females lifting heavy get bigger -_-



  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    fjrandol wrote: »
    Women who eat heavy cakes get bigger but we don't see any women avoiding cake like the plague like weights...smh
    :D Haha I love this and you're so right! It was much easier for me to eat heavy cakes than when I lifted heavy weights though, so that may be part of the issue. Plus, there aren't usually a ton of half-naked intimidating looking muscle heads hanging around in bakeries. :p

    You need to find another gym if everyone is half-naked and intimidating...yikes!
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    fjrandol wrote: »
    Women who eat heavy cakes get bigger but we don't see any women avoiding cake like the plague like weights...smh
    :D Haha I love this and you're so right! It was much easier for me to eat heavy cakes than when I lifted heavy weights though, so that may be part of the issue. Plus, there aren't usually a ton of half-naked intimidating looking muscle heads hanging around in bakeries. :p

    You need to find another gym if everyone is half-naked and intimidating...yikes!

    I did. Now they're all 400 years old and fully clothed. Thank God!
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    fjrandol wrote: »
    fjrandol wrote: »
    Women who eat heavy cakes get bigger but we don't see any women avoiding cake like the plague like weights...smh
    :D Haha I love this and you're so right! It was much easier for me to eat heavy cakes than when I lifted heavy weights though, so that may be part of the issue. Plus, there aren't usually a ton of half-naked intimidating looking muscle heads hanging around in bakeries. :p

    You need to find another gym if everyone is half-naked and intimidating...yikes!

    I did. Now they're all 400 years old and fully clothed. Thank God!

    Ahh planet fitness...I'm familiar of their work!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    What just happened....?
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    What just happened....?

    Made a joke referencing cake in comparison to heavy weights...people do not like it when you attack cake
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited July 2015
    fjrandol wrote: »
    Women who eat heavy cakes get bigger but we don't see any women avoiding cake like the plague like weights...smh
    :D Haha I love this and you're so right! It was much easier for me to eat heavy cakes than when I lifted heavy weights though, so that may be part of the issue. Plus, there aren't usually a ton of half-naked intimidating looking muscle heads hanging around in bakeries. :p

    You need to find another gym if everyone is half-naked and intimidating...yikes!

    You know, I used to find those people with amazing bodies were intimidating and just wanted them to go away. But as I kept going to the gym and actually talking to these real people, I came to know that the majority are incredibly nice and have some really great advice on how they achieve those "intimidating" looks.

    And I realized that my first reaction was purely from low self esteem and started working on that too. Just a thought.

    OP, keep doing what you love to do, no matter what your family says. Personally, lifting never made anything bigger except maybe my booty. And even then, I'm pretty sure it just lifted and reshaped nicely, rather than grew. :)
  • supahdupahfitness
    supahdupahfitness Posts: 73 Member
    Hi. Let me start with I'm 5'8, 176#, about 26% body fat, and enjoy challenging myself with weight lifting. I'm not petite and my family won't let me forget it. My profile pic is from last year when I was 11 pounds lighter and lifting.I'm getting back on track after losing 11 pounds on weight watchers and not liking how my body looked from just cardio and deficit in calories. So, I joined the juice head gym by me because it's cheap and has a lot of great equipment. It's only been a week but I'm really excited and proud of how determined I am and how I feel like I know what I'm doing with my form and what whatever. I'm also following iifym and tracking everything. Ihave already lost 2.2 more pounds in this first week.

    That being said, my family is discouraging me because I'm very muscular (with chub on top) and have a larger bone structure (wide shoulders). I have my mother's horrendous arms that run in my family like you wouldn't believe, a naturally xlarge behind, and strong, big, thighs. I've been an athlete through college so I have a lot of strength for a girl. So far I sound gigantic. But, my waist is rather small, and my knees and elbows down are boney. So in short - I'm a bulky girl. I'm not fat but I'm not the kind of girl you say is thin either. I'd like to get smaller overall but keep my proportions for the most part because they make me feel feminine. My family is telling me when regular (petite) girls lift heavy they can look good but not me because I've got a large frame. They are getting in my head and after going to the beach yesterday all I could see were my bulky, non-petite flaws and I need confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. I'd really love (I really need) some insight on this! Thanks mfps

    Sounds like you have some haters, it sucks when it comes from people that are supposed to care about you unconditionally, but the truth is people aren't perfect. But this should in no way slow you down, or get in your way. Shut that negativity out and/or tell them where to stick it. Shake it off and stick to what you're doing. A lot of it will be jealousy, most of it will be their own insecurities. But at the end of the day, your life is your responsibility, on your deathbed you are going to be seriously upset if you've led your whole life according to what other people want.

