I ate more to lose weight - i put on and now can't lose



  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Ok, what I found is within 1-2 days of reducing cals and carbs I started losing again immediately at a rate of half a pound a day. I had 2-3 meals last week which made my carbs go up to over 100g for that day and I saw no loss but it meant that in total for the week I lost 2 lbs as most of the time I had under 50g.

    I eat nuts every day and mainly protein from meat, fish and dairy with some vegetables and very little other carbs except wholegrains at breakfast in small quantities.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Great post Jossfit.

    Re meal timing: where is justsomerandomgirl with the studies? :smile:

    The take home point is that if YOU have issues sleeping on a full stomach then obviously you shouldn't eat too close to bed. I however, sleep best with a belly FULL of carbs. So that is what I do.
  • OP, you might ask your question in this group:


    You'll get knowledgeable advice there. Make sure to provide all the information you gave here, including the PCOS bit.

    The best piece of advice on this thread. So much bad advice on here it's sad. I'm not going to add my opinion as well. Just use the link posted in the quote above and get advice from people who actually know what they are talking about rather than people just intent on starving themselves.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    It's all very well saying that but it's not bad advice as everyone is different. Lucky for some they can eat more and lose weight but I am proof of the fact that we are all different. I tried eating at TDEE -15%, 20% and I even ate at what was supposed to be maintenance and each time I either gained weight or weight loss stalled.

    The 'average' figures quoted on calculation sites don't suit me, probably because my BMR and TDEE are overestimated. As soon as I realised this, ate less and lowered my carbs I started to lose again after seeing NO loss at all for 4 months!

    I am now losing by training a little less so I don't get so hungry but I am still lifting weights 4 times a week and doing a little cardio on the other days but not for as long as before.
  • I do have polycystic ovaries which causes a few issues too.
    I am now eating around 1300 calories a day. I'm going to try and be stricter with myself and stick below 1300 and also am going to try to eat primal.

    Yeah, PCOS changes the way that you have to approach eating and for me "eating more" (TDEE-15-20%) doesn't work. You might also want to have your doctor check your thyroid, if that hasn't already been done. I was doing great for a year losing weight and we adjusted my med and I stalled. We are readjusting it and hopefully I can start to lose and get to my goal. Because PCOS causes your body to process food differently keeping the carbs down and protein up helps a lot (sorry I didn't look at your diary to see if you were doing that.)
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Eating more to lose is unproven junk science. There are no medically sound studies that have ever found a point at which decreasing calories does not increase the deficit. There is a point where the relationship is less than 1:1 and eating 100 less calories might only increase the deficit by 60, but it will always increase it.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I really didn't read much in the responses. I want to also point out that its "POSSIBLE" (not saying definite) that you gained some in muscle too! Make sure you are looking at pictures, because although the measurement went up it may actually be a good thing!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Eating more to lose weight depends on the situation. I know myself specifically, I bought the bodymedia fit armband and since have had to eat way more to keep up with the calories I didn't know I was burning and I'm looking way better already after only a few weeks! Had a 4k calorie day last week... couldn't imagine burning 4 thousand calories and only eating 1500 like I had been... eating more has helped my body let go!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    HELP! I ate more to lose weight, and it really didn't work and I put on a inch around my stomach and hips, and now my favourite jeans don't fit...... after 2 months of eating more than I ever have, three weeks ago I went back down to what I was eating before but I don't seem to be losing anything :-(
    I follow James Duigan's method, although I maybe eat a bit late (I commute 1,5 hours to work) and I often end up having yogurt, some berries and nuts just before I go to bed - should I stop this?
    I've recently started doing HIIT class once a week, and kettlebell class once a week, and run 2-3 times a week.
    What should I do?? It's 10.5 months until my wedding, am I doing all the right things?

    "Eating more than i ever have" makes me think you were A. Eating too much (at a surplus) or B. ...were eating too much.

    Meal timing doesn't matter. I eat from the time I wake up to the time I hit the bed with no issue. Meal sizing and frequency also mean little.

