advice for fat loss/building muscle



  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    pondee629 wrote: »
    No results at all? Are you sure? The scale is not the be all and end all in this endeavor. With diet and exercise we sometimes gain muscle mass, toning and lose in certain measurements while not losing weight. Is you waist thinner, your clothes more lose, do you feel stronger? Positive results not scale related. Re-check for NonScale Victories and report back.

    I can guarantee she is not gaining muscle while in a deficit.

    No way is she trading off fat loss with muscle mass. i.e. losing 1lb of fat and gaining 1lb of muscle which could cause no scale change.

    Your post contradicts itself.

    Your comment is highly inaccurate & unsubstantiated..

    There IS potential for increasing muscle mass during a deficit - and being a woman (lower testosterone) does NOT imply we cannot build muscle (pity you cant have a poke at my quads/guns etc and THEN tell me women cant build muscle readily, particularly at a deficit). I've done it myself!! - i've effectively recomped at a deficit - 31 lbs fat loss and a sizeable increase in lean muscle mass, via high intensity, heavy lifting 5-6x a week (split program), keto cut, IFing, refeeds/CKD etc. Check 'newbie gains' - it is ENTIRELY possible.

    Of course, if i had been eating at maintenance (or preferably slight excess) id have likely packed on even more muscle, and possibly if i was a guy i might well have had a genetic advantage, but to say that because a) you're a woman and b) you're at a deficit you catagorically cannot build muscle is absolute RUBBISH. Yes, it is much harder, but if you put the effort in and work your butt off you can achieve muscle gains and fat loss. I am living proof! (And i dont mess about - when i cut i cut hard, when i workout i lift my *kitten* off, i IF regularly, take a few supplements to help support my efforts & re-feed when im depleted).

    Blatantly sexist comments regards women not being able to build quality muscle really get my goat - i can guarantee some women have the ability to pack on muscle with a decent heavy lifting program & controlled nutrition/supplementation. In fact, i workout with a couple guys occasionally and my muscle gains have exceeded theirs, proportionally.

    Im now under 1lb from goal weight. When this cut ends im transitioning to a maintenance recomp or a very slight clean bulk - at that point i have no doubt the muscle gains will increase dramatically, but being at a deficit has not preventing me from respectable lean gains & an undeniable body transformation.

    His comments aren't blatantly sexist, they're blatantly accurate.

    I seriously can't f***king believe this...

  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited September 2015
    Building muscle in a deficit is extremely hard and is not possible for many. The two general exceptions to that are noob gains or with people that have a LOT of fat to lose. The lower the testosterone, also the most difficult this is going to be. So for young men in their teens or early 20s, they've got an advantage because their testosterone is at its peak. For older men and women, this isn't going to be the case.

    Recomping is great, but many find it very, very difficult to do. It's not impossible for everyone, but it will be impossible for many. Just because you have gains in strength doesn't mean you have actual gains in LBM. This is why many opt for cycles of bulking and cutting rather than trying to simultaneously recomp (as many find it very difficult to do).

    Also some consider a recomp to have a positive switch in their LBM and fat loss percentages -- but they're not actually building LBM. They're simply losing a lot more fat than muscle (or they're keeping the LBM they have and losing fat. So they're LBM fat percentage shift favorably but they aren't actually building any muscle/LBM. Two ways to reduce the amount of LBM you lose while in a caloric deficit are lifting heavy and eating enough protein (1 g per 1 lb LBM is a good rule). So when you do this, the weight you lose will be primarily fat and a lot less, or if you're real lucky, no LBM.