Below goal weight but not happy



  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    edited June 2015
    Me too. I just got to the same spot and am now looking into "recomposition", but am afraid of weight training.
    Haha! You can't "recomp" without some sort of resistance training. Don't fear it! It is awesome, a real confidence builder, and is so empowering!!!! Every time I lift heavier than I did the week before it is like a high for me. :smiley:
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    I felt the same when I hit my goal weight. I've been around the weightloss-does-not-equal-perfect-happiness block before, and this time I'm following the advice of these other posters: setting new fitness goals, focusing on what my new body can do instead of how it looks, and rejoicing in BIG health improvements.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    An internet classic:


    So much this!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Generally speaking if you are unhappy with yourself and/or have poor self image to begin with, losing weight is going to make little to no difference. You have to deal with the underlying issue(s).

    Maybe... but also, some of the effects of weight loss are unexpected. When you're overweight, you just kind of take your body for what it is. When you work hard to lose, get to the end, and find your concept of what you would look like isn't what you thought it'd be - because maybe you're older and things didn't spring right back to where they were, or you carried more weight than your skin could handle - it can be disconcerting. Especially when the whole time you're losing, you're thinking about an ideal body. And the reality is that the body changes, it's been through stuff and it's going to show it. Plus all the stuff people have mentioned about your mental map of your body lagging, which is just weird.

    All that's to say that weight loss itself can introduce new issues, it doesn't mean the person necessarily has some massively deep underlying psychological problem.

    OP if you did not focus on retaining muscle, you totally can build it up, as someone above said. Positive thinking for sure :)

    I think working on acceptance is also very important, because there are limits in other ways, sometimes. Like you can't completely change your shape, changes to skin might be an issue. HOWEVER you are very young, so you're equipped to heal well, and time itself will take care of a lot of it :)
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Excellent Post ^^.
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    lchillies wrote: »
    So finally reached my goal, am down to 9st 10lb from 14st. For ages i thought i would look in the mirror and love the way i look. But i dont, i just find myself picking at new areas all the time. Does anyone else feel like this and how do you combat that evil voice in your head that will tell you your fat!

    Yeah sounds a little like me. Oh I've got a paunch on my belly, oh my arms are too flabby, oh my thighs are too fat. I only recently started getting worried about my weight and mentality when I looked at myself in the mirror one day (this morning actually) and noticed my pelvis was a little too visible, and I had lost too much weight.

    So now I have to increase my weight. Without going back into my binge habit. :(
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Once upon a time I was 100lbs heavier and working for Lane Bryant. I went to work everyday surrounded by people my size or larger. I hung out with these same people and overall I looked in the mirror and though I looked good. It was only when I went back home to my thin family out of state that I was reminded I was fat. I am 100lbs lighter but I don't work for Lane Bryant anymore and in the community I live in everyone is thin and put together. The women spend more on their makeup, hair, and nails in a week than I have spent in my entire life. I am skinny but I am the ugly duckling none the less. These things are all about who we compare ourselves to. I was fat but I found myself sexy and stylish, now I am thin and by most standards pretty but in my world I am matronly and haggard. Somehow I have to love me without comparing me to anyone else.