Should I Cheat On My..



  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Ask yourself just who you are 'cheating'. I can assure you it is not anyone on MFP :wink:

    Personally I keep my treats within my daily cal allowance, I really want to lose weight and keep it off, I don't want to feel I'm deprived so I have successfully changed the way I think about food and treats are part of that. Realistically, I believe this is the only way to succeed long term. Can you imagine recovering alcoholics for example having a 'cheat' day every week where they drank as much as they wanted? Or ex smokers putting one day a week aside to smoke themselves to death? It's like being in debt and paying it back slowly, then once a week having a 'cheat' day when you can spend what you want.

    Sorry, I know it is reputed to work for some people, but I believe cheat days are evidence of lack of commitment in changing the way you think. That way of thinking made you fat in the first place.
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    Ask yourself just who you are 'cheating'. I can assure you it is not anyone on MFP :wink:

    Personally I keep my treats within my daily cal allowance, I really want to lose weight and keep it off, I don't want to feel I'm deprived so I have successfully changed the way I think about food and treats are part of that. Realistically, I believe this is the only way to succeed long term. Can you imagine recovering alcoholics for example having a 'cheat' day every week where they drank as much as they wanted? Or ex smokers putting one day a week aside to smoke themselves to death? It's like being in debt and paying it back slowly, then once a week having a 'cheat' day when you can spend what you want.

    Sorry, I know it is reputed to work for some people, but I believe cheat days are evidence of lack of commitment in changing the way you think. That way of thinking made you fat in the first place.

    This guy is my new idol, and makes perfect sense!

    Cheat all you want, and you are only cheating yourself!!! I don't get the whole cheat thing.

    Just fit what you want to eat into your daily allowance...if you need more calories to make it fit, adjust at another meal, or move your *kitten* more to make it happen!

    Typos....did I get em all?