Starting the process!



  • karajo333
    karajo333 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the info!
  • Michele4classic
    Michele4classic Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I am starting the process for RNY surgery this summer. I've seen my surgeon who agreed I'm a good canidate for surgery. I've done one PCP visit and I have my Psych eval 1/29. I am so ready to get this ball rolling and have the surgery.
    A little bit about me.....I'm a busy SAHM to 4 beautiful kiddos. I have decided that this is MY YEAR! I can't take care of them without first taking care of me. (it's taken me 12 long years to finally come to that conclusion.) I have a lot of weight to lose, 220lbs to be exact.
    So, the main point of posting this is to gather supportive, knowledgable people around me that have done RNY already.

    I am just starting too, I've seen, PCP, surgeon, dietitian, and next the appointment for Phych eval on 3/15. We can certainly support each other. I've decided the Band is a good choice for me at this time.
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    edited March 2016
    Welcome~ I'm a SAHM to a set of twins, and had a gastric sleeve in April 2015. I've gone from 250 to 165 as of this morning, and am now working out in the gym 5 days a weeks and wearing a size 8/10. Especially if your kids are little, I will recommend having help for 2 weeks post surgery as you won't be able to lift and you tire very easily. I actually had my surgery 2 hours away and stayed with my mom for a week after surgery while my husband and mother in law handled our kids. It was hard to be away, but very good for my healing and recovery. My Mother in law stayed for 2 more weeks after I returned home, and I probably would have been ok with only one more week of help instead of 2.

    There are unique challenges of doing this with a family: my mom had an RnY in 2014 and was able to tell my dad he was on his own for food those early months so she could just focus on her food. As a mom, that wasn't an option for me. My kids got very used to me eating different food than they had, but so long as I was at the table with them, it was ok. The crockpot quickly became my friend as the act of cooking was very unappealing to me those early months, and that would allow me to dump in food and come back to their dinner several hours later. Now that I'm almost a year out, we all usually eat the same foods. I've worked on their eating habits, and we've found new favorite meals to enjoy together. I'll still make myself something else if they're having something that just doesn't sit well with me, and they're very used to that now.

    As for the loose skin, it is different for everyone. Mine is through my belly, but how much of that is weight loss vs pregnancy, I have no idea. At some point I may look into plastic surgery, but right now it is what it is, and I don't have time for a long recovery from another surgery right now. I may not be a swim suit model, but I'm so much healthier, stronger, and have more energy than I dreamt possible. So I'll take it!!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, my diary is open to friends