    As others have said your stats are needed before any advice can be given.

    Edit: I went all the way back to April in your diary. You have a lot of days missing or partially filled (unless you really eat 300 calories some days) and you only ate more when eating exercise calories; I can't see where you ever increased above the 1200's.

    Just quoting myself here because i can't believe advice is still being giving like the OP actually ate more. At best she at back her workout calories for a while, but was still netting around 1200, usually less, and this goes back to March at least. This is without considering not filled in/half filled days.
  • If you read that "Eat more to lose" thread..no one is every losing!!! It is just a nice idea. Poor thing.. it is so hard to lose right after you've gained if you were dieting before.

    Just relax.. set you calories where they need to be on mfp and get back to it.. it will come off.

    No one is ever losing on the EMTWL threads is completely wrong. There are plenty of people who find great success with it. It isn't a quick fix and it takes patience to do a metabolic reset. It can take take months for this process to work amd those who are doing it correctly and are well informed (they also know that a reset usually does not result in weightloss). Your body has to have the time to repair it's metabolism. If done right some people (me included) lose massive amounts and easily maintain.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Ok, what I found is within 1-2 days of reducing cals and carbs I started losing again immediately at a rate of half a pound a day. I had 2-3 meals last week which made my carbs go up to over 100g for that day and I saw no loss but it meant that in total for the week I lost 2 lbs as most of the time I had under 50g.

    I eat nuts every day and mainly protein from meat, fish and dairy with some vegetables and very little other carbs except wholegrains at breakfast in small quantities.

    In 1-2 days, you were losing water weight, not fat.

    Time and patience, people. It's what matters.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    It doesn't matter what your intake is, if over a period of time you don't lose weight, you are consuming calories equal to, or over your total dietary energy expenditure. If you have eaten at a lower calorie level for a period of time, your metabolism will slow to accommodate the lower intake. With proper nutrition and exercise your body will adapt to a higher calorie intake over time, however you would probably gain weight initially. The whole point behind EMTWL is to adapt your body to a higher calorie level. Our is undeniable that it is easier to hit your macro nutrient goals when you have more calories to use, at 150 pounds and 1200 calories, it's is harder to hit your macros than it is with, say, 1800. It does work, it isn't junk science. However, it isn't for someone who isn't willing to work it. There is some serious nonsense in this thread. I'm not doing anything special, I eat better than I ever have and I get some exercise. I have lost almost 40 pounds eating 2000-2100 per day. Sometimes I can go e a couple of weeks without the scale moving, but it always eventually moves. Weight loss isn't linear, someone said earlier that they lose 1/2 pound per day. I doubt that. That's a deficit of 1650 per day. It works if you work it. Period.
  • It's all very well saying that but it's not bad advice as everyone is different. Lucky for some they can eat more and lose weight but I am proof of the fact that we are all different. I tried eating at TDEE -15%, 20% and I even ate at what was supposed to be maintenance and each time I either gained weight or weight loss stalled.

    The 'average' figures quoted on calculation sites don't suit me, probably because my BMR and TDEE are overestimated. As soon as I realised this, ate less and lowered my carbs I started to lose again after seeing NO loss at all for 4 months!

    I am now losing by training a little less so I don't get so hungry but I am still lifting weights 4 times a week and doing a little cardio on the other days but not for as long as before.

    I've read your threads......This one isn't about YOU....
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    It's all very well saying that but it's not bad advice as everyone is different. Lucky for some they can eat more and lose weight but I am proof of the fact that we are all different. I tried eating at TDEE -15%, 20% and I even ate at what was supposed to be maintenance and each time I either gained weight or weight loss stalled.

    The 'average' figures quoted on calculation sites don't suit me, probably because my BMR and TDEE are overestimated. As soon as I realised this, ate less and lowered my carbs I started to lose again after seeing NO loss at all for 4 months!

    I am now losing by training a little less so I don't get so hungry but I am still lifting weights 4 times a week and doing a little cardio on the other days but not for as long as before.

    I've read your threads......This one isn't about YOU....
