
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Grits - I just buy a bag of 15-bean mix at the store. The suggested recipe on this bag suggested canned tomatoes, onion, chili powder, lime juice, and garlic. I put in onion, Ro-tel tomatoes, and garlic. The sample I had was pretty good.

    Sleet is still coming down. The forecast has changed so that our precipitation should end soon and NOT snow tomorrow as originally predicted. Of course, temps aren't supposed to get above freezing until Sunday and then for only a few hours. Will spend some time clearing a way out tomorrow.

    Good night, everyone!

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 17.28min 157mhr 8.45ap/min mi 6,6-8.5sp 2mi = 190c
    Rope pull- 15min, 1490ft 99ftpmin 116mhr, midset lvl7, 142mhr = 128c
    Physical therapy at gym- 11.10min 1 set 15, 3 diff stretches = 23c
    physical therapy- 45min, = 50c
    total cal 391
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    14,000 steps
    146 minutes of dog walking
    52 minutes riding the exercise bike
    taught the line dance class

    "Discard anything that doesn't spark joy.....Life becomes far easier when you know that things will work out even if you are lacking something.".....marie kondo
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Cathe Friendrich's Intensity DVD today. The first half is step, and I really don't think she's a good step instructor.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do this DVD called "Black, Red, Gray". We shall see what that's all about.

    DJ - maybe the reason I'm seeing these "rolls" is because lately I've been doing these other DVD's. Also, I haven't been exercising as intensely since I'm trying to "baby" my heel. Speaking of the heel: still taking that medicine. It's better but I can still feel a little soreness. But it's just a little.

    janetr - beautiful ring/bracelet. I don't blame you one bit for staying in AZ. I wish we were in FL right now.

    Heaather - hope your tooth feels better

    Well, it's snowing here so that means that EVERYTHING is shut down. I did make two of the spinach/feta quiches so I can put it in the freezer for later on. Aldi had portobello mushrooms on sale so roasted some of them. Now there're in the freezer. After they freeze I'll put them in a bag and then roast some more. Then I made catfish for sometime next week or the following week. Just that much less that I have to do and I can't go out today. Sorry I didn't go to WalMart yesterday as I could have started to make cookies for Lynette's birthday. Well, I have some in the freezer, and if I need to, I'll just give them to her and make some more for Vince. I also made some cauliflower soup

    Lynette asked me to make a cake for her for Wed. You know, I don't mind making something for her, but in a way I'm getting tired of always making a cake and her mother always makes these gluten free cookies. Well, it's for her accounting group and I know Vince who's an accountant, he always likes the same old same old. Me? I like change.

    Carol/Peach - I did think that the blue on the fish maybe should have been a lighter blue, but Vince says that's a good Charger color. That I don't know the first thing about. Oh, in case anyone didn't know (and I bet you didn't), the lightening bolt on the small fish is the Charger's logo

    Carol in NC - I don't know about you, but I sure didn't move to NC to shovel snow!!!!!! I took my boots out of the back of the closet. I think that this is the second or third time I've used them since we've lived down here. Seems that there's more cracking on the tops of the boots. But I'm not really concerned since I don't use them much at all.

    Mia - what a reason to get "fired"!!! congrats. Vince's cardiologist "fired" him after seeing him once after the ablation.

    Mary - inches lost mean so much more than pounds lost

    kimses - so sorry for your loss. Terrible that you got mugged, hope there weren't any bruises

    Second batch of mushrooms just out of the oven. One more batch to go. This one is now in the freezer.

    Last batch done, put some in the refrigerator to add to my salad and the rest are in the freezer.

    Tracie in Green Bay - great new from your ortho!

    Carol in NC - you do what I do when it snows, I cooked up a storm today!

    Miriam - good luck with Evan. Sounds like you have a great plan worked out there. Lovely pic of the girls, your sister and you

    Karen - nice pic

    Margaret - one of the things that I liked about a snowblower (when we needed it) was that it would throw the snow further back than I could. This was you didn't get those "piles" alongside the driveway.

    DJ - knew you'd love "menopause the Musical". It was worth the money, eh?

    Donna - I need to get back to more intense exercise. I've been babying this foot for far too long. Welcome!

    Elaine - I certainly commiserate. It's almost like we have one of those kiddie tubes on, huh?

    Sylvia - they opened a few Walmart Neighborhood Markets around here, but they've never offered coupons. Actually, they opened one that I liked, then they opened another closer to me and I was very disappointed, to me it is very small. Another one is supposed to open in 5 days near me, hope it's bigger.

