"exercise" for 250+ lbs people (100+ to lose)



  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Walking in the pool can be good if you have joint problems.
  • deepakkumararaj
    deepakkumararaj Posts: 5 Member
    Most important factor is your Diet.Eat at a deficit. MFP calculates deficit needed based on your weight loss goals. It is a good place to start.

    Regarding exercise, I did lots of walking and rowing(with a concept2 indoor rower) for a month. Then I got started on strength training. I did stronglifts for 12 weeks and now am follow a different plan more suited to my current goals.

    I started at 284+ and now am at 227. I don't do any cardio other than trying to get 10000 steps daily on fitbit.

    Good Luck.

  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I walk.

    I use Map My Walk and challenge myself to bring down my time/mile each time and to increase my distance by .10 mile every week. I only walk 3-4 times a week for cardio where I challenge myself and I walk a bit slower another 1-2 times each week just for my own mental health (and to not hear "Mommy...MOMMMMMMMY" for 20-30 minutes).

    As a not overweight child I used to get sudden sharp pains in my left knee and it would suddenly give out. I began to favor that leg and because of that, I now have some stiffness from overuse with my right knee (I'm not sure if that makes sense or not...it's midnight ;) ).

    I also do some very light weights at home. I have 6 lb weights and I do some arm exercises, some crunches, and then one plank for 30 seconds because that's all I can do right now. I started with only being able to do 20 seconds so my core strength IS improving, even if it is slow progress.

    I would like to get a gym membership to use an elliptical as it is much lower impact for my knee and honestly, I just absolutely love the elliptical.
  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    Ditto on walking, it is great exercise for plus size folks. Start slow and increase distance gradually while increasing speed. Get a pedometer or install step counter on phone. Helps motivate you to take that extra few steps to reach higher daily count. Ignore other people - focus on you. I am also adding resistance bands for strength training. Lots of workout ideas online. Good luck!
  • heatherlewisis
    heatherlewisis Posts: 118 Member
    zidine100 wrote: »
    thegreatmd wrote: »
    And I've gotten on the bicycle (it's so fun to have people call you a fatass as they drive by)

    While this isn't really on topic, I just wanted to say for every person who calls you that when they go by there are umpteen more cheering you on in their head. Dont let the vocal minority get you down.

    Yes! When I see people out there working hard I always want to yell encouragement out my car window, but I know that can be perceived as sarcasm so I usually cheer them on in my head :)
  • misssmadalyn
    misssmadalyn Posts: 360 Member
    My starting weight was 247. I started with the eliptical- something easy enough for me to go my own pace but also hard enough that I could get a nice workout. The more weight I lost & excersize I did everyday the more coordinated I became. I also worked with a trainer for a couple months & she would make workouts that I could do :)
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    zidine100 wrote: »
    thegreatmd wrote: »
    And I've gotten on the bicycle (it's so fun to have people call you a fatass as they drive by)

    While this isn't really on topic, I just wanted to say for every person who calls you that when they go by there are umpteen more cheering you on in their head. Dont let the vocal minority get you down.

    Yes! When I see people out there working hard I always want to yell encouragement out my car window, but I know that can be perceived as sarcasm so I usually cheer them on in my head :)

    I slow down and blast "Eye of the Tiger" until they smile.
  • daniellepstewart209
    daniellepstewart209 Posts: 32 Member
    edited August 2015
    If you can't afford a gym membership and can't face bike riding just walk, for a week monitor your average daily steps and add a percentage on to it, realistic like 15-20% to do each day. Increase each week. Also if job seeking is there somewhere local ish you can volunteer, animal shelter or somewhere you will be moving about a lot. It will help increase your employability and fitness. Maybe charge local people to walk their dogs, an hour per dog and you get money too. at my heaviest I was 291 so I know how you feel. Just keep moving you will get there (currently 217, it does help) Also make sure you accurately track your calories, weigh everything in grams not cups. Eat in a deficit and big changes won't take long xx
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Look into your local library for some exercise DVD's. Walk away the pounds are good, as are some of the targeted chair exercises for older people. They start you soft but soon you will have enough strength to move into something more strenuous. Walking is good. Range of motion (slowly) are also good. Start slow and add a couple of minutes each day. Make sure you are weighing all food and logging as that is the largest part of this battle.