

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    Good morning everyone! Here we sit on the brink of my favorite month of the year, followed by my favorite time of the year all the way to New Years Day! I miss, miss, miss the leaves every year! Wanda its the one time I miss upstate New York weather. lol Where do you live? I grew up in the southern tier south of Buffalo and Rochester - go to nowhere and take a left lol.

    Cris is I truly empathize with you about the diabetic struggle. My husband is an insulin dependent diabetic and he is NOT a healthy eater. I won the battle not too long ago to get him off all kinds of soda (he also gets kidney stones) and that was a big one. Other than that I try to cook as meals that are as healthy as I can get him to eat (I cook with only coconut and olive oil and he actually likes fresh juice from the juicer!) and do the best I can! His labs are 100% better than they were when we got married a year ago so I am just thankful for that!

    So, as you know, I took a little hiatus from the group. Frankly, I was just plain disgusted with myself. I was at the point of giving up because I have been coming in here forever and watching all of you people and your amazing results and not losing anything! I have been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for FAR too long. Lord knows I have a wonderful range of excuses, and I will give myself some leeway for all the health problems I have dealt with in the past year, but I finally reached a breaking point. I was also having an increasing problem with GERD, which was keeping me up nights and making me worry about my respiratory problems exacerbating. Needless to say, my MD prescribed something for it, but I could not bring myself to take it. I truly do not believe in taking pharmaceuticals to mask behaviors that can be treated naturally by changing your health behaviors! (easier said that done of course and frequently that will not work!) So on 9/16 I gave up both both wine and coffee. Not a huge thing for some people, but I have been drinking a big mug of coffee in the morning and 1-2 glasses of wine with dinner for probably 40 years! And this was huge enough that I said I was not going to ask myself to do anything else until I got over this hump. The result has been a drop in my blood pressure (of course!) from about 136/84 to 118/74. A drop in my blood sugar - my fasting this morning was 73, evenings are about 90 (I am not diabetic but do have polycystic ovarian disease which can lead to diabetes and so I keep track of bg levels and had been running about 100 fasting and 110 evening). I am sleeping better and exercising more. I have more energy and I am focusing more on my painting. The flip side of course is that I miss both of them A LOT! I miss coffee in the morning and wine every night with dinner. (I have replaced both with a fascination with tea and am ordering and sampling all kinds!).

    So, there is my story! My results at this point are significant enough that it is making it easier to do it. I don't want to do back to where I was. I also know this is new enough that the wagon could be easy to fall off! At present I am not sure what goals I am going to set for October. I will think about it this weekend and make a decision by months end. I have missed you all and thought about you!!! I just needed a bit of time to myself.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm glad you're back, and it's good to hear that you've found some solutions for yourself.

    Maybe your goal for October should be to be nice to yourself.
    Be vigilant but don't "keep score"; do you know what I mean? No negative messages to yourself.

    Continue to cook healthy meals, log what you eat, exercise and stop while you still feel good.
    Give yourself some sort of non-food rewards. Only weigh once a week, if that.

    My blood sugar seems to be a bit lower. Nothing to brag about but..lower.
    I was injecting this Bydureon stuff in my thighs (one of the recommended injection sites).
    I switched to injecting in my abdomen 2 weeks ago and my numbers seem lower overall, though not what I think they should be, considering how I've changed my carb intake.

    But I've lost a couple more pounds, so.. that's something.

    Today's Headsmack Moment:

    Modified Food Starch.

    I made beef stew the other day. There was some left over, and to stretch it out I dumped a can of Progresso Beef Pot roast soup in a pan with the stew and served it for lunch. I did not eat any of the potatoes in the stew either time I served it. I probably had only 3/4 of a cup. But after about an hour I felt like crap; that dizzy head-spinning sugar high thing. Dug the can out of the trash: Yup. Modified Food Starch, which could be corn syrup or any other starchy thing they dump in to thicken the soup.

    So. Yet another example of Me Not Reading the Label Before I Eat The Stuff, and another example of how exhaustingly vigilant one has to be if one is trying to control diabetes.

