
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol, terrific news.

    Janetr okc

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla – Most of the things in my house are being saved for sons/DDnLs/DGDs … to prevent infighting I made a list of which son received which piece of furniture. I did it as closely as I possibly could to being equal (in side, number, and cost). Had things in there for each DDnL as well as DGDs. Gave them both a list and told them to go over it and if they wanted anything changed to let me know. Neither have said anything to me about it. We were asked to ‘change’ our Wills by DYS because he did not want to own anything with his brother, share-and-share alike. Since they don’t inherit anything until both of us are dead; the house will be paid off (with insurance money) and they can deed to one another the tracts of land (we bought 2 of nearly equal size. I also specified that only the two of them could come in and make the division of stuff – I figured if they DDnLs were not involved, they could do it and remain friendly to one another. DDnL#1 is bad about giving away or selling things that I have given to her and my DDnL#2 thinks that some items are beautiful and she would use them in her own home and keep them ‘in the family’ … so there are some things she is getting, hands down. If it make DDnL#1 mad, I won’t be around to have to deal with her and I think if they boys decide to keep it to my list, then that will be it.

    Mia – Cracker was so happy to feel clean and ‘look good’. She still smells just as sweet as she did after the wash and clip. That made her happy; but, not when we went to the vet. She has settled down now and we don’t have the ‘sour’ wet doggie smell anymore. I even bought some of the shampoo to have ‘on hand’. But, they don’t charge that much to wash her and I’d rather pay to have it done than to fight with her about staying in the tub and it hurts my back, too. We got Shorty (JRT) clipped and I did not realize that a ‘summer clip’ meant they shaved her completely. We called her ‘Naked Dog” and she’d put her paws over her face. The 2nd year we did it, she acted like, ‘you can’t hurt my feelings because this hair-do is cool’. We had a really hot summer that year. Our previous dog was a long, wavy-haired JRT who always smelled ‘doggie’; but, Cracker is an inside dog. So getting that smell out of her was most important. Vet saw her ‘after’ she was bathed and clipped; and, said that the short hair would have been the undercoat for the broken coat that she had. She checked her for any type of yeast infection that might have been the culprit; but, did not find anything. She told me to keep her hair cut short and see if that worked. Suggested that she not get washed any closer to 2-weeks apart. We’ll see how that goes.

    Betty – So much has happened to me … in the 65 years I’ve been on this ‘crazy’ world; that I try to make ‘light’ of as much as I can. Keeps me going … go through Hell before the Devil even knows I there.

    Larisa – Thanks for the information about the kettlebell and the video. I’m a ‘whoose’ I guess; I bought the lowest weight I could (10lbs); but, I can always ‘work up’ and ‘not hurt myself with one that weighs too much’. I also bought a back brace to help keep my shoulders/back straight. This more for helping me straighten a slump shoulder look; but, I see that it would help with working with the kettlebell, too. Great fountain.

    Heather – My DDnL#1 has started making mashed (potatoes) cauliflower. Has the same texture and if seasoned right pretty much the same taste. It was something that her ‘diet’ person said they could eat.

    Kim – I am convinced that people really do not know what R.S.V.P. really means; or ‘regrets only’ (another way to try to get an answer to an invitation). Also our children are not teaching their children the ‘art of etiquette’. I went to classes as a young child and when my Mother asked me to set the table for a buffet-style party … I knew how to do it. I got a cookbook from my DMnL (must have been a standard bridal shower present); that shows you just about ‘anything’ you’d ever want to know; how to set a table properly, how to transfer pounds to liters or back, how much meat or vegetables to make for certain number of people, what to look for when buying fresh stuff for a meal – all sorts of things and easy meals, too.

    Lora in Indiana – I’d like to ‘think’ that my DDnLs would think of me the way I thought of my own DMnL; well DDnL#2 does; but, DDnL#1 is not so much that way. She thinks that ALL MnLs are ‘fire-breathing, ear-smoking, *kitten* from Hell’. I’ll NEVER trust her to believe that I ‘do’ love her (just as much as I do my sons and my other DDnL). I think she even got a little ‘upset’ that DYS, DDnL#2, and DGD#4 came for Easter weekend. But, that is just because she is jealous and naïve; and, nothing is going to change that.

