Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hooray, I caught up on the posts (well, except for the couple pages earlier this week I still haven't gotten to).

    LilDeb -- you're really rocking it at the gym! Sounds like your muscles are relaxing and all your hard work at the gym over the last few weeks is finally showing up on the scale, huh? :wink: (Is an "I told you so" in order here? :tongue:)

    Heather -- I'm glad you're back! I loved your movie trailer.

    Cris -- What a day! Congratulations on Onderland the 2nd time around! That's pretty awesome.

    Tstout - Hang in there, it can't stay this hectic very long. I'm having a nightmare week at work, too. That'll teach me to take time off. I've worked several hours over this week. Most people would think "Yay, at least I get paid overtime" but... um.... I don't get overtime because my position is exempt from FLSA laws. That's just dandy, huh? I don't understand why the Fed makes laws & then allows employers to deem people as exempt from those laws. :huh: As my supervisor puts it, our compensation for working overtime is that we're allowed to continue working there. :laugh: It's not like I even have a decent salary or anything (you'd have to work 6 months at my job to find that $15,000 you're looking for... and that's assuming you're not forced to contribute to a pension and taxes like I am... And that is why I deliver pizza part time. :ohwell: ). Ridiculous, it is. Cheers to working your *kitten* off at a job you hate for essentially no money! :drinker: Sorry about the ranting tangent. :tongue:

    Susan -- If you can't be trusted around the brownie, throw it away. But if you can be trusted, have a little piece of it to satisfy that craving. I couldn't be trusted around candy or baked goods for the first 3 months or so I was working on my healthier lifestyle so I didn't have them anywhere near me. I was seriously *addicted* (and I'm not someone who uses that term lightly) to sugar. Now I can be trusted. I had half of a cookie & some coffee tonight and my sweet tooth was satisfied (and the entire bag of cookies is sitting in the kitchen. 10 months ago that bag would've been gone... like 3 hours after I bought it yesterday :embarassed: )

    stongue -- I don't believe I've welcomed you, so welcome to the most awesome group of ladies on MFP (or anywhere else for that matter)! I find keeping a big cup or bottle of water by me most of the time really helps with my water intake. I have a 2 liter jug of sorts I keep on my desk and just sip throughout the day. This way getting enough water never seems like a very difficult task for me. :smile:

    So, TOM is full force but I'm still under 200 AFTER dinner! Yay! Looks like I'm recovering from my delicious honeymoon quickly enough. I very much doubt I'll actually show a loss this week. I'll be extremely happy with a 197 or so in the morning with TOM kicking my bloated butt the way it is right now.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hooray, I caught up on the posts (well, except for the couple pages earlier this week I still haven't gotten to).

    LilDeb -- you're really rocking it at the gym! Sounds like your muscles are relaxing and all your hard work at the gym over the last few weeks is finally showing up on the scale, huh? :wink: (Is an "I told you so" in order here? :tongue:)

    Thank you !!! Thank you !!! Maybe you were a little right :wink: :wink:

    I am loving this, I am still amazed that after dinner i was 268, i just can't believe how much i am loosing this week...not that i am complaining, i think some of it was last week but since TOM came on tuesday i think i got some of that weight back from last week...but i will take it...I know that everyweek won't be like this ,but i will take it where I get it :smile:

    I keep thinking that tomorrow morning i am going to wake up and be back to 270...i am soo happy to be in the 260's you don't even know...we will see what the morning will bring.

    I don't "count" my weight until friday, so being under 268 in the morning will be such a big thing as it will be 1/3 way to my 1st big goal of loosing 150 lbs)...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in

    cals - 1737
    Water - about 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min on arc trainer (416 cals)
    Proud - Usally we have pasta (among other things) that serena and/or abby doesn't like i usally make them , mac n cheese or chicken nuggets, today we were having spaghetti and i told her that is what she was having and she ate almost all of it, she said her new favortie food was spaghetti, of course not eating a lot with the fork and more with the hands and on her face , but she ate it and so did abby, it made me soo happy,
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am very proud to see so many of our sisters checking in. I have not seen that many check-ins in some time. :drinker: I like reading everyone's check-ins. I love to read what everyone is proud of. Keep on checkin'! :wink:

