Motivation ?

abetteryou082807 Posts: 7 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I am 29 years old. Not looking to lose an specific amount of weight. I just started running about 2 months ago and going to the gym. I have an 8 year old son and boy does he keep me going! my boyfriend works in the oilfield so I started running to help pass time by . My goal is to become a better version of me for my family! I want to inspire them to eat better and become more active!
I manage a liquor store and after a long day here, I just want to go for quick run alone! I like country music but switch it to Fall Out Boy or Breaking Benjamin when Im working out.
I bought Insanity Max30 a year ago and still cant make it through the first 2 days lol So i guess you coukd say my goal right now is to get fit enough that I cam do 2 full weeks of Insanity! Add me!


  • jesslynn9293
    jesslynn9293 Posts: 15 Member
    I completely agree with the idea of wanting to be a better version of yourself and wanting to inspire others to live better healthier lives!
    Insanity is definitely a crazy hard workout!
    I am 23, and I'm currently starting T25 and it's pretty challenging. A little over a month ago, I made it through three days of workouts (and when I say made it, I mean feeling like I was dying most of the time and having to basically jog in place for a while to make it through lol). And after that, I skipped a day and lost my motivation.
    Now, I'm starting it back up and hope to stay committed this time! =)
    I think it's awesome that you're working towards a happy, healthy lifestyle!
    Good luck! =)
  • abetteryou082807
    abetteryou082807 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you!! I can normally do the first 2 days of Max30 then on day 3, 4 and 5 my body is so sore that I can't do any more. By then, I find myself going back to day 1 lol
  • Jose2716
    Jose2716 Posts: 225 Member
    If you find that you're to sore to do the others day, try to modify what you do, until you can do it all. I'm a really big guy so I have to slowly work my way up to any cardio. Start off slowly until you body gets use to it. Doing too much too fast can sometimes have a negative affect on your plans. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • abetteryou082807
    abetteryou082807 Posts: 7 Member
    I find any exercise hurts my legs the most! Even when I do the modified version lol I can arms, abs or any upper body work out all day long and be ok the next day. It's the jumping and lunges that get me