    Michele in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Becca - too funny!!! ear plugs do work. Once as an apt. dweller a gal friend and I shared a one bedroom (2 twin beds) and the neighbor was going at "it" so she and I did loud imitations of them and embellished them - after a very short time they were quiet. I'm having salmon for dinner tonight, artichoke and a slaw made from Kohlrabi.

    smiles kim

    Woah.....you are ballsy!!! Hahahaha.... Well with the earplugs in, I swear I could still hear them!! My husband who can sleep thru anything said I just have to think of it as white noise...grrrr. The earplugs made me also concentrate on my breathing, and also the sounds my ears make tonally like tinnitus, and THAT was annoying! I don't have the ringing per-say, but the beeps, and tones that (if I concentrate on them) could possibly land me in a padded room....
    Oregonian with little ponds
    up and down my street
    rec'd 3 inches yesterday.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon oh see give my husband an excuse to be raunchy!!! My teenager already tells us to get a room when he hears giggling from our bedroom. We yell back, "We ARE in our room!" I think any kidding and "making light of an uncomfortable situation" would result in them both getting mad. I hate making people mad, especially if its aimed at ME. Eeeek.

    lying low and saying to myself
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    UPDATE: kirby had an appointment with his spine doc. she doesn't have his xrays from the hospital (tacoma general) so she couldn't give him a really educated assessment of his condition because she wanted to see his xrays and all the info about him first. HOWEVER, based on their talk, she said the first 3 months after an accident is where you'll improve the most and kirby is at his 3 months. she said that alot of people usually will just learn to adjust to their new limited range of motion and ability. kirby did not leave his appointment very optimistic. i feel for him. with all the progress that has made, he is thinking this is as good as it's going to get. no more running, maybe.. not being able to ride faster than 90rpm? maybe, can't ride outside faster than a 7-8mph? maybe, can't change a flat on a bike? maybe... no matter how much i remind him on how far he's come and how he could be way worse had he not been as fit as he is; it doesn't ease his frustration. he will get another appointment with her when she gets all the xrays and records and she will give him a better idea where he stands.
    my shoulder is still a work in progress, it's not where it should be, but life is life, gotta deal with it.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Miriam If there were more people like you, our world would be an amazing place. You have such a compassionate heart, and it shows in all you do and feel.
    Feeling Blessed to be a
    part of this Club.
    in Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Aw PIP give a hug to your Kirby from me! One thing after my husbands transplant was having a home care person come in and just talk with him. Physically he was on the path, but mentally he was having a tough time. Kirby has you to share and talk with, but sometimes mates are just too close to a situation, and they don't talk to you about things because they don't want to burden you with it. Kirby sounds like a realist, and his reality is settling in. You both have gone thru your own physical hardships. Maybe both attending a therapist to just let stresses out could be a good thing. I talk about your Kirby like I know the guy, but you have painted us a picture of this dude, so in a way I know that he would go to the ends of the earth for you. And that might be not burdening you with all of his feelings. Its a guy thing. ((((hugs)))) bud!
    Love Becca
    Your Oregonian
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Kimses in MA I got mugged the other day too!!!! Mine were hiding on the top of the frig and got me as I was doing the dishes!!!! ((hugs))) Sorry about your job, that sucks.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Gayle- the coldest temperature my DH remembers was -27F. It finally warmed up yesterday. It was nice getting outside again!

    Michele - you are so right. It is depressing when you work so hard and the scale shows a gain. That is why I'm so glad that I take my measurements and was able to see a loss that way!

    Have a great night everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, I have always considered both you and Kirby overachievers. Just because that is what statistics show doesn't mean that he can't beat those odds. Prove her wrong!

    We got 5.1 inches on top of the 3 inches Wednesday. But our daughter in Kentucky has got a lot more. But they are young and love stuff like the snow.

    i think whatever is in my head is now in my ears. Anyone speaking just kills me with the reverberation. Plus my back. Charlie was able to get out today and get his antibiotic for his colon infection. Although I feel awful, I also have cabin fever. Charlie fixed supper tonight after he found out that I couldn't stand up to the stove. He wanted to try to go out to Wendy's to get a cheeseburger!

    I think it was Becca or Lenora trying to think of the name of the play with the word vagina in it. I think you are thinking about The Vagina monologues.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • BonnieSpins
    BonnieSpins Posts: 16 Member
    Carol in NC - Sorry you got sleet. I would much rather have the mounds of snow that we are getting. No the storm didn't fizzle. We don't plan on doing much digging out even though it would be great exercise. Hubby had back surgery in the summer and is waiting for both knees to be replaced. I've already had one knee replaced. Just a bit risky. I may do a little to make paths, but the first kids that knock on our door gets the job.

    If SIL can get over here, he will help dig us out, but if we get the 2 feet they are calling for, I doubt that will happen. Even if he could, I don't expect to see him tomorrow. He finished his day job as a paramedic this evening, went home for dinner, then went to the fire house where he is a volunteer to spend the night. Tomorrow, I imagine, will be spent sleeping.

    Stay safe and warm.