    I am still running on 6 shots of espresso and my ADD meds. No sleep for me tonight!!! But on the upside I cleaned my ENTIRE house! I mean I got down and dirty and scrubbed! :laugh: I also organized the kitchen! I rock.

    check in:
    cals: under - like 400 under. I KNOW I KNOW. Shhh. Peanut butter.
    water: close to 100
    exercise: 90 mins of PT. I wore my Polar this time and I did not go under my zone for one second! Most of the time I was over. That is how hard PT is for me, girlie girls!
    proud: there was a monsignor at PT working next to me and I kept it clean - no cursing. :devil: I mean :bigsmile:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I blame Wednesday and Thursday for my measley 0.6 pound loss. Oh well.. at least it's something. Next week will be better.

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Okay... I realized that I'm about to post twice within minutes :) I posted the last one quickly in haste and didn't go back and read everything from yesterday.

    The end of the day was lightyears better than the rest of the day. We figured out how to put tires on the car (yay!) which means we'll be able to drive to Ohio this weekend for my sorority sister's wedding, and we got the front breaks done which meand we'll be able to stop when we get there! (I was having visions of having to tuck and roll outside of the church... not good.) While we were waiting on the car to be done, we walked down to the pub near our house for dinner. I had the grilled bbq chicken sandwich and maybe 8 french fries (proud! :happy: )... and a 312 yummmm. But the point is! NO CAKE! WOO!!!

    Thank you ladies, for all of your kind words yesterday. I certainly wouldn't have made it through the day without cake, macaroni and cheese, and whatever else I could find without you.

    Here's to a great weekend and a better week next week!!

    Personal goals for next week: Start Couch25K. 2 days of strength training. Water water water water water!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning gals!

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%

    Five pounds that I lost was gained 3 weeks ago and 1 pound was this week. I hope to stay this low and reach ONEderland by next week...

    Congrats Tstout! A loss is better than no loss:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I lost 5.3 lbs yes 5.3 ...I am soo freaking excited ..I don't think i have lost this much in one week....This is soo big for me...I hit my 1st 50 lb goal (as you can see as my ticker i have added that next 50 lbs).And I met my July 4th vacation goal a week early !!!!!!

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%

    I'm seeing some big numbers as people weigh in on the main page! Can't wait to see how everybody did! I'm down another pound from yesterday so I'm at 214.8 which is still almost 5 pounds below my lowest weight. Seeing these big numbers is giving me the push I need!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess- you are starting to work out ..i know you will see big numbers soon ..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess- you are starting to work out ..i know you will see big numbers soon ..

    Than you! I'm hopeing to have these 4.8 pounds I gained gone by Wednesday. It's gonna be tuff but I'm going to give it my best shot!! You know you haven't been to spin class in awhile when you wake up after your first day back and your butt hurts all over again! :tongue: But I'm going to go again tomorrow morning!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good job on the spin class...my but hurts every morning after spin class!!! We skipped last sunday, but we are going tonight and Sunday morning ...

    How is your foot doing..is it all better now.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LilDeb!! You're awesome!

    I've never been so happy to not report a loss. It's day 2 of heavy TOMness and I'm only up 0.6 pounds from my lowest weight ever!
    Now, I know as soon as I hit the gym tonight my weight is going to go up a couple pounds and that's okay, but I'm going to bask in the 196.4ness (I was around 203 on Tuesday). Seriously, I don't think you'd even believe me if I told you everything I ate this weekend. :laugh: I guess he biking everywhere on the island thing really did keep me from gaining weight! :drinker:

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%

    Edit -- Holy moly! I didn't even see Pos_me the first time!! Wowsa woman!! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay. I palnned out my breakfast and lunch and I'm going to try and not snack today. Only on fruit if I must snack. I have about 600 calories left for dinner tonight. Supposed to go to dinner with Mike and not sure where we are going. He's killing me with wanting to go out to eat! I'm going to have to start suggesting me cooking dinner or something.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay. I palnned out my breakfast and lunch and I'm going to try and not snack today. Only on fruit if I must snack. I have about 600 calories left for dinner tonight. Supposed to go to dinner with Mike and not sure where we are going. He's killing me with wanting to go out to eat! I'm going to have to start suggesting me cooking dinner or something.

