don't want as much as I would have otherwise. How's that plank going? Vince laughs that whenever we go away, I always have to clean the house, make sure that the stove is clean, the floors, the counters. He says "what are you cleaning for, the robbers?" If those Microsoft guys ever call Vince, boy would he have a real field day!!! I sort-of hope they DO call him, it should be interesting. You have a great hubby, even if he IS fictional!

    Welcome everyone new. The first step is to just do it. Even for a little bit, just do it. Could only be for 5 minutes today, tomorrow it might be 10 and before you know it, it'll be an hour

    Vicki - there's just something about a hard boiled egg yolk that I don't like. I think it's more the texture than anything else. But I do like the egg whites

    CynthiaT - thanks for the hug. ((((hugs to you))))) for you and your mom. It's so hard

    Alison - have fun in NH. I would have thought you had to monitor your phosphorus intake right now. I remember FIL when he had kidney problems had to monitor his phosphorus intake.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Missed part of my post. Here's the rest:

    Lisa - WOW is all I can say! From the cake to the gown to the hottie, you've got it all Have a great anniversary. I can't believe that pic is REALLY you (the one where you're heavier)

    Gayle - great goals

    - digging in the back of my brain, isn't that counting the Bernouli method? You must be aware that the guy who invented the pink flamingo passed away recently.

    pip - what a gorgeous bride you made. You and Kirby look so very happy. You are such a good poet.

    - watching kids play sports is so amusing. I remember when my kids were little and played soccer. You'd see an entire pack of kids running after the ball. they learn positions eventually,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    442964r8gj9i1xhf.gif It has been a super hot day for us here (30 C) and the dogs keep asking to go out and then discover how hot it is and want to go back into the air conditioned house. We had a great walk at sunrise. I spent a lot of the day indoors doing house chores.

    <3 Barbie from extra warm NW Washington
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    , glad you are enjoying yourself in Fondulac. Have fun at Tim McGraw!!

    Meg, glad the college visit went well. Enjoy your dinner tonight.

    Gayle, welcome. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. You will find this a great bunch of very supportive ladies. Come often and chat when you like. Please end each post with your name and a location. We are happy to have you.

    Lisa, I didn’t realize your surgery was that long ago. You may have told us, but there is so much information on here that I occasionally forget something. headache.gif You have done a great job. I know you have to be proud.

    Rosi, I always heard Duke was very expensive, but what do I know. That is good that you have family near there, as it just gives an extra feeling of comfort. Most of the women today are waiting until they are older to have kids, so it’s interesting to hear your perspective.

    Pip, you look great in all your pictures. Love your poems!

    Kate, way to go! Want to come to my house and clean???

    , sorry about your altercation on the train and the cowardly guard. Hope you sleep well.

    Sylvia, I am laughing reading about the t ball game and remembering my DD’s first game. Like you say, it was hilarious. When the first batter hit the ball, she started running straight for 2nd base. I still LOL every time I think of it.

    Allison, that is a nice incentive. I will look forward to seeing what you decide on getting.

    Mary, so glad there may be a solution in site. Will keep sending good thoughts.

    , you are too smart to figure out how to get rid of that virus. I have a friend that recently fell for one of those deals where they told her to get a card and call them back with the number. I don’t remember what the ruse was but she lost $150 and knew better. It had something to do with getting a loan.

    Barbie, I saw on the weather where it is really hot up there. You and those poodles stay cool.

    It actually was a few degrees cooler here today after a cold front came through. Still humid so not the kind of weather ya want to spend a lot of time in. Off to bed and hope you all have sweet dreams.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    This is just going to be quick. I spent twelve hours driving home from Colorado today and am a bit shaky

    Lenora, stories like yours are why I became a mental health advocate!

    Sylvia glad everyone is okay.

    MNMargaret I leave the milk weed in the public garden I tend to show people it really isn't ugly at all and the importance of keeping it for the butterflies!

    Here are a couple of photos from my hike up the mountain this past week.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @miriamwithcats - unfortunately, at that time nobody was an advocate for someone with 'any' type of mental illness - that was worse than mentioning the word "cancer". Basically, I had to go it alone. When I had a break down; when going to my MD in Macon - I called him and he called me right back. I was unable to talk and make any sense and DH came and got the phone and told him I was doing what I normally do: Babbling, crying uncontrollable, and worrying about someone dying. He took me up there and had me admitted and I stay3 weeks; to get my medications straightened out. Including all the ones that other MDs had prescribed for me. I still think that being an advocate would only bring up much more than I care to remember.

    @exermom - my phone instantly goes down to the bottom of my purse, if I put it there, even when that is the pocket I put my keys in so I won't forget them. Usually it is off; and I will check for messages once I stop. I don't understand how people drive with them and also have a cigarette in the other hand and 6 children fighting in the backseat unrestrained and looking at some other adult in the front passenger side.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member

    At the party!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele- I can hardly wait until our strawberries are ripe up here. Usually around the 4th of July. My DH sells food to the berry farm they make waffles with strawberries and real whipping cream. We share one which is a treat!

