Looking for advice on 1200 cal diet



  • emmam1212
    emmam1212 Posts: 67 Member
    I felt like that too and found 1,200 to be too low. I raised my calorie intake to 1,300 and the extra 100 cals made a huge difference. I don't feel hungry as much and I've still been losing weight. To feel more full though try to eat more protein. I like to snack on Greek yogurt to keep me feeling full. Goodluck!
  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    I felt like that too and found 1,200 to be too low. I raised my calorie intake to 1,300 and the extra 100 cals made a huge difference. I don't feel hungry as much and I've still been losing weight. To feel more full though try to eat more protein. I like to snack on Greek yogurt to keep me feeling full. Goodluck!

    I thought about raising it to about that
  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    You should open up your diary so we can see what you're currently eating and provide some stats on your height, age, current weight. I'm on about 1280 right now. I try and eat a lot of lean protein and fiber. My diary is open and you can see what I eat. Some days I eat a little more because of workouts, but I don't aim to eat back all my workout calories.

    Disclaimer, I'm only two weeks into this, and I'm in a mindset I've never been in before. I will not fail myself this time.

    When I get hungry, I drink water or tea and I get up and do something. Most of the time when I'm 'hungry' it's because I'm sitting on my recliner where I used to binge eat snacks. If I'm still hungry an hour later, I eat something.

    Some days I skip my snacks so I can eat a bigger dinner or go out. I'm not starving and most days I feel fed all day, eating a little bit of something every couple hours.

    I don't have a diary yet on here, how do I access your diary?
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member

    I don't have a diary yet on here, how do I access your diary?

    Click on my name in this thread, a window will pop up, then click on my name again and it will load my profile with the option to 'View Diary'

  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks hun
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    here is my 1400 cal go-to menu its a couple hundred calories over your 1200 request, but it includes 150 calories of vegetables which generally people don't count in their 1200 cal menu

    breakfast calories
    1.5 cups cheerios 150
    8 oz non fat milk 90
    banana or other fruit 100
    fake sugar

    10am snack
    8 oz non fat milk or
    piece low fat cheese 90
    multi vitamin

    Lunch 1/2 sandwich
    1 slice wheat bread 110
    2-3 oz sliced turkey 60

    afternoon snack
    piece of fruit 100
    150 cal treat of anything 150

    3-4 oz lean meat (turkey
    chicken, fish?) 150
    1/2 cup starch (rice,
    potatoe, tortilla ?) 150
    unlimited non starch veggies 150
    1 tbsp olive oil 100

    total estimated calories 1400
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    303lissy wrote: »
    Hey there. If your body is used to getting a lot more than 1200 calories, it's gonna be a difficult drop. Also, if your stomach is used to getting a certain volume of food (i.e., you always eat until you're stuffed), you're going to feel hungry until it starts shrinking on it's own. Here's a few bits of advice:
    - Start out a little higher. You could track a regular day and see where you land and make adjustments from there. Maybe start out at 1500 this week, drop it to 1400 next, and so on.
    - Try eating smaller meals more frequently. Maybe eating six times a day might work out better for you.
    - Watch your nutrition. We've been told fat=evil, and that's not true. Make sure you're eating a balanced diet and you're not trying to cut out fat completely. Fat keeps you full! If you're feeling hungry, trying eating a few (4-6) almonds or other nuts. After 20 minutes, reevaluate.
    - Are you thirsty? We have a tendency to confuse hunger and thirst. Grab 8oz of water, drink it, and reevaluate.
    - Remind yourself it's okay to be hungry. It's human instinct to seek out food from our hunter/gatherer days when food may have been scarce. You shouldn't be hungry an hour after you eat, but if you know dinner is at 6 and you're hungry at 5, that's okay!

    an adult stomach does not shrink,unless you get surgery