Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I haven't even made it to 8 cups of water today and I can NOT stop peeing!! It makes me want to skip the gym so I can see the loss on the scale in the morning! I bet it would be a new lowest weight ever.

    Okay... okay... fine. I'll go to the gym (:grumble:). But only because I plan to drink my exercise calories tonight (beer!). :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I haven't even made it to 8 cups of water today and I can NOT stop peeing!! It makes me want to skip the gym so I can see the loss on the scale in the morning! I bet it would be a new lowest weight ever.

    Okay... okay... fine. I'll go to the gym (:grumble:). But only because I plan to drink my exercise calories tonight (beer!). :tongue:

    That's quality! :laugh: Love it!

    Lildebbie-That sounds like a perfect date night even to me! :laugh: My date night tonight conists of getting applebees to go and hanging out at the apartment until he's finished working and THEN we're gonna try and go out and do something. Maybe. I have learned he use to be a hermit. I will NOT partake in those habits!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    So, here is what a 50lbs loss and 1 year look like.. (I really did not try to start loosing weight until October) To be quite honest, I really don't see the difference I thought I would. I suppose some of that has to do with my height and being able to distribute it easier. I guess I will just have to work harder on these next 50lbs


    WOW, hot momma..lol!!! I can see a difference:tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have learned he use to be a hermit. I will NOT partake in those habits!

    If this is true, it just might explain where all of the nice, polite, un-taken guys have been hiding! Drag him out to do something fun!

    Jess, yes, I did mean Julie for onederville. You'll be there soon. I think maybe my subconscious was rooting for you, too!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks gals for the kind comments. I guess when I look at the BIG picture it does add up to 51 inches, 3 sizes and 50 lbs. I guess I just did not realize just how BIG I let myself get and in my mind I thought I appeared smaller! it is good motivation though. I will NEVER let myself go like that again and I already feel so much better with 50lbs gone. I am looking forward to the next 50!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    another busy day for me..so i can't stalk as much anymore. I am so tired. staying up all night really sucked my energy...I want to sleep while my kids want to go somewhere. It is too hot to do anything!!!

    Congrats to all the biggest losers thus far..even if it's a small loss..or no loss..or even a small gain ( which will come off in a couple of days).

    Jess - have fun on your date. I have never been to Applebees. I did go to TGIF a couple times..and that is because so my daughter can have there mazzarella sticks..or was ti chicken tenders..forgot.

    Litdeb: have fun on your dat too...:wink: even married couples ( with kids) need time alone:bigsmile: :blushing:

    litspy: SO how is married life...it's been a week or tomorrow iwll be a week:tongue: have fun at the gym. Crossing my fingers for a loss tomorrow..pee girl pee:laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Pos_Me: I LOVE TGI Fridays. I'm a huge fan of the Jack Daniels sauce and sweet potato fries!

    COgirl: Wowsa, 51 inches? I was so happy I'd lost 9 inches! You're awesome!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey!!!!! I missed you all!

    Busy day at work, and I stayed late at work just so I could type to you guys in peace :laugh: :laugh: Once I get home the kiddos and fiance dont leave me alone!

    Congrats to Lildeb- I cant even express how proud I am of you! Yay for reaching your goal a week early too!
    pos_me- way to lose that weight!!! Glad yo uare back on track with me!
    blue- OMG SOOO CLOSE! I better start organizing your party for next week!!!!!:drinker:
    cogirl- Please tell Momma I am praying for her..whatever it is. As for your pics- YUHM YEA I SEE A DIF! Your neck, legs, belly...Great job!!!!

    Gotta go I want to go home!!!!

    Did someone say beer?! ....no Cris no....ignore Julie...:devil: :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh duh forgot it was weigh in....I plan on not weighing in until Im back to my lowest weight which was 195.2...I am currently at 198.2....so here's hoping the next week or two I will be back in the running!