    KJL – We did not have Internet OR phone service until this AM. At least last night we could watch TV without any interruptions. LOL! If it weren’t for the fact that some of DH’s customers call him at home, at night, we’d probably turn our ringer off after a certain time.

    Margaret – My BnL had a torn retina and he said that the flash of bright light was his wake-up call to go have something done about it, immediately. Said it hurt like a sum of beach.

    Becca – I had a cough that lingered and lingered and nothing that my GP or my GYN gave me helped any. I already had an appointment with my lung MD and he put me on Prednisone and it was gone in 3 days! Of course I had to take it for 6 or 7 days.
    I like the Oreo “Thins” because I can eat 4 of them; and, that will satisfy me (most of the time).

    DJ – I tried folding all my clothes the ‘new’ way; but, it was a lot easier when it got finished going through my closets and drawers and de-cluttering same. Now I need to get into the closet and clean it up. I went to K-Mart to buy a shoe rack that I had seen; and, the damn thing was gone. Only one. I thought about going to Wal-Mart; but, I had spent more already on other things and just did not want to stop and find one and not have the $$; that is what happened with this one. Saw it but did not have the $$ at the time. GONE! Maybe they’ll get another one in.

    Michele in NC – We live out in the country; and, we have a tractor wheel to use as our burn bucket. In the Fall and Winter, we’ll sit out there and watch it burn and talk.

    Carol in NC – Will be keeping you in my prayers. Both my sisters have had breast cancer. Oldest sister had to have a kidney removed because of a tumor on it; but, they are survivors. I’m sure before it was all over, my Mother had it, too; since she had ovarian cancer which spread to her brain before she died. My GYN keeps very close tabs on me. I do a monthly self-exam and if I find something that does not feel right; and, if my husband also feels it – I call his office and they get me in either that day or the next; I rarely have to wait any longer than a day. I get mammograms yearly and a Pap Smear as well. Thankfully, the way the ‘code’ it means that my insurance companies will pay.

    Cheri – That’s one funny T-shirt. I used to have a couple of funny T-shirts. One I wore and did not think that I’d be around my DDnL#1 – it read: “I’m not mean; I just don’t like you.” Another one: “Out of my mind, back in 5 minutes”; and, “Sometimes my mind wanders; and occasionally it’ll come back.”

    Vicki – I want to see “God’s Not Dead 2” also. They’ve got a lot of ‘spiritual’ movies out now. Some, I am sure I will wait on, until they come out on DVDs. DDnL#2 paid for all us girls to go see it. It’s so expensive to get into the movies; and, then everybody wants something to eat. I had water and a few handfuls of popcorn. I hate paying $4 for a bottle of water that can normally be bought for a little over $1.

    Drkatiebug – That is a ‘close’ call as to ‘who is in the right’ when you share the road. When a bicyclist comes up to an intersection, they are supposed to stop; and, as one … I’d let the car have the ‘right-of-way’ since it is bigger. If you had your signal on, he should have stayed back and let you turn (red or green). Drivers (of cars) and bicyclists are not always aware of ‘road etiquette’ … you can’t see them; and, you never know if they are ‘aware’ of you or what you’re doing. It’s like pedestrians walk against the traffic; and bicyclist ride with the traffic. And all the time, you see each of them doing the opposite. Bicyclist should have turned and looked over his left shoulder to see what you were doing (turning or going straight). I agree with you – both of you had some fault; but, no reason for him to curse at you. Just because ‘he’ thinks ‘he is in the right’ doesn’t mean that he is/was.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Thanks for the prayers and good vibes! My mammogram was clean!! Woohoo!!!! I almost cried with relief. I ate sort of badly for lunch but I doubt I will eat anything else today so it should all be good. (I was REALLY hungry by the time I got out of my appointments.)