    Pip- have fun at the party.

    DJ- we have a cold front going through now. It sounds like it wants to create a thunderstorm but nothing yet. Stay cool!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Scale sez 2 lbs down from previous low, 10.5 lbs since mid-May. These lows always are short-lived, but the general trend is downward. And if I'm measuring right, in the 37 days I've been back here, I've lost 2" in my hips and 1.8" at the waist. The boobs, she said, looking squiggle-eyed at the measurements, ain't gettin' no shorter when I lean over at a 90-degree angle. I suppose they may be getting skinnier. Just what I need: long, skinny old-lady tatas. Yeah, yeah, I am an old lady. Still, how'm I supposed to know what size cup to smoosh 'em into?
    --Got out walkin' with the backpack. Doesn't thump up and down when I run but my upper back starts hurting sooner. May just be standing-up-straighter muscles telling me I don't use 'em often enough.
    --Supper was tasty, and utterly guesstimated for calories. For the sprouts, I figured 1.5c panfried brussels sprouts and 2 pieces bacon. For the taco, 5 oz chorizo and 1 (of 4) 4" flour tacos. Between the two, I figure a quarter-cup of cubed, panfried potatoes. I called them roasted, since roast veg also get oiled. Luckily, I had almost nothing for lunch. I think I'm still in bounds.

    JanetR - I saw those MFP pie charts yesterday, but today I can't figure out how to invoke them.

    Heather - I just ordered a 12pack sampler from Quest. Also trying their chips, BBQ and cheddar. Lordy, they ain't cheap.
    Clever, keeping the bars where you can't indulge a midnight binge. :)

    Lesley - happy belated to your wonderful husband.
    Sympathy to your daughter.
    Yes, you do NEED to keep training and healthy eating and juicing.

    Loralou - Way to go on 17 pounds!
    Try brown rice and whole wheat or other whole-grain breads and pastas. You still have to restrict amounts, but it's better for you. If there's a Costco near you, they carry Alpine brand whole-grain breads that are very reasonable calories/slice - 70 to, if I remember 100 or 110. A lot of breads go way above that, but 90 cal/slice is a former WW plan carb serving. Also good are the Damascus Bakeries whole-wheat roll-ups with flax, at 80 cal/piece.
    I use dry skim milk instead of creamer. I'll often get one of my daily dairy servings by stirring 1/3 cup dry skim into a mug of coffee. If you can't stand the taste, use a smaller amount with some sweetener and maybe even powdered cocoa mixed in.
    Purdue's extension service
    suggests that to replace non-dairy creamers, use 1 Tbsp skim milk powder dissolved in 1 Tbsp water. I say, no need to dissolve it first, though it could help avoid lumps.
    gives the recipe 1 cup instant coffee, 1 cup sugar, 2 cup skim milk powder, 4 tsp cocoa powder.
    That's 2 tsp/cup hot water. So ... you wind up with 100 tsp, or 50 servings. Now, using just the 2 cups of instant milk, 4 tsp of cocoa powder and 12 packets of sweetener, you'd wind up with a bit more than 52 tsp, or call it 1 slightly overfilled tsp per cup of coffee.
    Therefore, to do it on the fly (ta-daaa!), 1 tsp instant milk, call it an eighth of a tsp cocoa and sweetener to taste.
    THis one
    calls for 2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder and 2 tsp nonfat dry milk powder per cup, plus sweetener to taste and, 3 drops vanilla extract and a dash salt per cup of coffee.
    1 tsp skim milk powder is 5 calories; 1 tsp cocoa powder is 12.
    So if you go for 1 tsp of each, you've got about 17 calories, 2 and 2, about 34.
    (80 cal to 1/3 cup dry instant skim; 16 tsp to 1/3 cup)
    (Someone on Livestrong gave 50 cal per Tbs of dry skim. I knew that couldn't be right.)

    Cheri - lovely day. :)

    peep-rider, you were fine looking 30 pounds heavier, too. And yup, he's a cutie.

    Mary in MN - aw, @^#&amp;&$%*(@!!!!! That realtor sucks ditchwater through a soda straw.

    Lillian - hope you're feeling less stressed by the time you read this.

    Joyce - yup, epinephrine was what got my
    lips back down to clarinet-playing size. :)

    Kim in NCalif - You can do it with the candy workshop. One piece of candy at a time, you will vanquish those sugary tempters.
    I just noticed your first June goal. I am so impressed! 175 miles in May! Wow!

    SharonAnn (I hope I got it right; when I have the font big enough for me to read, it cuts off the ends of names.) --
    I jever knowif ill exercise tomorrow. So far I alawys have, a least some.

    p86, 1//2 way

    My all of yez have wonerful weekends and lovely lives!

    JanetM in NO
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    JanetM- ditchwater LOL Congratulations on your loss especially the inches! What do you put in your backpack? Why are you carrying one?

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    My oldest daughter, far right her girls 16 and 19. Boy 18 is not with them. 1vf06ofhn96a.jpg
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    It's 11:00 and hubby and two of the dogs have gone off to bed. My mind is racing so much that I'm scared if I went to bed I wouldn't sleep. Too much to worry about. I get like this sometimes. Much less than I used to. My meds sort of even things out. I need to have a good cry, but I can't. I can't cry and seldom laugh anymore.