    Today I had a bagel and a cereal bar. Have been THAT busy, didnt even have time to eat...so I am gonna go eat then try to go to the gym....

    hopefully talk to u all later
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Yes it would explain where they are hiding! But I do plan on keeping him out of the house. He said he has been actively trying to go out and do things more. So far I don't think he's been at home for more then a few hours at a time since we met. So here's to hopeing!!

    Cris-Hope you make it to the gym!

    POS Me-Hope your able to get some sleep and some energy. Sounds like you've been going non stop girl!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    If this is true, it just might explain where all of the nice, polite, un-taken guys have been hiding! Drag him out to do something fun!

    It's true. I found dh in his apartment. :tongue: Well, the *first* time I met him was at a party a friend of mine was having in a house where Scott lived (so, the party came to him -- he would've had to go somewhere to avoid it and *that* wasn't happening :tongue:). Then a year later he moved into an apartment with that same friend.
    When I was out at a bar or something I'd get his roommate to call him and ask him to come out and he NEVER did. So I started asking his rooommate to invite me over more often. :laugh:

    So, imagine my surprise when he asked me if I wanted to go out tonight! :noway: I honestly think he likes to showoff being married. :love: Like I'm a trophy wife or something. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    If this is true, it just might explain where all of the nice, polite, un-taken guys have been hiding! Drag him out to do something fun!

    It's true. I found dh in his apartment. :tongue: Well, the *first* time I met him was at a party a friend of mine was having in a house where Scott lived (so, the party came to him -- he would've had to go somewhere to avoid it and *that* wasn't happening :tongue:). Then a year later he moved into an apartment with that same friend.
    When I was out at a bar or something I'd get his roommate to call him and ask him to come out and he NEVER did. So I started asking his rooommate to invite me over more often. :laugh:

    So, imagine my surprise when he asked me if I wanted to go out tonight! :noway: I honestly think he likes to showoff being married. :love: Like I'm a trophy wife or something. :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: This has me cracking up! He should be proud of his trophy wife! You are one sexy lady!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    the boys got mcdonalds....my son was just playing with his food (my fave) plain cheeseburger...i took a bite...I was about to eat the entire thing since he doesnt want it but I stuck it in my mouth and spit it out. I do NOT want to be out of ONEderland again!!!!

    Fiance and I are celebrating 6 years together next wednesday June 30:love::love: Since its a weekday we decided to celebrate next fri or sat and we are going to go out to dinner and a movie. I bought a dress a while back for our date....it was my under 200 dress, since initially my goal was to be under 200 by our anniversary (and I did it!) but the motivating factor was that I would be under 200 for our anny and he'd get to take me out in a 'hot' new dress. So anyway the point of all this rambling is that I will not eat poorly until he takes me out for our dinner. I want to look smokin in that dress next friday!!!


  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: You're amazing and even better than just a trophy wife. He should want to show you off and let other guys know they they can't have you!

    Jess: Way to go on keeping that guy busy and away from his house! I'm never, ever home it seems, so I have a hard time accepting that some people (all of my boyfriend's friends) NEVER leave home. Weird.

    Cris: Congrats on not scarfing down the McDonalds. Though as I type this, I have to tell you it sounded good but that's probably because I'm hungry. You'll be smokin' hot for your anniversary dinner.

    I'm sitting here waiting for the bad weather to pass so we can go to the campground and get set up. We're under a tornado watch right now, with a big cell moving in that has produced baseball-sized hail earlier today. Fun, eh?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- 1208
    water- yup
    sodium- 2400....boo
    excercise- nada...I was going to go to the gym and thought they closed at 11 but they close at 10 so I wont have time
    proud- that I did NOT eat McDonalds even though I really really wanted to

    Good night gals, be good this weekend!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks gals for the kind comments. I guess when I look at the BIG picture it does add up to 51 inches, 3 sizes and 50 lbs. I guess I just did not realize just how BIG I let myself get and in my mind I thought I appeared smaller! it is good motivation though. I will NEVER let myself go like that again and I already feel so much better with 50lbs gone. I am looking forward to the next 50!

