October 2015 Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    YOU GUYS - I ran my first 5k today and I had so much fun! I've never done one before and was nervous leading up to it. I also kept asking myself why the hell I would pay $30 to run a 5k with a large group of people when I can do it for free, in solitude, right outside my front door.

    I loved it, though! The course was flat and paved which was great for me. I had no idea what my pace would be since I use a Fitbit and my running pace is always averaged with my warm up/cool down walk pace. My goal was to run the entire thing and finish in under 35 minutes.

    I finished in 29:20 and couldn't be happier! I felt strong and empowered and promptly took myself out for a big brunch and a couple of beers. :smiley:

    WTG! There's something about a race event that's so much fun. Be proud of your time, and plan to improve next time!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    I don't think any device measuring distance is exact though I find Runkeeper is close enough :smile:

    I agree - I've worn my Fitbit for a little over a year now. I tried to set the stride as accurately as I could (see: "CDO" in the dictionary for my picture): ran a known distance, counting steps, repeated a couple times, then walked it, counting steps, repeated, and averaged all the data.

    Now - I figure that I'm doing the equivalent of "dollar cost averaging" with my steps. I just use the Fitbit data (and the MapMyRun data and whatever) to compare with itself, and try to maintain/improve over time.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited October 2015
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    10/1 6.6 miles - 6.6
    10/2 6.75 miles - 13.35
    10/3 22.1 miles - 35.45
    10/4 REST DAY
    10/5 10.75 miles - 46.2
    10/6 10.5 miles - 56.7
    10/7 6.6 miles - 63.3
    10/8 10 miles - 73.3
    10/9 6.75 miles - 80.05
    10/10 3.88 miles - 83.93 <<< Warrior Dash
    10/11 REST DAY
    10/12 10.25 miles - 94.18
    10/13 10.5 miles - 104.68
    10/14 6.75 miles - 111.43
    10/15 10.5 miles - 121.93
    10/16 5.75 miles - 127.68
    10/17 20 miles - 147.68
    10/18 REST DAY
    10/19 10.5 miles - 158.18
    10/20 11 miles - 169.18
    10/21 6.65 miles - 175.83
    10/22 11 miles - 186.83
    10/23 5.79 miles - 192.62
    10/24 20 miles - 212.62
    10/25 REST DAY
    10/26 REST DAY
    10/27 11 miles - 223.62


    11 miles 1:29:07 -- 2 mi w/u (8:19, 7:57) 2 mi tempo (6:59, 7:10) 3 mi steady state (7:35, 7:49, 7:33) Recovery then 8x 30 sec strides (9:02 8:31 8:25) c/d (9:43)
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Oct: 2.64 miles; 3.09 miles (walk)
    02-Oct: 2.44 miles (walk)
    03-Oct: 6.27 miles
    04-Oct: <just plain lazy>
    05-Oct: 3.62 miles
    06-Oct: 3.21 miles
    07-Oct: <Life Day> but 2.38 miles (walk)
    08-Oct: 6.54 miles
    09-Oct: 5.57 miles
    10-Oct: 6.82 miles
    11-Oct: 6.47 miles
    12-Oct: 4.34 miles; 3.73 miles (walk)
    13-Oct: 4.81 miles (walk)
    14-Oct: <Life Day> but 3.35 miles
    15-Oct: 3.24 miles
    16-Oct: 3.26 miles
    17-Oct: 6.37 miles
    18-Oct: 4.42 miles (walk)
    19-Oct: 3.32 miles; 3.66 miles (walk)
    20-Oct: 3.69 miles
    21-Oct: <Life Day>
    22-Oct: 3.57 miles; 3.77 miles (walk)
    23-Oct: 6.59 miles; 2.11 miles (walk)
    24-Oct: 3.16 miles - Mercer Homecoming 5K: 31:57 (10:17 pace)
    25-Oct: 3.73 miles (walk)
    26-Oct: 6.42 miles
    28-Oct: <Life Day>

    Not my best time on the 5K Saturday, but not the worst. I finally pulled the trigger on signing-up for the 10K this Saturday (first time in an "official" 10K event, so PB!! :smiley: ).

