Starting MFP (again)



  • HealthyAim
    HealthyAim Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Jess, I lost over 40 pounds on MFP last year and then 6 months or so ago I stopped logging. It's time to get myself back on track and I just got serious yesterday. I gained a lot back, so I needed to recommit. Lets keep each other accountable :). Friend request sent :)
  • amcozy
    amcozy Posts: 70 Member
    I'm right there with you!! I just restarted MFP yesterday and have about 25lbs to loose - I don't have a lot of people in my life trying to loose weight, so this site is a great support system!! Best of luck to you! :)
  • Hi Jess,
    I don't have many people in my life who need to lose weight either. Feel free to add me. Good luck!!
  • Just like you I am starting again today and hopefully will exchange weight losses