Anyone over 30, work from home trying to lose weight?



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am much older and working fulltime now. But, at one time I was a thirty something work at home mom. I kept healthy snacks around and some of my meals were different than the family's. I did a hour a day of an exercise tape. Lost 55 pounds.
  • 73jackie9307
    73jackie9307 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes. 43, call agent working 5 days/week 28-40 hrs/week from home. Add me please.
  • jon1435
    jon1435 Posts: 6 Member
    I work from home, generally sat in front of a PC most of the day. I've lost 56lbs since April ( 4 months ) Joined a gym .... and I make sure I go :-) lowered my calorie intake and I stick to a high protein diet. Simple stuff really but it's effective and I've mamaged to stick at it, make it work ....and enjoy it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi, I am a writer and work 12 plus hours everyday, this means I am sitting in front of a laptop all day. It is so hard to stick to diet and lose weight with this job. I want to meet fellow work from home people and get motivated by them. Please add me if you have the same problem as me.
    IMO that is no harder than when You are home every day, Retired :)
    Despite that I lost 222 pounds. It took 2 years but I did it and so can You, Being Younger You should have a easier time doing it.
    You are right. I changed my fridge.There is no junk food. Even no Cheese. Its just seasonal fruits and lean protein.

    Hi Again
    Good Move, that is one of the methods I used, no Junk food, and try to only shop from a list at the Grocery Store.

    Also I hope You are also I hope You are eating Vegetables. I eat Three different fruits a day, one at each meal and plenty of vegetables with with my Lunch and Dinner. FWIW If You feel a need for cheese on something, You could use the Sliced Velveeta at 40 calories per slice. I have found that 1/2 a slice gives the needed flavor. I use a No Sugar Added Mount Olive Sweet Relish at 0 calories per serving in some things too.

    Also I break up my 1800 calorie days into 7 small meals. A Banana before I walk, then for example afterwards a serving of cereal with sweetener and 1% Dollar Store milk at $1 a quart.

    Good Luck