    Beat the goal for the month, and still several days left....

    Upcoming Races:
    31-Oct: Jay's Hope 10K
    14-Nov: FUMC 5K
    05-Dec: Reindeer Run 10K

  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Date Day Miles MTD
    1-Oct Thu 5.6 5.6
    2-Oct Fri 5.5 11.0
    3-Oct Sat 4.1 15.1
    5-Oct Mon 4.3 19.4
    6-Oct Tue 5.1 24.5
    7-Oct Wed 5.0 29.5
    8-Oct Thu 3.5 33.0
    11-Oct Sun 1.8 34.8
    12-Oct Mon 6.2 40.9
    13-Oct Tue 5.1 46.0
    15-Oct Thu 4.9 50.9
    16-Oct Fri 2.6 53.5
    18-Oct Sun 12.0 65.4
    19-Oct Mon 3.3 68.7
    20-Oct Tue 4.5 73.2
    21-Oct Wed 6.0 79.2
    22-Oct Thu 2.7 81.9
    25-Oct Sun 11.0 92.9
    26-Oct Mon 3.7 96.6
    27-Oct Tue 3.3 99.8

    Target for October: 100 miles
  • AGxx11
    AGxx11 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm brand new! Starting today for a goal 8 miles by the end of October and excited to start in November!!
  • ShanazAsiya
    ShanazAsiya Posts: 50 Member
    Hi.. you guys are awesome apparently I just started running not to long ago and the most I can do is..........uhhh okay I'm emberrased to say this I walk three an a half miles . I only walk on Tuesdays and Thursdays.How long have you guys been walking???
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for the support - you all are the best!

    @aligarmizo - Welcome!
    @ShanazAsiya - Everyone has to start somewhere, nothing to be embarrassed about at all. I started running back in March/April and used the C25k program. I would highly recommend it if you're looking to start running!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just got an email from someone in my HM group planning an informal group run on Saturday. She shared that it is her birthday in a way I previously would have never understood or appreciated: "I am celebrating changing age groups on Saturday." Totally a runner's statement.
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    edited October 2015
    @juliet3455 and @shanaber Being part of these monthly challenges and seeing everyone reaching whatever goals they have set for themselves keeps me motivated. I am thankful I can be part of that motivation. Running has saved my life. I'm not as fast as I used to be and may never get there again. But I am running and love it.

    @karllundy Dionysus? Well, yes of course we had wine at the end. ;) Tasting began at 930am, not my usual after run treat, but it was all about the fun. I am very fortunate to live within a few miles of about 75 wineries. <3

    @9voice9 great 5K on Saturday

    I was reviewing my training log from before I became ill. OMGoodness, I really liked my pace back then. It also reminded me to be patient. It took me many many months to get to 8-9 min average pace and I have only just begun my running journey again. This time I have a lot of poison to remove from my body first. For now I celebrate the run, my health and the enjoyment you all bring to the running experience.

    10/3 2.91
    10/4 5.16 (8.07)
    10/5 3.21 (11.28)
    10/7 3.12 (14.4)
    10/8 3.29 (17.69)
    10/9 3.00 (20.69) power walking on the treadmill after PiYo
    10/10 rest day
    10/11 12miles on the bike with the hubby. Been over a year since I have gotten on my road bike. Not counting these easy miles for my total. Time for some football.
    10/12 a few miles on the bike running errands.
    10/13 3.52 (24.22)
    10/15 3.78 (28)
    I'll be out of town until late Sunday. I might find some time to run, but not going to kill myself trying. Back at it on Monday. Have a great weekend to you all and run run run. :p
    10/19 5.98 (34) - far too many beer calories consumed this weekend. I felt it today.
    10/22 5.29 (39.29)
    10/23 3.08 (42.37) procrastination put me out the door mid-morning and 77F. I over heat quickly, such an uncomfortable run today. But it always feels good in the end.
    10/24 rest day
    10/25 3.03 (45.4) Dionysus 5K this morning. Improved 2 mins in 36 days. Bone Marrow Transplant can't stop me. Next 5K in 27 days.
    10/26 4.76 (50.16) walking the gran-puppy.
    10/27 3.13 (53.29)

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi.. you guys are awesome apparently I just started running not to long ago and the most I can do is..........uhhh okay I'm emberrased to say this I walk three an a half miles . I only walk on Tuesdays and Thursdays.How long have you guys been walking???

