Who did you tell?



  • denicejo
    denicejo Posts: 32 Member
    I told everyone. I knew it would go fast and I didn't want to lie and say I was doing it the old fashioned way. I also didn't want the "are you sick" questions. I'm glad I was an open book because I inspired 3 friends to have surgery and they are doing great. The only time I regreted telling someone was a coworker who didn't know and questioned my portion of lunch one day in the breakroom. I told her I had VSG and that's when the advice started becuase her cousin's uncle's sister's mother had VSG and she knew exactly what I was going through and exactly what I should be eating. So the next day she rolled her eyes at me in the breakroom and said "are you sure you should eat THAT?" I shut that down quick by saying " I didn't realize you were a bariatric nutrisionist....or that's right you're not...so keep your opinions to your self please." Needless to say she changed her lunch time. Other than that I've gotten nothing but positives.