Judgment on bigger people



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    SolotoCEO wrote: »
    Maybe take a look at how you are coming across. Are you serious about losing weight? Your inconsistent diary, zero pounds lost in the past 60 days, indicate that maybe you aren't. You have lots of friends - how can you possibly support that many? Your profile indicates you look for negative reactions to your size - what you may be experiencing is what you are looking for. Yes, there are size bigots on this site, including the company that now owns the site - but you don't have to listen to them.

    Entire companies are "size bigots"??


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Op- out of the millions of people on this site ,do you really think anyone would even remember your weight ? I doubt that anyone would even care. People here do not judge others upon their weight. We see hundreds of threads per day where people announce their stats. Its very unlikely anyone would even remember your weight if you mentioned it here.
    If you feel like you don't have friends here, then put yourself out there to make some. Send requests, send messages, join groups, join challenges until you find a group of people that you click with. Just know that not everyone will comment on your status posts, not everyone cares to do that stuff. You can't take it personal .

    She has over 100 friends already...

    ...although I suspect they may be the type of friends one gets from a "everyone please add me!" post (which are friends who have little to nothing in common).
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I'm hung up on "size bigots". Lol
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I know this is a supportive website for weight loss and gain but I feel like the bigger people get less attention. I could just be crazy. But after announcing how much I weigh i haven't met very many friendly people. Is it possible there's a slight judgment on us bigger people?

    Yes, it is possible and it is fact.

    In Dallas County, Texas, the laws prohibit discrimination against people on the basis of a variety of personal characteristics, and these laws are enforced on the jury selection process.
    In the jury selection process, lawyers, both plaintiff and defense, are free to discriminate against obese people and actively do. The obese are excluded from serving on juries. I know this is so because they lawyers admitted it in a newspaper article several years ago. I know this is so because I have been excluded from juries in Dallas County.

    Obesity is the free and easy discriminant. Humans have an intense psycho-social desire to choose, assigning "us" and "them" to strangers and assigned "good" and "bad" to strangers within milliseconds of seeing them. People are free, and freely do, discriminate against obese people. It happens in all areas you can name.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I'm hung up on "size bigots". Lol

    I'm struggling with that one too.

    But I'm a bigot against people who throw around the word "bigot" to mean "not fully embracing the awesomeness of every aspect of every thing at every moment".
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I'm hung up on "size bigots". Lol

    I'm struggling with that one too.

    But I'm a bigot against people who throw around the word "bigot" to mean "not fully embracing the awesomeness of every aspect of every thing at every moment".

    Well now someone sounds like a random MFP member bigot.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I know this is a supportive website for weight loss and gain but I feel like the bigger people get less attention. I could just be crazy. But after announcing how much I weigh i haven't met very many friendly people. Is it possible there's a slight judgment on us bigger people?

    Yes, it is possible and it is fact.

    In Dallas County, Texas, the laws prohibit discrimination against people on the basis of a variety of personal characteristics, and these laws are enforced on the jury selection process.
    In the jury selection process, lawyers, both plaintiff and defense, are free to discriminate against obese people and actively do. The obese are excluded from serving on juries. I know this is so because they lawyers admitted it in a newspaper article several years ago. I know this is so because I have been excluded from juries in Dallas County.

    Obesity is the free and easy discriminant. Humans have an intense psycho-social desire to choose, assigning "us" and "them" to strangers and assigned "good" and "bad" to strangers within milliseconds of seeing them. People are free, and freely do, discriminate against obese people. It happens in all areas you can name.

    I think she was referring to on this site specifically.

    And considering that she #1 - posted a thread in a very quiet section where most posts get very few responses regardless of the poster's weight and #2 posted it on a day that is typically very slow on the forums in general - I'm guessing that it isn't about her weight.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I'm hung up on "size bigots". Lol

    I'm struggling with that one too.

    But I'm a bigot against people who throw around the word "bigot" to mean "not fully embracing the awesomeness of every aspect of every thing at every moment".

    Well now someone sounds like a random MFP member bigot.

    If I hate everyone equally, does that make me a bigot? I'd like to think I'm an equal opportunity mean person.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I'm hung up on "size bigots". Lol

    I'm struggling with that one too.

    But I'm a bigot against people who throw around the word "bigot" to mean "not fully embracing the awesomeness of every aspect of every thing at every moment".

    Well now someone sounds like a random MFP member bigot.

    If I hate everyone equally, does that make me a bigot? I'd like to think I'm an equal opportunity mean person.

    Like. B)
  • lainy1979
    lainy1979 Posts: 173 Member
    lainy1979 wrote: »
    My experience of the forums is that the beautiful chat to the beautiful, sad but true. I'm lucky that I've found a supportive little network on here in the 7 weeks I've been active. Perhaps those with 'gym bodies' have very different goals therefore don't feel that they have enough in common with us trying to shift a lot of weight? Who knows. Feel free to add me, I've lost 10lb and I've got at least another 28lb to go :)

    I've been here over 4 years and I have NEVER seen that.