    Welcome - please don't be embarrassed. We all start where we start. I started changing my lifestyle in 2007, at 260 pounds (5'11"), so BMI of 36.3, or "obese." Started on Atkins and treadmill work. Ran my first 5K in 2008, paced by a co-worker's wife who was 6 months pregnant at the time.

    Kept at it off-and-on until a year ago when the company subsidized a FitBit for us. Started on 15-Oct-14 at 230 pounds. This morning I'm 191, and running/walking about 30 miles/week.

    The main thing: you do you. Be inspired by whatever inspires you, but commit to doing what you can do today, and plan to do a little bit more the next time - whether that's a few more steps, or a little bit faster. It's a process, not a destination. If you're a little bit happier with yourself and your progress today than you were yesterday, you've won.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Hi.. you guys are awesome apparently I just started running not to long ago and the most I can do is..........uhhh okay I'm emberrased to say this I walk three an a half miles . I only walk on Tuesdays and Thursdays.How long have you guys been walking???

    @ShanazAsiya, there's absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about walking! I spent two months walking for exercise before I ever tried running. Brisk walking is a fantastic way to get your body in shape and ready for running. Just make sure you're walking fast enough that you get your heart rate elevated.
  • smithie092015
    smithie092015 Posts: 56 Member
    @juliet3455 Once you've run with 30,000, everything else feels small ;) Thanks for the love everyone. Runners are the best people!

    10.1: 6
    10.3: 1.1
    10.4: 9
    10.8: 5.2
    10.9: 2.5
    10.11: 10
    10.12: 1.5
    10.13: 4
    10.15: 5
    10.17: 7.5
    10.19: 2.5
    10.20: 4.5
    10.22: 4
    10.25: 6.2
    10.26: 1
    10.27: 5


    I'm going to hit my goal this month!
  • smithie092015
    smithie092015 Posts: 56 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Hi.. you guys are awesome apparently I just started running not to long ago and the most I can do is..........uhhh okay I'm emberrased to say this I walk three an a half miles . I only walk on Tuesdays and Thursdays.How long have you guys been walking???

    @ShanazAsiya, there's absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about walking! I spent two months walking for exercise before I ever tried running. Brisk walking is a fantastic way to get your body in shape and ready for running. Just make sure you're walking fast enough that you get your heart rate elevated.

    This is 100% spot on. Brisk walking is great exercise. I started walking 2.5 miles to and from work this summer and I was shocked to find that I was sore! And I had been running for years. Walking is great.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited October 2015
    @5BeautifulDays Congratulations to my fellow MCM 10K runner! So exciting to hit a PR, amazing!

    I missed my time goal, unfortunately. I decided to wait in the bathroom line before the start, so by the time I lined up I was so far back. I lost a lot of time in my first two miles trying to find some room and dodging around people. I just wasn't able to make the time up over the rest of the race. Good news is that I felt really good, and as always, the excitement and good spirit was amazing! It's a big confidence boost going into The Parks 10K next Sunday. That's a smaller race (about 2,000 I think) so my chances of getting my PR then is pretty good!


    Those bathroom lines were brutal. My friend who started the race with me was in line for like 20 minutes, but we did manage to get into the area for those expecting to finish in a little over an hour. I told her "no peeing and no drinking until we cross the finish line!" But she mumbled something like, "crazy" and "dehydrated" "gotta go" and left me to myself, lol.

