Anyone have 10 or less to go?



  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I'm into egg whites too in a big way! :smile: I eat around 4 or 5 egg whites and 1 or 2 eggs as a snack. Very filling! Another favourite is egg whites (from the carton) mixed with milk which fills me right up. Fill it half way and it frofhs all the way to the top. I'm into avocados in a big way too, mixed with salad, mushrooms, smoked salmon or tuna. Greek yoghurt with almonds for breaky. Fruit & veg

    I have between 2.5 - 5 kg (approx 5 - 10 lbs) I want to lose to get to either 55 or 57 kg. I'm 5'2 and have lost 6.5 kg over the span of 4 months. Im in no hurry to lose the last bit of weight. Id be happy with a 1/2 - 1 kg loss per month. (1 - 2 lbs per month)
  • mlclark86
    mlclark86 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I am 29yrs old, 5'6, and mother of two girls, 8 and 3. I started off a little over a week ago at 138, but am currently around 136. My ideal weight is 120 if I am not building any muscle but I would be just as happy 125-130 if it was lean muscle instead of flabby fat.

    My go to foods are oatmeal; raw carrots, celery, green peppers; tuna; dannon light and fit greek yogurt; and salads with some kind of protein (meat or nuts), lots of fresh veggies, and strawberries or raspberries with a light raspberry vinaigrette.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Yes I have been trying to lose this last 10 lb (would be happy with 8 really) for like eight years now. Seriously, it's just STUCK. I need to mix it up.

    I recently started Stronglifts 5x5 which I LOVE. I also play volleyball twice a week, and try to run 1-2 times per week (usually on the weekends). When the weather gets nicer I will also bike, hike, skateboard, and whatever else I can do outside. Dig up cactus, garden, walk the dog... I work a desk job so also try to get out and walk for about 15 minutes 2-3 times per day.

    I'm 40 yrs old, 5'9" with a current weight of 158 and dream-goal weight of 145 and realistic goal weight of 150. :)
  • jray08
    jray08 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm 28 with a 6 yr old and a 2 1/2 yr old. Beginning weight 155, current weight 119 and trying to get down to 107 but we will see. I track on and off but this time around I want to stay dedicated and motivated so I would love to have similar fitness pals added as my friends!