Lost the weight but now hate my shape!



  • Nu_Journee
    Nu_Journee Posts: 29
    I believe lifting weights while focusing on particular body parts will help you achieve the more asymmetrical look you wish for.It sounds like working more on your lower half will achieve this. Have faith. I have seen it done on individuals with your shape, especially if you look at some fitness magazines. You can't change it but you can shape your body and wear clothing to improve it. Good luck.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It's all in the clothing. I remember the days I'd dress in big clothes because I didn't want anyone to see my smaller waist and larger hips (I thought they were embarrassing at didn't look good at the time).

    Oh how WRONG YOU ARE! You have a gorgeous shape!

    Ha, thanks! I'm comfortable with it now, but for a long time thought I was gross because my sister and friends all had much straighter body types. Puberty can be rough on a girl with hips.
  • badmoose
    badmoose Posts: 25
    has anyone ever tried to put the weight back on (and by weight I mean the fat) to fill in the areas the you like.....then do a weight lifting program in order to build a better body.

    Fat goes where your body's chemistry wants it to go. A woman may want more in the boobs and butt, but if the body wants to put it in the belly and hips instead...
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Yes, squats will give you a bubble butt. As to the boobs - the only thing I can think of there is implants. Good luck