    Bonnie in snowy Maryland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2016
    Donna: Welcome. I hope you'll be able to find exercise that is fun for you. One of the basic keys to success is to count calories in and calories out. (CICO) Many of us move more so we can burn more calories. Exercise doesn't have to be unpleasant. I like to take yoga classes and ride bikes. In the winter, I ride inside on a stationary bike. I also like to ride horses, and that is both my reward and also burns LOTS of calories. :wink:

    Miriam: What a great thing to do for the young man who is struggling. :heart: Certain high tech moguls have asperger's like behaviors and are billionaires anyway. :smiley: He should get a chance to learn about them along the way. :flowerforyou:

    eccentric and Elaine: Unfortunately we can't spot reduce. Your body takes the pounds off in its own manner. Your best bet is to move more as you are losing weight. Exercise will help you reshape your body. Nothing happens quickly, though. Be patient with yourselves and the process. CICO=Calories In Calories Out. :smiley:

    Betty: Stay safe in the storm. I'm wishing you excellent luck. :flowerforyou:

    Carol and those on the storm path: No falling!!!! It isn't fun at all. :noway: :embarassed: Watch out for black ice if you go out in snowy/icy conditions. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Haven't you noticed that men seldom need an excuse to get raunchy? God bless their hearts. :wink:

    Pip: Sorry that Kirby's doctor is a Negative Nellie. :devil: Perhaps he can find someone who is more positive, or he can take one step at a time and prove her wrong. You had one doctor that was a total loser when you hurt your shoulder, and thank goodness you didn't follow their advice. :flowerforyou:

    Horseback riding lesson tomorrow! Yay! I'm skilled enough at yoga that I know how to modify moves so that I stay safe and compensate for my broken wrist but my riding skill is not quite at that level. :noway: The only trouble I really had last week was getting on and off. Hopefully I will do a better job climbing onto the horse than last week. I'm planning to ask for a mounting block. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi gals,

    Miriam – 3 cheers for you and your girls for helping Evan, and for his folks for embracing the opportunity!!! I just saw the baptism picture, and somehow did not realize that you are the girls great aunt and adopted mom.

    Sylvia – I am glad the co-op group is so upbeat!

    Michele – I read about the “charger” color – I thought that is not a charger to go under a plate, it is a serving dish… then when I read father and found out it was a logo –

    Pip – so from the for what it’s worth – Doctors are talking about averages, not what a determined committed person can do. Kirby may always have some limits but he will continue to get stronger if he works at it and will learn “new” ways of doing things - work arounds if you will… I can’t imagine he will take this sitting down!

    So I made a double batch of the spinach feta pie and did it in a 9x13 pan…and in the spirit of stretching my budget and not wasting anything - I used ½ spinach, ¼ kohlrabi greens and ¼ beet greens, and chives instead of scallions (I have a HUGE patch of chives in my yard) it is good, a tad bitter, but that is ok, I am working to embrace bitter as a good flavor that balances other flavors on the plate. I had a serving tonight with shrimp sautéed in a bit of rosemary olive oil; the shrimp seemed more sweet with the slightly bitter pie..

    Kim from still raining! N. California
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Up late tonight watching the snow accumulate. It's starting to go sideways so the winds must be picking up. DH made a pass with the plow around 9pm and I'm pretty sure he is going to get up at some ridiculous hour in the middle of the night to do it again. Guess that's better than waiting until it has all fallen.

    Had my weigh in this morning and was down 3.5 pounds. Then I went out and promptly treated myself to breakfast at Bob Evans. When I logged the meal I was surprised that the entree itself wasn't as awful as it could have been, but the two biscuits on the side nearly doubled the calorie count. Won't do that again any time soon. Extra gym time for me this week!

    I guess I'm off to bed so I can wake up to a winter wonderland. I'll probably have to go out and shovel a path for the dogs to get off the back porch - they are both pretty small and won't be able to get through it come morning.

    Keep safe and warm!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon So true!!! My husband can just say, I'm a sailor. and that is all the explanation he needs to provide. It's in his DNA!!! At least he doesn't overly use swear words. Raunchy is one thing, gutter-talk is another! My sons aren't gutter-talkers either, thank the Lord.

    I was quite proud of my youngest and eldest son, last weekend when we went to Portland to visit their Grandmother. Other relatives that were children were there, and they were both just playing on their notepads. No communication. My sons were listening to my MIL and her sister, (their great Aunt) tell stories and engaging with them their thoughts on life. That is one trait I have bestowed on my boys, the gift of gab :-)

    When my youngest would go into the conversation pool (like a hot tub but not as hot) at the nudist resort, he would converse. He would tell them his opinion. The adults would nudge me asking, "How OLD is he?" I would proudly state, "He is four".
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Good morning!
    I'm listening to the snow updates. Hope everyone is OK . :flowerforyou:

    Going to make my blood orange sorbet today. If I can find my ice cream maker instructions. :ohwell:
    Otherwise Saturday is newspaper reading day and film watching day. I have a French romcom to watch. :D<3
    I have done my exercises.
    Tomorrow I'm going to die my roots. :)

    Salmon tonight. In Chipotle paste. Mushy peas and another vegetable. A glass or two of rose wine. :)

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    On our way to San Angelo for the DH to pick something up for work... And me to go to Hobby Lobby. :) Love long drives. Serenity, thy name is....

    Lisa from West Texas