    Carol in NC

    smiley-happy110.gif smiley-happy110.gif smiley-happy110.gif
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    I finally weighed myself this morning (has been about 3 weeks) and was up 3.5 lbs. Wow. I suspect that is mostly from Easter. I've got to start logging again.

    Penny I always love love love your pictures. Keep them coming!

    Is it too early to go to bed? 7:30...hmmmm....I think I'll wait a bit, but not much.

    Kimses in MA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Thanks for the prayers and good vibes! My mammogram was clean!! Woohoo!!!! I almost cried with relief. I ate sort of badly for lunch but I doubt I will eat anything else today so it should all be good. (I was REALLY hungry by the time I got out of my appointments.)

    Off to get more work done...

    Carol in NC

    Wonderful news! :) Congrats! <3 I know the feeling as I had a scare a few years back.

    Fairlawn oHIo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.52min, 13.8amph, 144mhr, 2.9mi = 117c
    OTHER- PHYSICAL THERAPY @ gym- 35min, 7 stretches, 2sets of 10-15 some w/5lb weights = 69c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.05min, 14.1amph, 138mhr 1.4mi = 74c
    ride wk 2 hm- 53.15min, 11.6amph, 156mhr, 10.3mi = 543c
    total cal 803

    drkatiebug - i am not sure about your situation with the bicyclist, it's never a good thing to get yelled at. this lady was blatantly wrong and there would have been about 3 other cars that would have been able to confirm that had i run into her car. there was no intersection, no stop light, no blinking light, she started out behind me (right beside me) and went around me to turn right in front of me. she couldn't wait until i passed that street so she could turn which was only a few feet. you have to ride as if cars don't see you and they don't care. even tho some drivers out there do but some are not into looking for others on the road. i would have beat her a*$ first and then talked to her later
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. Just wanted to jump on & say to Carol NC,how glad I am for clear tests.Wonderful results :) Our younger DD had her 1 st colon test today after family Dr thought cramping needed tested. Her results were "all clear,come back in 10 yrs".Good news all around.
    Heather,love the baby picture.Sweetest dimple,she is just lovely.
    Have a picture of our only great Grchild,2 yrs old last wk.
    Who said...lighter....works for them. I'd like to join,no pressure,just keeping on seems to work for me.Slow but sure
    will keep the doc happy too.
    Lets see if my pic works. Pat

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    12,000 steps
    179 minutes of dog walking
    99 minutes riding the exercise bike
    20 minutes garden puttering
    line dance class

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did a Karen Voit Sleek Essentials Strength Effect DVD. This one does a lot with the foam roller. My balance stinks -- and that's putting it mildly. But then, it's stunk for quite some time now, so that's no surprise. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Basic Step DVD

    Joyce - so gad the lower dose of the Ambien worked for you!!!! I'm not keen at all on spending lots of money for new clothing. However, I've gotten some really really nice things at a decent price at the Salvation Army. Perhaps Charlie would consider going there for new clothing?

    Put some more chocolate bran muffins in the oven right now. I'm at the Green Room then Vince said when he picks me up we'll go to Aldi (I'm going to try to make that one fast), then we'll go to Hamrick's so I can return the pair of shoes that I got that really don't fit me correctly, then we'll stop at WalMart.

    Penny - I always enjoy reading about your life at the Pole. It's so very very interesting. Thanks for sharing so much with us.

    Lisa - happy early birthday! Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. WooHoo on being lighter one year later. That's great

    barbie - I wonder if my lockjaw clips would work on those weights???? The lockjaw clips are just so easy and fast to use, you just snap the clip, take it off, put on the weight, put it on, then snap it closed. Yours have those threaded things on the end. Wish the Y in FL still had that weight set out so I could see. Actually, now that I think of it, I think I used my clips once before down there and they worked.

    KJ - enjoy your time off from work. What is the reason you won't have any children?

