Gym Motivation



  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    get a free to go with you if that is do-able. or just set it in your head when you will go like before i eat breakfast i will go workout or once i am off work i will go workout. because at least for me when i say later i will workout later never comes.

    best of luck to you :)
  • newtothishelp
    newtothishelp Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for your replies everyone. what i have done the last 2 days is that when i have a class, i enter my workout in the morning. then i have to change my eating habits - i go swimming at 7, so have my lunch break at work at 3pm and eat my dinner, then i have a little something afterwards - that has now started motivating me a bit, as if i dont go to the class, then i wont be able to eat any more for the rest of the day!
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I go to the classes with instructors everyday, except Fridays and Sundays. I just really enjoy it so much that it doesn't feel like a task to go. It almost feels like I am just handing myself over, and I kind of check out for that hour because I know my body will do what is being asked (mostly!).

    This is what works for me and why I joined my gym! I even have my husband taking classes with me now. We take different types of classes to switch it up(cardio and weight training).
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I just posted this on another thread!! I go at 5am, and I am not a morning person, and now that it's winter and cold, it's even harder.. But my alarm goes off at 4:40am, I don't pause, I don't do anything except GET UP, get dressed and go. I put my workout gear out the nit before, everything is ready. If I do this, then there is no reason not to go... Just do it.

    Also, working out in the morning means it's done by 6:30am and no matter what happens during the day, I've already done my workout. Too easy!

    It was a struggle at first, but now it's a habit. A good habit. Sure, the temptation is still there to sleep in some days, I do have 2 rest days a week, getting up early on my gym days makes those little sleep ins seem so much better.

    If you can't go first thing in the morning, set yourself a time, put it in your diary and just do it. Schedule it in, like it's a dr appointment that you can't change. It's important. Make the time and commit.