Am I working out too much to lose weight?



  • sarahearra
    sarahearra Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with the other posts that it is more likely water retention than weight gain. Up your water intake. I found that my weight would fluctuate a lot while dieting, so it was really frustrating to notice progress. As soon as I started drinking more water, my weigh-ins fluctuated a lot less and would be less effected by a salty dinner the night before.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    There's no way you're going to get any sort of buff looking while eating 1200 calories and doing mostly yoga and cardio.

    Well I do the sworkit app also throughout the day and it does arm and leg workouts and such on top of that. But like I say about 200 calories if I can. Sometimes it comes to a lot more when I have a gig on guitar and I'm playing and singing for hours. But usually a beer or two keeps it down a little. lol I've been doing a pretty even amount of working each muscle group. I still hope that's the case though. I just want to be trimmed up. Hehe.

    There's no way you can bulk up AT ALL doing cardio and yoga? Are you lifting at all??
  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    I find that tracking measurements helps. Sometimes, the # on the scale is the same but I've lost inches or my clothes fit better. I also have a scale that measures body fat % and I sometimes see that # go down even when my weight doesn't.
  • nsa352
    nsa352 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow 1200 calories a day! That's super low! I am 106 lbs for 5 feet tall and my fitness pal allows me to have 1300 a day , I can eat 1700 when I workout. When your calories intake is too low , your body works against you. Also the fact that you are stalling and even gained might mean yiu are retaining water. That's what the body does when the fat cells are getting empty. It fills the fat cells of water and then after a week or 3 will get rid of it so you'd look leaner. It happened to me.Make sure to drink plenty of water to flush out that water retention.
    And yes if you really gained 1 lbs of muscles, it's a great news because more muscles means more calories burned while sitting around.And as you said you want to tone up. The only way to tone up is to change your body composition, get more lean mass, ie muscles, than fat.
    There is no way you gain more muscles by doing yoga. Kettlebells,lifting yes. Yoga no.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Most definitely not working out "too much" if you are doing yoga, calistenics, etc. and only burning around 200 calories. I burn right around the same amount, but I focus on heavy lifting which burns less, tones more. If you want to appear "buff," I suggest upping your food intake and starting a heavy lifting program. I used to be on a 1,200 calorie x day alottment and I did at least 30 minutes of cardio on top of that. I was a twig with a flabby stomach and felt fat (even though I appeared otherwise). For months, I avoided the "bulk" that everyone suggested, but beginning in October, I upped my calorie intake to 1,400, plus I eat back exercise calories, and I have made significant changes in the shape of my body. Muscle is growing, definition is beaming through, and I have more confidence from all of this strength. I highly suggest it.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I'm doing the same thing but doing insanity. I'm also at 144, trying to get to 125 and on 1200 calories a day. I've seen the scale go up or stay the same, I started taking measurements and I have lost inches. I really recommend taking measurements, as otherwise it can be quite tiring to see no progress.
  • JollyHodgers87
    JollyHodgers87 Posts: 165 Member
    edited March 2016
    nsa352 wrote: »
    Wow 1200 calories a day! That's super low! I am 106 lbs for 5 feet tall and my fitness pal allows me to have 1300 a day , I can eat 1700 when I workout. When your calories intake is too low , your body works against you. Also the fact that you are stalling and even gained might mean yiu are retaining water. That's what the body does when the fat cells are getting empty. It fills the fat cells of water and then after a week or 3 will get rid of it so you'd look leaner. It happened to me.Make sure to drink plenty of water to flush out that water retention.
    And yes if you really gained 1 lbs of muscles, it's a great news because more muscles means more calories burned while sitting around.And as you said you want to tone up. The only way to tone up is to change your body composition, get more lean mass, ie muscles, than fat.
    There is no way you gain more muscles by doing yoga. Kettlebells,lifting yes. Yoga no.

    Yea my fitness pal has set that as my allotted caloric intake at 1200 but I don't sweat it if I eat up to 1500 since my TDEE is higher. It's just a good number to make sure I eat at least that amount and no less. It's a good thing though because before, unless I ate a bunch of sweets, I never ate as many as 1200 and I had no idea I wasn't eating enough. My body was used to it. The only thing I can figure is they allow you more because you are more in shape than I. lol And that's a great thing for you!