Allergic to fruit - Dieting is hard



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's great to reflect on your habits and work to make better food and exercise choices.

    Just be careful about setting goals that might not be realistic or healthy. Please do follow up with an allergist about your fruit issue--getting a real diagnosis and proper treatment might make a big difference in how you feel overall.

    Here's one method for determining frame size:
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Doesn't sound fun, I'd hate not being able to eat fruit.

    Not saying it would work for everyone, but something weird happened recently for my little brother (he's 25) who had Crohn's disease and long story short, has had his large intestine completely removed, and suffered from a corn, peanut, and soy allergy and had many other dietary restrictions. Some days, even tomatoes bothered him. He was very in tune with what his body could handle and just had to be super careful
    Anyways, like a few months ago he started seeing some kind of chiropractor/accupunturist who does some sort of non-invasive therapy, I don't know exactly what they did, some of it sounded like weird metaphysical stuff but anyways, my brother is no longer allergic to certain foods. He still limits the amounts he eats and is careful, but he is eating things like corn and soy sauce and occasionally peanut butter, with no reactions.
    I don't necessary totally believe in the methods used and I don't know how it worked, but maybe since he abstained from those foods for such a long time, his body gradually healed and when he very carefully reintroduced those foods, he was able to build up a tolerance and can eat them now. Plus I think the power of suggestion can be very effective in certain people.

    Maybe you should get some allergy testing done, to see if they come up with anything definitive medically. Hopefully it's something that might get better with time for you. Good luck!

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I agree with others that I think you should:

    1. See a doctor about your allergy/sensitivity/reaction to fruit and other foods. It may just be annoying now, but allergies can get worse over time (or better) so it is better to know for sure what you are dealing with.
    2. Read the links provided (sexypants and Staci) and try to use the info in them to better clarify your goals
    3. Redo your numbers in MFP based on a refined goal - I think what you were initially targeting was too aggressive as far as overall loss as well as the speed at which you think you would lose it.

    Just anecdotally, I don't eat much fruit, at all. I didn't like it growing up, and I still don't, for me it is a texture thing. The only fruits I eat are berries (and not even strawberries because I actually am allergic to those) and grapes in the form of wine... ;) So no, you don't have to eat fruit, there are lots of options for snacking - protein bars, cut veggies, hummus, yogurt, nuts, etc.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    No, you're not and no, it isn't
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Please don't go around saying that you have an allergy if you have not been to an allergist. You are making things harder and more dangerous for people who actually DO have life-threatening allergies.

    Fruit certainly isn't necessary for weight loss.

    How tall are you? You would have to be VERY short to need to lose weight at 118 pounds.

    100% this! As someone who has been incubated several times for life threatening allergies, this is a huge pet peeve.

    stupid auto correct changed intubation to incubation lol.
  • jaketaylor1391
    jaketaylor1391 Posts: 29 Member
    I personally dont snack unless its protein shakes, i eat nutrient packed meals with a balance of carbs, fats, proteins etc which keeps me filled until my next meal (chicken and rice with asparagus is one meal i eat often)
    And as for losing weight remember everyone processes nutrients differently so don't worry about "cutting carbs" as much because the sole factor in fat loss is caloric deficit and balance (Also walking thirty minutes on an incline treadmill helps alot).
  • jaketaylor1391
    jaketaylor1391 Posts: 29 Member
    Check out people like Chris Jones, or hodgetwins on youtube for eating advice they help a lot if your a beginner.