Husband keeping junk in house



  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I can completely understand. I have always eaten much healthier than my boyfriend. There have been times I have completely opted out of eating what he has made for dinner. My weakness sweets!! He is constantly bringing them home. I sometimes wonder if he wants to see me fail. I hope this gets easier...
  • ghimm
    ghimm Posts: 38 Member
    edited January 2016
    My husband struggles to get in enough calories, so while he does eats healthy, we keep around quite a few granola bars, crackers, bread, etc., that I should not be eating. What we do to help me out is most of that stuff is kept in a large wicker basket on top of our fridge. Firstly, out of sight, out of mind. Secondly, the basket is kind of annoying and obvious to move, so when I do think to go for it, it's just enough effort to make me think twice. Finally, he does me the favor of taking exactly the amount he wants to eat and put it in a bowl, rather than bringing the whole box of crackers to the living room, where I might just mindlessly start munching along with him.

    What goes in your husband's mouth is entirely up to him, but some of these techniques might help you succeed without him feeling like you're controlling him.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,107 Member
    My husband has an active job and is not overweight. There is no reason for him to have to restrict what he eats and eat the same things I do. You can't go on such a restrictive diet and expect him to be on board with that. Even if he needs to lose weight he has to want to do it. I'm lucky that my husband doesn't eat a lot of sweets so it is easy for me to keep some of that stuff out of the house. But I really only keep ice cream out of the house because I can't control myself around ice cream. I still buy beer and chips and stuff because he lives here too and he wants it and he's a grown man who can decide for himself what he wants to eat. I think if it is really a problem for you the idea if putting that stuff in a shelf where you can't easily see it would be good. He should be considerate of what you are trying to do. But I think your best bet would be to find things that you like and fit then into your calorie. If you are having this much trouble after 12 days it is unlikely you will be able to sustain this diet long term.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 350 Member
    My husband likes junk food, I don't. His choice to eat it; my choice not to. He has his shelf in kitchen cabinet for his choccy bars, cookies, etc; I have mine for my protein bars, chia seeds, fruit, etc. so practicalities are easily dealt with. We are all on own journey through life, how & what we choose to eat is part of it. Dont make it so tough.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I didn't read the responses but wanted to say my hubby is very tall and very skinny. He can eat a ton without gaining weight. So he constantly has treats and junk in the house. But I feel like it's a lot to ask for me to tell him I don't want him to eat that stuff because I'm not. I just had to learn to have self control. The other thing is you are restricting yourself an awful lot. There's nothing wrong with eating those foods sometimes. I eat chocolate every day, just a reasonable portion. Maybe you will crave it less if you don't cut everything out completely.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Just break up

    Seriously?!? How rude.
  • tracefan
    tracefan Posts: 382 Member
    bwaits07 wrote: »
    I am on day 12 of my healthy eating streak. No sodas, no fast food, no fried foods. Only eating veggies, fruit, and chicken while only drinking water. It's so hard when my husband brings home these junk foods and makes me feel like caving into eating these foods he brings home. I try encouraging him to eat healthy with me but he just won't budge. So far I have been doing good about avoiding and ignoring this but some days are just harder than others. It's hard when your the only one in the house trying to eat right.

  • tracefan
    tracefan Posts: 382 Member
    I struggle with this all the time and worst part my husband needs to lose about 35 lbs.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    I think you would be within reason to ask your husband to store this items in the junk food cabinet rather than on the counter. Then it is up to you to not go in the cabinet. Be mindful of the caloric count of the junk food before you put it in your mouth and how hard you will need to work it off. For ex, if the junk food is 300 cal, how long doing your favorite exercise will negate that 300 cal. Is it worth it too you? You are the only one who has control over what goes into your mouth. A good mantra to remember: "Through the lips and on the hips!" After a while, the junk food will lose its appeal. If you really want a little, limit your indulgence to once a week. That way you are not denying yourself but just choose not to eat it today. It is your problem though and not your husband's so own it and deal with it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    bwaits07 wrote: »
    I am on day 12 of my healthy eating streak. No sodas, no fast food, no fried foods. Only eating veggies, fruit, and chicken while only drinking water. It's so hard when my husband brings home these junk foods and makes me feel like caving into eating these foods he brings home. I try encouraging him to eat healthy with me but he just won't budge. So far I have been doing good about avoiding and ignoring this but some days are just harder than others. It's hard when your the only one in the house trying to eat right.

    Where's your requisite fats? Whole grains?

    At any rate, this kind of stuff is just something you have to learn to deal with...there will always be junk food around...there will always be holidays and special occasions, etc.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    I know it's tough when one is doing something that the other isn't. But I'm gonna give a male perspective, I'll be damned if I'm told I can't have (meat, carbs, beer, donuts, fill in the blank with whatever else) because the wife is on a diet/life style change!

    He won't stop ingesting because he's not on the same plan as you. And forcing him into doing it won't end well. Ask him politely, so you won't be tempted, to not eat it in front of you and hide it in the garage so you won't see it. He can still have his vice, you aren't tempted, everyone's happy

  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    My husband keeps cardboard boxes

    Empty boxes ...not flattened, not filled...just there will be a great box shortage and he will be able to go "aha"

    I will swap you for one who just keeps food

    Omg....i thought my husband was the only one! I have a garage full of boxes for tv's we no longer own, banking boxes that used to hold textbooks but now just house dead spiders, random shipping boxes from online purchases made in 2009.... it drives me nuts! @rabbitjb
  • Johnmfp2016
    Johnmfp2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Personal accountability is important, of course. However, doing it without support from the person most important to you makes it all the more difficult. Hopefully you can lead by example and motivate him to a healthier version of himself.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Personal accountability is important, of course. However, doing it without support from the person most important to you makes it all the more difficult. Hopefully you can lead by example and motivate him to a healthier version of himself.
    How does him bringing home food he likes make him unsupportive? Heck, my sister is trying to go lower carb. I disagree with it, but I'm making her a low carb meal for her birthday tomorrow and help help her with her meals when she asks. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop bringing ice cream and chocolate and cookies into the house for myself.

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    The only time I was annoyed with my husband for bringing food home was when he ordered my favorite fried chicken wings and a delicious smelling pizza on a day that I couldn't eat. At least he ate it on a completely different floor and when I came to grab a water, he warned me not to come down. Ha!

    Anyway, we all have different eating habits. If it's really that hard for you, ask him to put things into one designated space and not out on the counter top or whatever. I also agree that your diet sounds kind of boring. I wouldn't want to "eat healthy" if that's what it meant. We eat a variety of delicious and nutritious foods because it's important that my entire family is healthy, not just me!
  • sianlr87
    sianlr87 Posts: 72 Member
    My boyfriend likes the junk food too, although he only tends to reach for it when he's hungry and can't be bothered to make a meal. He's actually a really good cook, but the last few times he's cooked I've watched him throw in the butter and such like... When we first started living together he would have a cup of tea and a cake waiting for me when I get home from work. He's now stopped the cake (he still has some) and I've taken over the majority of the cooking, which is fine. He doesn't need to lose weight at all, but he wants to eat healthily so it helps. I make "normal" food so it's never felt like we're giving anything up, I just portion it out so he has more than I'm eating.