    I'm sorry you didn't make your time. I was quite frankly overwhelmed by the number of people...I'm not fast enough to lose any time with the crush at the beginning, but I can see how it would be very frustrating to a faster runner. I hope you do fabulously at the Parks. I had actually planned on signing up for that one before I did the MCM10, but my friend wanted to do that one. I may still sign up if there are spots--PRR is still advertising it. I'm a little intimidated about getting down there and parked and then getting out, though.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited October 2015
    10/1 8.25 treadmill run at just around 12:00
    10/2 3.75 treadmill run at 11:28
    10/3 rest

    10/4 3.0 @ 12:03 outside
    10/5 unplanned busy busy "rest" day
    10/6 5.25 @ 11:40 on the treadmill, plus strength training
    10/7 6.0 @ 12:05 on the park trail (and 2.5 walking to and from school/warm up/cool down--not counted)
    10/8 rest
    10/9 5.25 @ 11:14 on the treadmill, plus strength training
    10/10 rest

    10/11 4.5 @ 11:49 on the park trail, just a nice, enjoyable run on a beautiful Sunday morning
    10/12 4.0 @ 12:00 on the treadmill, nice and easy
    10/13 3.5 @ 10:48 on the treadmill, plus 20 minutes rowing machine instead of weights (changing things up!)
    10/14 9.0 @ 12:32 twice around the lake on the park trail.
    10/15 Yoga day
    10/16 2.5 @ 12:03 around the neighborhood
    10/17 Rest

    10/18 3.1 @ 10:52 Race day at GMU
    10/19 5.0 @ 12:10 Trail run at the local park trail--31degrees--brrr!
    10/20 3.0 @ 10:38 (!) on the treadmill, 1 mile cool-down walk and strength training
    10/21 3.0 @ 10:35 (!!) on the treadmill (plus .5 walk)
    10/22 4.75 @ 14:00 just a nice lope around the lake with the doge.
    10/23 3.25 @ 11:58 on the treadmill and strength training.
    10/24 Rest day in anticipation of the MCM10K on Sunday!

    10/25 6.5 at 11:08 at the Marine Corps Marathon 10K!
    10/26 rest day--and yes, I was sore!
    10/27 3.5 (3 @ 10:25 on the treadmill--faster and faster every day! and .5 walking) and strength training


  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @juliet3455 Once you've run with 30,000, everything else feels small ;)

    The Monster Dash I'm running Saturday had over 18,000 people registered between the half, 10 mile, and 5K. Last year there were 5640 finishing the half and 3433 for the 10 mile. I'm hoping those ratios hold up this year because the 5K starts an hour before the half, meaning I shouldn't be competing with the 5k runners for parking spots or bathrooms.

  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    edited October 2015
    I love the way everyone is so encouraging in this group :smiley:

    Eta my progress chart, forgot to paste it in!!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    dharwood68 wrote: »
    @dharwood68 great job on cutting time on your 5K Without being too personal "bone marrow transplant"??

    @skippygirlsmom, Not personal at all. I had a bone marrow transplant in June to cure Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Being able to run again has been my medicine and anti-depressant. It has also helped me recover faster than dr's expected. Feel free to ask any questions. It has been a crazy journey for two years.

    Running is great therapy! Years docs told me not to run, now with the right socs and diagnosis I'm told " I'm glad you are still running" and running is fine as long as I watch my st
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @juliet3455 Once you've run with 30,000, everything else feels small ;)

    The Monster Dash I'm running Saturday had over 18,000 people registered between the half, 10 mile, and 5K. Last year there were 5640 finishing the half and 3433 for the 10 mile. I'm hoping those ratios hold up this year because the 5K starts an hour before the half, meaning I shouldn't be competing with the 5k runners for parking spots or bathrooms.

    Omg! I'm running it Saturday too, I thought it was going to be a small race. I'll have to check the FT. Worth race attendance.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Had an excellent run today and made it 1.8 miles past my target! :) I'm in week 12 of 10k training and I can hardly believe in 3 weeks it'll be over. Time flies! I'm going to look at some races for December timeframe to keep me excited.

    Any tips on what to do after the 10k training? I went from the Zenlabs c25k app to the 10k training app and now I'm almost done with that. Do people generally start HM training after that? Any thoughts?

    10/01: 4.34
    10/04: 4.92
    10/06: 4.96
    10/08: 1.69
    10/10: 4.78
    10/12: 5.12
    10/14: 1.65
    10/15: 5.04
    10/17: 5.35
    10/19: 2.69
    10/20: 5.41
    10/22: 2.21
    10/25: 3.1
    10/27: 5.55