    Is that in the chit chat forums or something? Although I do agree I chat more with people who have 'bodies' that go to the gym :)

    Yes I was referring to the chit chat forums :)

    By "beautiful people" I meant exactly that and never imagined that I'd have to explain it. Those with already beautifully sculpted toned tanned bodies who obviously take those bodies to the gym on a daily basis. Compared to me, a mum trying to shift a few stone by walking and eating less calories, what would we have in common? When trying to join in on a thread with a different perspective it sometimes isn't made easy.

    It's my opinion made from my experience. I've only been part of this community for 7 weeks and I repeat myself when I say that perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places. A million apologies oh wise mfp guru's :D
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I know this is a supportive website for weight loss and gain but I feel like the bigger people get less attention. I could just be crazy. But after announcing how much I weigh i haven't met very many friendly people. Is it possible there's a slight judgment on us bigger people?

    Yes, it is possible and it is fact.

    In Dallas County, Texas, the laws prohibit discrimination against people on the basis of a variety of personal characteristics, and these laws are enforced on the jury selection process.
    In the jury selection process, lawyers, both plaintiff and defense, are free to discriminate against obese people and actively do. The obese are excluded from serving on juries. I know this is so because they lawyers admitted it in a newspaper article several years ago. I know this is so because I have been excluded from juries in Dallas County.

    Obesity is the free and easy discriminant. Humans have an intense psycho-social desire to choose, assigning "us" and "them" to strangers and assigned "good" and "bad" to strangers within milliseconds of seeing them. People are free, and freely do, discriminate against obese people. It happens in all areas you can name.

    So obesity does have it's benefits....
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    lainy1979 wrote: »
    lainy1979 wrote: »
    My experience of the forums is that the beautiful chat to the beautiful, sad but true. I'm lucky that I've found a supportive little network on here in the 7 weeks I've been active. Perhaps those with 'gym bodies' have very different goals therefore don't feel that they have enough in common with us trying to shift a lot of weight? Who knows. Feel free to add me, I've lost 10lb and I've got at least another 28lb to go :)

    I've been here over 4 years and I have NEVER seen that.

    Is that in the chit chat forums or something? Although I do agree I chat more with people who have 'bodies' that go to the gym :)

    Yes I was referring to the chit chat forums :)

    By "beautiful people" I meant exactly that and never imagined that I'd have to explain it. Those with already beautifully sculpted toned tanned bodies who obviously take those bodies to the gym on a daily basis. Compared to me, a mum trying to shift a few stone by walking and eating less calories, what would we have in common? When trying to join in on a thread with a different perspective it sometimes isn't made easy.

    It's my opinion made from my experience. I've only been part of this community for 7 weeks and I repeat myself when I say that perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places. A million apologies oh wise mfp guru's :D

    Ahh, makes sense. That the first forum I removed from my newsfeed/notifications. Anywhere else but there and the other ones that they split out from it.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    I'm hung up on "size bigots". Lol

    I'm struggling with that one too.

    But I'm a bigot against people who throw around the word "bigot" to mean "not fully embracing the awesomeness of every aspect of every thing at every moment".

    Well now someone sounds like a random MFP member bigot.

    If I hate everyone equally, does that make me a bigot? I'd like to think I'm an equal opportunity mean person.

    We should form a club. Oh wait... :)

    OP, I have not really experienced what you are experiencing...but we all have different interactions, so YMMV. I've lost more weight than you want are planning to, but most of that happened before I came to MFP.

    There was that thread ten days ago about how larger-framed people "do not exist." That was unpleasant and beyond stupid.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    OP, you have 124 friends on MFP. How is that unfriendly?

    I have four.
  • crystalroselynn
    crystalroselynn Posts: 117 Member
    Sorry I haven't had the time to reply. I will go in more detail later. A lot of people say I have a lot of friends on here. Well I was on this site about a year ago and the friends are from there and more than half of them are inactive. However I have gotten a lot of friend requests since I posted this and I really appreciate it. I will get back to you guys soon.
  • crystalroselynn
    crystalroselynn Posts: 117 Member
    Also everyone asking about my weight and judgment. I've posted other forms and felt judged. I included my weight on those forms. I currently weight 336.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Sometimes people reply to posts/comments that I make and sometimes they don't. I think it was just coincidence.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Also everyone asking about my weight and judgment. I've posted other forms and felt judged. I included my weight on those forms. I currently weight 336.

    So, some other forum than MFP?

    I'm confused.

    Don't lot everyone together just because you felt judged elsewhere.
    Really, it's not about your weight, especially on a weight loss forum.