How much did drinking water impact your weight loss?



  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    Replacing soda with water and unsweetened tea cut out a huge number of calories i was ingesting as I was a heavy soda drinker several years ago. It also lessened my cravings for sugar as I wasn't drinking it all day.

    Drinking more water with meals helps me feel more full and reduces the temptation to overeat.

    No, there are no "magical" fat loss properties of drinking more water. But it's a great tool to help you stick to your calorie goals and benefits your overall health (unless you are part of the minority who already drink enough water on a daily basis).
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    Water has helped me greatly. I try to drink half my weight in ounces daily. Some days are easier than others, also drinking in the warmer months is easier to do too. Good luck.

    Half your weight in ounces? That's allot of water! Lol

    depends on how much you weigh, for me i would need to call the culligan man :wink:
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    CJReg119 wrote: »
    I'm a bit confused about how we are defining "water" here. Does the assumed benefit of drinking "water" on weight loss include all (calorie free) liquids?? For example, I drink lots of fresh-brewed iced tea. I'm thinking it's the same benefit as plain water. Thoughts?

    Tea has about 2 calories/bag. Also seems to give you a decent hit of potassium.

    Personally I don't count it, but I don't count spices either.

    And its diuretic effect has been overstated. You need to first deprive yourself of it for a period of days or weeks, then drink 5-8 cups of tea in order to produce more urine than normal.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    I once heard that drinking water- a certain amount ( > or = 8 cups) - helps with fat reduction in and of itself. Has anyone ever heard that?

    I have heard it, but havent seen any fat loss due to water. I did a challenge of 1 gallon a day for a month, i lasted 5 days but i still drink about 1/2 gallon a day most of my days. somedays more, somedays less.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    Drinking water has kept me alive so I'm pretty satisfied with that

    drinking water has kept us all alive so i agree, good thing :smile:
  • eileendylan
    eileendylan Posts: 4 Member
    Drinking water helps to stay hydrated. Hunger pangs can signal thirst or can be that your body needs fuel. I drink water (prefer ice water) first to see if my hunger pangs go away. It usually does the trick so I don't end up eating!!