Has anyone had success with Weight Watchers? How does it work?



  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I did WW 6 years ago and I was sooooooooooooooo hungry all the time. and they told me I couldn't eat back my exercise points because I was exercising before I started WW and they wouldn't count. When I told them how hungry I was they always told me it was the food I was eating not that I wasn't eating enough. I think they had me on the equivalent of 1200 calories a day (I was 24 years old, 5'9" and 170 pounds... there was no reason I should have been that low) It did work but I was sooooooo hungry and in the end I gained it all back by binge eating. MFP is MUCH better for me because everything is explained so much better. I average 1800 calories a day (And half my exercise calories) and I'm still losing.

    I had exactly the same issues!! :)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    I lost 40lbs with WW and started by going to meetings. That didn't last long, I hated queuing up to be weighed and it was very cliquey. The last straw was when the 'leader' started a once a week 'fish and chips' night for people who had lost over 2lbs that week. To my mind rewarding someone with the most fad laden meal on the planet is totally counter-productive. I went online from then on. I didn't want to go back to WW because of cost - why pay £13 per month to go on their website when I can come on here for nowt!

    I completely agree with you on the cliquey comment. I felt like a fish out of water at the meetings and no one spoke to me!!! :(
  • hanalou1992
    hanalou1992 Posts: 30 Member
    Ive been just trying to do it on my own, but I have issues with sticking to eating well, so I think if i have a set plan, i will have better results.
    I have tried both slimming world and weight watchers I prefer slimming world because I love my pasta and jacket potatoes where weight watchers there was no way in having any of them I also lost more at slimming world than Weight watchers most of the time I felt starving :)