    I did, however, laugh at this picture I saw on Facebook today:


    I hope you are all sound asleep. Good night.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sorry, I haven't figured out yet how to resize the pictures. :neutral:

    Janetr - OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today was DH's 50th class reunion. It was a very positive event and I'm glad we came. We're here a couple more days before heading home. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in hot Eastern Oregon
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Katla, so glad you enjoyed yourself. Keep cool. Is it humid there when the temps are high?

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    There were only 3 pages when I got on instead of 4. I would think more people would be writing on the weekend.

    Kim, I went off this medicine lat October. I think it is way past getting advice. And it isn't a type of medicine that needs to be weaned off of. But I do get lab work done every 6 months because of the medicine to monitor my liver. If I am late in getting that lab work, I have gotten letters from her office saying that she will 'release me' as a patient if I am noncompliant. I think that's an easy way of telling me she is firing me. So I have no idea what she will say if I tell her I stopped taking it. She used to be this very trim, polite lady.Now she is menapausel and a little heavy set and not as nice of a personality. I think my appointment is in October.

    Cynthia, well from now on, i don't care who is calling me. If my caller ID says Skype caller, I am not picking it up! I don't want to risk being connected to those guys ever again.

    Lisa, you are so talented and made a beautiful bride. Love the cake also! Happy anniversary.

    Allison, is this DsIL on your side or Toms. If it were Tom's I was wondering what they think of Tom. If it were me, I think I would buy some good gym equipment. But yet having a good bike can get you out of the house at times.

    Lisa, you are an inspiration. I just hate it when those lost pounds find their way back and bring friends with them!

    Kim, that was me and the guys from 'Microsoft'. If by accident I do get connected to them again, I hope I can remember to drop the name Bill Gates.

    Heather, hmmmm, does that happen everytime you cook up something fanastical???? So glad both of you 'enjoyed' it.

    Pip, such a beautiful honor you wrote to Lenny. An so glad that Kirby could see into that depression and see the real you and get it out again.

    Sylvia, in one of my accidents that was not my fault. I had a nice medium size car, had some nice appointments to it. Well this lady hit me pretty bad and car was totaled. So when I try to get a rental, I get a subcompact. On my car, it had really nice armrests. Those arm rests really helped with fatigue whether I was driving or in the passenger seat. I guess this lady had a really good insurance agent because he called me personally to see if I was being well taken care of. Or maybe he wanted to be nice so I didn't sue! So when I told him what kind of car I was given as a rental, he was upset and immediately got me an equivalent to my car. He especially made sure I got the arm rests. My sister and I were planning on driving to Michelle's college for her choir concert. So he took care of us. So what I am trying to say, the car you were given has now made you later your plans since it won't hold the things you need. The other party should take care of that for you. They need to make you really happy so you will be really, really satisfied. Can your son easily ride in this car with his children?

    Mary, how wonderful that the buyer is going to have the roof taken care of for them. You must be breathing a big sigh of relief. You WILL get to your new house.

    KatieBig, how awful to hear those voices and find out they are coming from your computer. That's enough for a person to questions ones sanity!!!!

    Michele, we have two land lines also. But one is the kind of phone you take off the base. So it is depending on that base that is hooked to electricity. So our other phone is the old fashioned one that is hooked directly to the thingy in the wall. One time Evansville had no electricity for almost 2 weeks, longer in some areas. Mom had an old fashioned one and her apartment was command central at times. It was far enough from the main desk that when the staff needed a phone to call the desk or kitchen, they just used Mom's. She did get a good discount on her rent that month. But a good old fashioned land line can come in handy. Of course you have to have a service also!

    This funeral I went to this morning was for a 90 year old lady in the church. She had been a member almost from the conception of the church. I have never been to a funeral when almost all the family took part in it. The grand kids sang one of her favorite songs, all her children spoke, her son in laws spoke. So between her daughter asking the choir to sing and a man sing a solo, the pastor didn't have much left to say. You could tell she was deeply loved by all.

    Now I just have to be able to get up at about 8 tomorrow morning. I'm not like most of you ladies, I need all the beauty sleep I can get. My daughter and kids, well SIL also will be here next Friday and leave on Sunday afternoon. It will be good to have them here. We will be celebrating oldest grand daughter's 14th birthday although her birthday is in August. I don't know if you have a place called Sky Zone where you live but I think we will take them there. It is filled with trampolines. Both the grand daughters will just be finishing up camp on Friday morning so they will be tired, but happy.

    Nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce- thanks! I'm trying to stay positive! It sounded like a beautiful way to honor a well loved family member. That is exactly what happened at my DFIL funeral. I also never witnessed one like that. You have a lot to look forward to next weekend and probably a lot to do.

    Sylvia- I'm sorry you feel that way. You definitely make all of us happy with your jokes and sharing of your life. (((Hugs )))

    JanetR- what beautiful girls!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member