Is a food scale worth it?



  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    Yes, it's definitely worth it! I honestly resisted getting one for so long, because I thought I would hate it, but it turns out I love it. It takes all the guess work out of logging (What is a "medium" apple? How do you count out 17 chips when they're all different sizes?). I even found there were a few things that I was underestimating a portion of and could actually eat more of.

    A food scale and heavy lifting have been the biggest game changers in my fitness journey.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Yes. It is worth it. I cook for my husband and two boys every night. They help themselves to what I make and I weigh out my portions. For example, we had fish tacos last night. I weighed my fish, cheese and rice. They dished up as they desired.

    You can still cook and weigh out portions.

    That's pretty much what I do, too.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I use a scale when I cook for both of us, I only weigh my portions for example a chicken thigh I'll stab it a couple of times before I put it in to cook so I know the one with marks in it, that's the one I weighed and it's for me etc... this is my approach for most meats I cook. Same concept applies for baked potatoes or whatever, somehow I mark the foods meant only for me and don't worry about what he's eating. I also weigh everything and then use the recipe builder to create the entire recipe and then take my portion from say a casserole or whatever. Good luck I know it's a challenge!
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I find it is very helpful for snacking. If I buy a bag of nuts, I will sit with the scale and pre portion the entire bag in to ziplocs. That way, I can just grab a baggie and know that I'm eating exactly the right portion. Definitely worth it! I've even thought about getting a portable one for dining out and things like the occasional fries.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    edited January 2016
    Its not too difficult it just takes some planning. If I'm cooking for more than myself what i do is.

    1. Make a recipe with all the ingredients I'll be using. You 1 serving for my number of servings in the recipe.
    2. Cook it up
    3. Weigh the final product. Lets say it weighs 100 grams for simplicity sake
    4. Weigh out my portion. Lets say 50 grams.
    5. Log my portion in MFP as .5 servings (50/100 = .5) for that recipe.