    At 5'8, 176lbs, 26%bf and judging from your profile pic, you seem to be a well balanced feminine shape both in bone structure and body composition. That's the honest truth, I spent 10 years training in martial arts, and 2 years teaching others, which included correcting their postures and identifying issues with anatomy. So you're hearing some solid truth here. You're alright. Don't worry. That's the truth. Now train correctly, get to grips with the basic three (Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep), study, study, study (the science of your one and only body is not to be taken lightly) and remember; If someone is happy to spend time "getting into your head" and making you feel crap, don't worry about what they have to say, it's 100% bull and comes from a bad place. Rock on lady.
  • Immerito
    Immerito Posts: 105 Member
    pmm3437 wrote: »
    Read this, and show it to your family:

    Shamelessly stolen from this thread ( http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/33111158#Comment_33111158 ):

    Both require dedication ... the left also requires significant supplementation.

    Nice graphic, but the barbie weight in the woman on the right's hand is misleading.

  • Elsuwi
    Elsuwi Posts: 1 Member
    My lil sis has come up with this cool little lead in... "I need you to feel my muscles." When invoked, that means I going to tell you something that has me real excited and your job is to be over the top supportive whether you get it or not. It works absolutely beautifully in my fam. Sometimes people just aren't clear on what you want or need from them. This makes it absolutely crystal clear. They can either step to the plate or you can ruthlessly retire them to the nosebleed seats never to affect your game negatively again. Hit for the fences sister.
  • Kriistabell
    Kriistabell Posts: 181 Member
    OP, keep doing what you love to do, no matter what your family says. Personally, lifting never made anything bigger except maybe my booty. And even then, I'm pretty sure it just lifted and reshaped nicely, rather than grew. :)

    Thank you! I'm continuing and ignoring the family. I'm glad I'm on here now because the support from you guys really is amazing. :smiley:
  • Kriistabell
    Kriistabell Posts: 181 Member
    Hi. Let me start with I'm 5'8, 176#, about 26% body fat, and enjoy challenging myself with weight lifting. I'm not petite and my family won't let me forget it. My profile pic is from last year when I was 11 pounds lighter and lifting.I'm getting back on track after losing 11 pounds on weight watchers and not liking how my body looked from just cardio and deficit in calories. So, I joined the juice head gym by me because it's cheap and has a lot of great equipment. It's only been a week but I'm really excited and proud of how determined I am and how I feel like I know what I'm doing with my form and what whatever. I'm also following iifym and tracking everything. Ihave already lost 2.2 more pounds in this first week.

    That being said, my family is discouraging me because I'm very muscular (with chub on top) and have a larger bone structure (wide shoulders). I have my mother's horrendous arms that run in my family like you wouldn't believe, a naturally xlarge behind, and strong, big, thighs. I've been an athlete through college so I have a lot of strength for a girl. So far I sound gigantic. But, my waist is rather small, and my knees and elbows down are boney. So in short - I'm a bulky girl. I'm not fat but I'm not the kind of girl you say is thin either. I'd like to get smaller overall but keep my proportions for the most part because they make me feel feminine. My family is telling me when regular (petite) girls lift heavy they can look good but not me because I've got a large frame. They are getting in my head and after going to the beach yesterday all I could see were my bulky, non-petite flaws and I need confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. I'd really love (I really need) some insight on this! Thanks mfps

    Sounds like you have some haters, it sucks when it comes from people that are supposed to care about you unconditionally, but the truth is people aren't perfect. But this should in no way slow you down, or get in your way. Shut that negativity out and/or tell them where to stick it. Shake it off and stick to what you're doing. A lot of it will be jealousy, most of it will be their own insecurities. But at the end of the day, your life is your responsibility, on your deathbed you are going to be seriously upset if you've led your whole life according to what other people want.

    At 5'8, 176lbs, 26%bf and judging from your profile pic, you seem to be a well balanced feminine shape both in bone structure and body composition. That's the honest truth, I spent 10 years training in martial arts, and 2 years teaching others, which included correcting their postures and identifying issues with anatomy. So you're hearing some solid truth here. You're alright. Don't worry. That's the truth. Now train correctly, get to grips with the basic three (Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep), study, study, study (the science of your one and only body is not to be taken lightly) and remember; If someone is happy to spend time "getting into your head" and making you feel crap, don't worry about what they have to say, it's 100% bull and comes from a bad place. Rock on lady.

    Thanks so much!! I'm still going strong in the gym, tracking my diet, and hopefully being able to sleep will fall into place lol. I believe all of you guys. When I wrote this I was having a low moment and my family was really getting to me. I have come a lot further (I think) in these past few days with all of these kind, supportive, inspiring comments Thank you. :smile:
  • Kriistabell
    Kriistabell Posts: 181 Member
    Elsuwi wrote: »
    My lil sis has come up with this cool little lead in... "I need you to feel my muscles." When invoked, that means I going to tell you something that has me real excited and your job is to be over the top supportive whether you get it or not. It works absolutely beautifully in my fam. Sometimes people just aren't clear on what you want or need from them. This makes it absolutely crystal clear. They can either step to the plate or you can ruthlessly retire them to the nosebleed seats never to affect your game negatively again. Hit for the fences sister.

    :lol: Haha, nice! Thanks!