Feel so insecure at the gym



  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I have felt, and still feel the same way! I know it's in my head and when there's too many people it affects my workout. The best solution for me is to wake up early and go to the gym right when it opens (for my gym, that's around 7am) when there are a lot less people around. There are probably 10 people tops in the weight room at that time and I feel a lot better and less insecure.

    In terms of form and stuff, watch videos on youtube or ask a friend who knows what they are doing. I'm still working on building my confidence at the gym but hey, everyone has got to start somewhere! Good luck :)
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    Who gives a F what others think at the gym? You are there for you, not these other dudes. This is something you are going to have to overcome. I went through it, and got over it. You can too.
  • I do to but I am lucky to go to a gym owned by the fire department my husband is a member of so there is no cost and it is rare that there is anyone there. However, last Saturday when we went, there were a couple police officers in there that are obviously there A LOT and my husband left me there to run a medical call. My worst nightmare... I thought. Turns out, they were super supportive about losing the weight and trying to better myself and even offered some pointers. Just remember that everyone has to start somewhere and they may not be as judgmental as you think... I agree with another poster, they are still working at it as well. Good luck! :smile:
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    I started going a few weeks ago and am fairly ok at using the machines I want to use. I don't like people looking at me because a lot of the time, I'll be using about half the weight I've noticed most guys are doing. Still, there's instructions and it's easy to see what I'm meant to be doing. Likewise with cardio stuff - I've either built up some stamina or gotten better at pacing myself so that I can last longer, which is a good thing and I'm happy about that.

    But I wanted to try using free weights after hearing from a lot of people online that they're way better than the machines for building strength and stability. Doesn't really help that they're in a separate, sectioned-off area of the gym that's usually full of fairly macho guys. I, meanwhile, am 'skinny-fat' and very short and have no idea what I'm doing and am way too scared to interrupt anyone and ask.

    I was at the gym today and tried to watch them for a while. All I saw was a room full of men doing bicep curls, and a few guys my own age who were mostly talking and joking around. After a while I had the guts to go grab some dumbbells and attempt something resembling a bench press but with dumbbells, which seemed to get me a few raised eyebrows, so I left just as quickly as I came in. It's easy to find out exercises online that I could do, but actually going into a room full of people and attempting it in public is another thing entirely. I've got a massive fear of looking stupid and making a fool of myself, which I really feel like I did today. I'm even contemplating just forgetting the gym entirely and buying a few weights for myself, but have no idea if that's a sensible option either.

    You feel like this b/c you feel you don't fit in.

    There are two ways to impress people in the gym:

    -Lift lots of weight (that's out of the question for me right now, too), and/or be really ripped.

    -Have really good form and super calm, James Bond like attitude. This involves lifting slowly with excellent form, and having purposeful movements. This is always what I do. You, too, can one-up the heavy lifters in terms of form. If you do that, people WILL be impressed, regardless if you're lifting half the weight initially.

    A third way to impress people in the gym is to have a hot female workout partner wearing shorts that are three inches long and low-cut top showing her cleavage, lol. I actually did this for a little while at one point, and you should have seen the guys' heads turning, checking me out even when she was on the other side of the room for a few minutes (no homo). You'd think I was ripped or something. In reality, they're just thinking, "Man, I wish I was him right now!" or "Great score, man!" I always remember that experience and pretend like I'm with a girl now whenever I feel really self-conscious. Works every time.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    for someone as out of shape as I am, I have trouble with all the remarks on 'form.' I mean, I'm not lifting anything heavy enough to get hurt and my picking anything up is better and more than I've done.
  • NSMustanggirl
    NSMustanggirl Posts: 70 Member
    it's pretty much all in your head. i know, because i was the same way.

    remind yourself that all the guys there started where you are now.

    remind yourself that they are their because they are still working on themselves.

    remind yourself that their work out is not your work out, and vice versa. concentrate on yourself.

    and if you really have a problem with it, go really early. thats what i did. at 530am, there is no one at my gym.

    THIS!!! I felt the exact same way, and dealt with it in the same way! A good 5:30 am is a great wake up! My caffeine intake has gone down! :)