    Jess, I lost weight that I lost before ( 3/ 4 weeks ago) I changed my ticket ( i think 2 weeks ago) when the weight didn't come off ( because I wasn't focused). But this week I was really focused - even when I went out for lunch with my famly..I had a salad w'chicken breast ( skin and bone removed)..and a couple of cookies. I didn't eat dinner that day because I was stuffed from lunch. the next day I had a couple handfulls of popcorn ( herrs cheese popcorn) and dinner I had homemade lasagna.. So Monday and Tuesday I was over on calories ( about 200 -300) and the rest of the week I stay a little below calories..becuase I was afraid of seeing a gain..I really didn't weigh myself the whole week but today. I was so suprized. I did the zig-zag thing the rest of the day..maybe that helped.
    I know you WILL lose the 5 pounds so don't stress about it and just do what you can..eating and exercising without making it tourture on yourself...take it one day at a time, And enjoy the company and not the food...stay in control and postive :flowerforyou: :heart: ya
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I lost 5.3 lbs yes 5.3 ...I am soo freaking excited ..I don't think i have lost this much in one week....This is soo big for me...I hit my 1st 50 lb goal (as you can see as my ticker i have added that next 50 lbs).And I met my July 4th vacation goal a week early !!!!!!

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%

    I am so proud of you hitting the 50 lb mark and losing more than 5 pounds:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay. I palnned out my breakfast and lunch and I'm going to try and not snack today. Only on fruit if I must snack. I have about 600 calories left for dinner tonight. Supposed to go to dinner with Mike and not sure where we are going. He's killing me with wanting to go out to eat! I'm going to have to start suggesting me cooking dinner or something.

    Jess, I lost weight that I lost before ( 3/ 4 weeks ago) I changed my ticket ( i think 2 weeks ago) when the weight didn't come off ( because I wasn't focused). But this week I was really focused - even when I went out for lunch with my famly..I had a salad w'chicken breast ( skin and bone removed)..and a couple of cookies. I didn't eat dinner that day because I was stuffed from lunch. the next day I had a couple handfulls of popcorn ( herrs cheese popcorn) and dinner I had homemade lasagna.. So Monday and Tuesday I was over on calories ( about 200 -300) and the rest of the week I stay a little below calories..becuase I was afraid of seeing a gain..I really didn't weigh myself the whole week but today. I was so suprized. I did the zig-zag thing the rest of the day..maybe that helped.
    I know you WILL lose the 5 pounds so don't stress about it and just do what you can..eating and exercising without making it tourture on yourself...take it one day at a time, And enjoy the company and not the food...stay in control and postive :flowerforyou: :heart: ya

    Thank you! I needed this! I have been in such a funk. This brought me to tears. Thanks for believeing in me!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I changed my ticker back. Going to hold myself accountable for the gain that I have taken on.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay. I palnned out my breakfast and lunch and I'm going to try and not snack today. Only on fruit if I must snack. I have about 600 calories left for dinner tonight. Supposed to go to dinner with Mike and not sure where we are going. He's killing me with wanting to go out to eat! I'm going to have to start suggesting me cooking dinner or something.

    Jess, I lost weight that I lost before ( 3/ 4 weeks ago) I changed my ticket ( i think 2 weeks ago) when the weight didn't come off ( because I wasn't focused). But this week I was really focused - even when I went out for lunch with my famly..I had a salad w'chicken breast ( skin and bone removed)..and a couple of cookies. I didn't eat dinner that day because I was stuffed from lunch. the next day I had a couple handfulls of popcorn ( herrs cheese popcorn) and dinner I had homemade lasagna.. So Monday and Tuesday I was over on calories ( about 200 -300) and the rest of the week I stay a little below calories..becuase I was afraid of seeing a gain..I really didn't weigh myself the whole week but today. I was so suprized. I did the zig-zag thing the rest of the day..maybe that helped.
    I know you WILL lose the 5 pounds so don't stress about it and just do what you can..eating and exercising without making it tourture on yourself...take it one day at a time, And enjoy the company and not the food...stay in control and postive :flowerforyou: :heart: ya

    Thank you! I needed this! I have been in such a funk. This brought me to tears. Thanks for believeing in me!

    Awww, you made me tear up now...everything said came from the heart:flowerforyou: . I believe in you and you can do it:flowerforyou: :heart: .
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    tstout.... -0.6.... .006%
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