    I couldn't sleep this morning so got up and cut up the chocolate chip bars. Got the ones for the lady who's making the dress for Jess ready, a plate for Lynette, one for the place where I take the extremepump class. Of course, I had to try some. Boy, are they choclatey. Vince should like that. Found that I'd made a mistake on this banner so I had to take two rows out, now going to work on it some more.

    NCCarol - only the best thoughts being sent your way. Update: congrats!!!

    pip - thanks for the info about the quick release. We just never heard ot it for a rear wheel

    Had Newcomer bowling tonight

    Lenora - I have a "going to the movies" pocketbook. It's really a mini-suitcase, but it looks like a pocketbook. It doesn't look like a whole lot but I can put my snacks in there along with a 24oz bottle of water. I'm like you, there's no way I will pay $4 for a bottle of water.

    Jess will be here later tonight. Right now I'll probably put on my pajamas and work some more on the beaded banner.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    bwcetc: "Kim ... You may recall we had a discussion on here regarding May Day and maypole dancing... Last year's Google research indicated that the maypole and maidens weaving ribbons around the pole had less than innocent origins …" Thanks for sharing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Joyce: There is a very famous Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. We visited when DS was stationed there. It is fabulous, and all about geology and land formations rather than plants. I'll bet the one near you is lovely, too. :smiley:

    Penny: Who knew that reindeer might need MFP? You need to give those animals a bit of a nudge our direction. I doubt they'll fit the 50+ criteria unless they're actually Santa's reindeer and female. :wink:

    Lisa: You are the busiest person I know. (((HUGS)))

    Barbie: I love this: "Begin with that most terrifying of all things, a clean slate. Then look, every day, at the choices you are making, and when you ask yourelf why you are making them, find this answer. For Me. for Me." --Anna Quindlen

    Carol in NC: You are in my prayers. By this time you know what kind of news your doctor appointment brought and I hope it was GOOD news. :heart: It was good. YAY!!!

    Pip: Motorists have no clue what challenges there are for those on bikes. Sounds like you encountered a particularly nasty motorist. I hope she gave herself acid reflux. :grumble:

    Heather: Bea is so cute! :heart:

    DJ: We got our pictures taken in the Walmart camera department. :flowerforyou:

    We had a busy day and it was also a happy one. We took the sailboat to the boatyard for work. This is at least an hour and a half journey by sailboat, and the weather was fabulous. It was gorgeous and fun. A man who worked there and moved away in the past was back and it was good to see him. Then we went off to do some shopping. Less glorious & less fun, but productive. I also heard from a very dear friend that I met when visiting DDIL's parents at Thanksgiving. She has had some very nice changes in her life and is enjoying operating an antique store within an antique mall. I'm so happy for her. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora~ I am finally getting better, just have the coughing "fits" now and then. Today at the dermatologist I had one. I was waving my hands frantically and she gave me a tissue, but what I really needed was WATER lol. The doctor today prescribed some Tacrolimus ointment for some skin issues, so I am glad to get a handle on it. Played the piano for 40 minutes prior to my appointment so that was a good thing.

    Made a roast, potatoes and carrots with button onions. I get my 3 oz of roast with 3/4 cup of veggies. How do you jam potatoes, carrots, and onions into a 3/4 cup measuring cup??? Hmm I will do my damnedest! And only a tablespoon of gravy, (which I have just auzus' so I am giving myself more).

    Husband took me out to lunch at our pizza joint and I had a piece of pizza and a small salad, NO SODA. I was proud of myself actually.

    Middle son transferred funds into our account so we would have money to package up some SoBe drinks. He is sending us a huge container of them, then we will send him bottles of the fruit punch to his ship. It will be fun making up a box for him, adding a bunch of stuff. Miss that darn kid!

    After I finish this darn cold, it will be nice getting my garden in order! It's suppose to rain this weekend though, so not quite yet. Since tomorrow is payday, I shall be getting some cold medicine with night time aide, and Nyquil too. I am of the mindset that a good cold medicine plus a small jigger of Nyquil is like the BEST way to handle a cold.... lol It was either Nyquil or Tawny Port Wine, and great Portugal Tawny Port is EXPENSIVE, Nyquil not as much...

