Gaining/losing muscle

I'm taking part in a local weight loss challenge, and the organizer has a scale that weighs muscle. We started a month ago, then did a check in today. In the last month I've been weightlifting and doing ab exercises. Admittedly not a huge amount, but before we started I was doing nothing. Today the scale showed I lost a pound of muscle. Any thoughts?


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Lol seems like your organizer is clueless.

    Scales which measure muscle and body fat percentages can be thrown way off due to hydration levels etc...

    Tell your organizer that it sucks. Something like a DEXA scan is far more accurate.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    Yes, body fat and muscle scales can be way off. Furthermore, if you're eating in a deficit to lose a decent amount of weight, you're not going to really put on muscle except for possible gains due to being a new lifter. The best you can do is eat enough protein and keep lifting in order to preserve muscle while you lose the fat. Just lifting weights isn't enough to put on muscle, you have to have the right calories too.