    It just doesn't take much of anything anymore; I'd probably not have felt this bad if I'd just eaten a stupid brownie.
    (but I don't have any)


  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    I have to say the weather here in Michigan has been great this last week. Sunny and in the 70's, cool in the evenings, just perfect. I can see all the tops of the trees turning, and the smell of fall, I do love it. Everyone have a wonderful day today!
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »

    Today's Headsmack Moment:

    Modified Food Starch.

    I made beef stew the other day. There was some left over, and to stretch it out I dumped a can of Progresso Beef Pot roast soup in a pan with the stew and served it for lunch. I did not eat any of the potatoes in the stew either time I served it. I probably had only 3/4 of a cup. But after about an hour I felt like crap; that dizzy head-spinning sugar high thing. Dug the can out of the trash: Yup. Modified Food Starch, which could be corn syrup or any other starchy thing they dump in to thicken the soup.

    So. Yet another example of Me Not Reading the Label Before I Eat The Stuff, and another example of how exhaustingly vigilant one has to be if one is trying to control diabetes.

    It just doesn't take much of anything anymore; I'd probably not have felt this bad if I'd just eaten a stupid brownie.
    (but I don't have any)


    How frustrating!! You think you're doing good for yourself then find the 'industrial food monster' raises it's ugly head and blindsides you. I have the same issue with gluten. Takes me forever to go through the grocery store, cuz I have to read all the labels. I have taken revenge on the 'monster' by sticking with mostly fresh foods, but it's really hard to avoid completely.


  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    I have taken revenge on the 'monster' by sticking with mostly fresh foods, but it's really hard to avoid completely.

    I do the same. But there I was, hungry and trying to stretch out some leftovers...

    Bah. :/

    Good luck to both of us!! <3
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    I've enjoyed "playing" with different foods to add to my JC entree's, I feel very good and motivated this time !!

    Learning that "FRESH IS BEST"
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Linda, my heart is with you. Wish there were a way to offer solace. Although the pain IS easing after just over a year after Mom passed, there's no way to make it easier. This life transition is one of our most difficult. Thank heavens your dh has you by his side.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Chris, come on over. I have a big pot of homemade vegetable soup in the fridge right now. Pole beans and tomatoes, carrots, squash, chard, etc, from my garden. To which I added cranberry beans and hominy cooked from the dried beans/corn. That'll fix you up!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Linda, my heartfelt sympathy. I've been without my Dad for 30 years, without my mother for 8 years, without my brother for 5. When my Mom died (she was living with me at the time), I missed her so much I used to yell up into the sky - to tell her things in there in heaven. I often think of the thousands of questions I can no longer ask.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    The last day of September! I am ready to start a new month. Thought about goals this weekend and will be waiting for Joell to start the October challenge tomorrow to kick off the new months.

    Eating healthy is such a challenge. I truly feel for those of you who also have to deal being gluten free! My husband is diabetic so we do wrestle with that, but its not as much of a challenge as the gluten free. Or at least he is not as sensitive to blood glucose changes.

    I am still LOVING the cooling off we are going through! Makes walking so much more fun! I think I have decided I want a bicycle! Have to give that one a bit more thought lol
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    amflautist wrote: »
    Chris, come on over. I have a big pot of homemade vegetable soup in the fridge right now. Pole beans and tomatoes, carrots, squash, chard, etc, from my garden. To which I added cranberry beans and hominy cooked from the dried beans/corn. That'll fix you up!

    That soup sounds delicious! Can I come too??

    DreamOn: I think eating gluten-free is much easier than being sugar free. 'Course, I'm addicted to sugar. :# Gluten? Not so much. Liking to bake helps a lot too. I make a great pizza crust and to-die-for brownies! And now-a-days there is so much commercial gluten-free food available that it's not the same as it was 10 years ago when we just did without or ate cardboard.

    I really sympathize with diabetics. They do all the right things and the blood sugar just doesn't respond they way it needs to. My dad was so good with his diet and still had spikes that were unexplainable. So I'm doing my darndest to avoid that!