    Great pictures ladies! Love the baby, the grandkids, the mountains, keep them coming!

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Michele- the kids are my work. LOL. I have been a childcare provider for 22 years. I take four weeks off per year. (plus holidays). It kind of makes me cringe when I hear people say "God has a special place for you, for taking care of kids." My MIL says this to me all of the time. I told her once that "...if God is omniscient/all knowing, and knows how I feel about my job/the kids some days, the special place he has for me, is probably someplace REALLY hot!" LOL They are good kids, but like every job, you need a break or you get burned out!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    nite peeps, see u in april
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    edited April 2016
    sleeping-beauty-smiley-emoticon.gif It's bedtime for me so I've posted the new thread for April......I look forward to seeing you there.


    Don't forget to click the star at the top to turn it yellow so you can find it again.

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016
    Lenora, I don't think I would use a back brace to do a kettlebell swing. Working those back muscles is part of the exercise. In the video they talk about using deadlifts to work up to kettlebell swings; I've seen that recommended elsewhere, as well, and keep the weight low at first. That way you're actually getting a stronger back. :smile:
    A trainer had me do really slow deadlifts--seven seconds up and down--with really light weights, twice a week for six weeks, then for six more weeks, taking 14 seconds--moving a second, stopping a second, moving a second, stopping a second. By the end of the 12 weeks, my back was bulletproof. :wink:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    I've posted the new thread for April......I look forward to seeing you there.


    Don't forget to click the star at the top to turn it yellow so you can find it again.
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    SHalck wrote: »
    Hello New to the page and hoping to get inspiration. Word for March is “Answers”. I am having an uphill struggle, changing my food, I teach dance 4 days a week for at least 3 hours. Eating healthy but cannot get my sugar levels down. Lactose and Gluten free. Don’t eat sugar. Don’t drink. Very frustrating.

    Hi there SHalck, look at the fruits you are eating. Certain fruits will have more natural sugar in them. Also, reading the labels on all the foods you buy will help you choose. You may already know this. I'm trying to keep my sugar down as I'm hypoglycemic and citrus fruits cause major sugar spikes vs. apples, pears, cantaloup. So I might make a fruit salad with a mixture so I get fiber along with the sugar. Leave the skin on the apples & pears - that's the fiber. I hope that helps. Wouldn't mind supporting you on your journey. Let me know. HoneyRose77 (maybe I should change my name. LOL)
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the page and between hormones changes, and medical issues, I need to get on track with logging daily and walking daily at least 6000 steps/day. I also do a lot of singing for relaxation which works my abs, as with 2 pinched nerves in my neck (to be operated on 4/21) I can't do any exercise but walking. My last 10 lbs are consistently going up and down. It's very frustrating. I want to get them off and keep them off. Would like some ideas and people to be friends with. Am happy to support you on your goals.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    DJ – You are welcome for the information on a stone. Yes, it is so easy to look thigs up with Google at our fingertips but some days you don’t want to get sucked into that time trap. At least I don’t. All too often when I go to look something up in Google I get distracted by some little item and go look it up as well only to find something else. Suddenly the quick 2 minute search becomes 2 hours of time lost in the ether. I am amused by the facts that get stuck in my brain (like a stone is 14 lbs.) while the important stuff (like when is my wedding anniversary) gets completely lost. Once upon a time a Red Hatter (NOT a member of my chapter) told me rather disdainfully that I had a head full of trivia. When I joined the Red Hats I gleefully took the title of “Tzarina of Trivia” as my Red Hat name.

    Carol in NC – Hooray for a clean mammogram!!! I'm so happy for you.

    Mia in MI
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    I've posted the new thread for April......I look forward to seeing you there.


    Don't forget to click the star at the top to turn it yellow so you can find it again.