    I am soo jealous !!! I have lost 50 lbs an barely down 1 size :sad: Maybe my next 50 will shed more sizes....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    COGirl - ABSOLUTELY can tell a difference! Everywhere! Even your haircut! :tongue: You look GREAT!!! :flowerforyou:

    I went out to eat when my initial thought was not to because I haven't been feeling well all day. I blamed it on the no sleep at first, then the espresso, then the potato, then the Fiber One. Bleh. I barely ate 1/2 cup of pasta pomodoro. NOT like me at all! I feel like I am going to BURST!!!!!! :sick:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cogirl -- I couldn't see the pictures at work but I'm home now and I can totally see a HUGE difference!! Especially in your tummy/hips! But definitely everywhere! It took a long time for me to really really really notice how much I've changed. And only recently have I started actually seeing the change in the mirror anywhere other than my face. And now I see a difference in the mirror or the way my clothes fit with every single pound - it's really kind of weird.

    Today as I peed my life away, my pants started becoming uncomfortable. Not because they're too small (they're about 2 sizes too big in the waist, actually) but because my hip bones were rubbing against them. How uncomfortable actually being skinny must be. :laugh:

    I wanted to check to see if I had lost as much water weight over the course of the day as I thought I had and, yep, I did! I think I've finally lost all the water I was retaining thanks to sodium. My size 6 ring is actually loose tonight. :noway: It was so tight at some points over the weekend I couldn't even wear it because it was so tight it hurt. Tonight before dinner I weighed 196.4 (with full blown TOM!)! I did bust it at the gym after work and plan on having a couple of beers later so I won't be surprised if I'm not at an all time low in the morning. But 196.4 is definitely the lightest I've ever been at night. I think I may have actually effectively "shocked" my metabolism. :drinker:

    AND, my friend who called me last week about health advice has lost 8 pounds since I advised him! I'm so happy for him! I really hope he comes to me if/when he struggles/plateaus. I really want him to be successful at this.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - WTG to kick your metabolism in gear !!!!

    Went to spin class tonight, my knee and ankle i thought were going to collapse, but i did iti, burned 471 cals...i could of broken 500 if my knee and ankle weren't hurting soo bad, it took everything just to do it, and not give up, but wasn't increasing resistance much , but still with my other exercise i had like a 900 calorie burn today ...woohoo....!!!!

    cals - 2230
    Water - not nearly enought like 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min arc trainer + spin class (911)
    Proud - That i hit my 50 lbs mark (plus some), it has been a long time coming....13 months wayy too long (of course probably 1/2 those months i wasn't trying), the next 50 lbs WILL NOT take that long :smile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok.. had a pretty stressful afternoon on the phone with the mortgage company... Apparently somewhere in the midst of Washington Mutual merging with Chase they messed up our home loan account. Long story short they started paying our taxes and insurance without telling me. So, my insurance and the county sent my checks back and the mortgage company shows a neg balance on our escrow. AND.... they are not suppose to be taking out any escrow since I have paid it for years. After 2 hours on the phone, four different departments and disconnected 2 times I ended up right back where I started... NADA... I am so damn mad right now.

    On a good note my honey took the family out for dinner. We went to a place called "jason's deli" OMG it was the BEST!!!
    They had tons of organic veggies, crackers and fruit as well as humus, low fat cheese and fat free dressings on their salad bar. I was in heaven.. I will definitely be going back there! It was pretty reasonable to about 7.50 per person!

    On another note.. our air conditioning is not working like it should and it looks like I am going to have to get someone out here to give it a little love. I am keeping my fingers crossed it is not too expensive. I guess I should know more next week!

    Well, I better get back to my paper work I need to finish before bed


    Calories... still have a few exercise cal to spare
    Water.. great
    exercise.. between c25k and the garden I burned a ton today
    Proud... I am looking forward to loosing the next 50 lbs!!
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