can you spot steroid users? Which hollywood actors do you think use them?



  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    fbinsc wrote: »
    Christian Bale was the most obvious. Even had the roidrages on set. I read something that how many veins you can see is a good giveaway for hGH users.
    I'd usually heard vascularity as being from tren because of the way it both ups muscle synthesis and reduces fat at the same time. Though I'd rather surprised if large numbers of Hollywood actors are going as far as tren.
    Also, 'roid rage is a bit of a myth. I can't speak for all androgens, but testosterone doesn't really cause aggression, at least, not in the ways people think. Various studies show things like testosterone actually causing people to be more generous.
  • fbinsc
    fbinsc Posts: 735 Member
    @senecarr interesting, I had always taken the increased aggression, impulsivity, and irritability/reactivity to insult as a given with testosterone in the context of a male dominance hormone. I suppose I'll have to read up on it to see what the prevailing attitude is.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    fbinsc wrote: »
    interesting, I had always taken the increased aggression, impulsivity, and irritability/reactivity to insult as a given with testosterone in the context of a male dominance hormone. I suppose I'll have to read up on it to see what the prevailing attitude is.
    It is a bit complex interaction.
    If you neuter a bull as a calf, undoubtedly, they'll be less aggressive on average. Take a dominate bull and neuter him, and he'll probably actually be just as aggressive - the behavior is already there.

    Take a chimpanzee that's #3 in a 5 chimp hierarchy. He'll interestingly, probably have the #3 amount of testosterone. Pump him with testosterone so that he's now twice as much as #1, will he challenge #1 or even #2? Nope. He won't do one single extra act of violence against them. He will probably become a nightmare to #4, and #5 - but he already had the established hierarchy and behavior of being violent to them.

    Much of our ideas of human aggression and testosterone come from observing aggressive individuals have high testosterone, but the cause and effect might be reversed. It has been shown that testosterone rises after confrontation, and that people that come from a culture of honor such as the deep south, show greater rises in it after confrontation.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    senecarr wrote: »

    600mg's per week!! Holy hell, sign me up for that study!!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    hamlet1222 wrote: »
    ovidnine wrote: »
    Who cares.


    who cares? anyone who doesn't appreciate being misled or cheated.

    Mislead by Hollywood? Isn't that their raison d'etre? Their reason for being?

    Yes, who cares indeed.