Having a really hard time meeting my daily calories



  • sarawilcox79
    sarawilcox79 Posts: 12 Member
    snikkins wrote: »
    @queenliz99 Great minds!
    @WinoGelato Yup! :)
    @sarawilcox79 Well, it's a pretty comprehensive list, so take what you want and leave the rest? It's also important to not undereat.

    Thank you I will check it out I'm sure there's some things on there a can use
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I've lost about 15 lbs in just under 2 months and I think that was mostly giving up soda....I've never been a big eater I enjoy food very much I'm just not hungry throughout the day until dinner and even then I don't eat a large amount

    How did you become overweight?

    Haha if I knew that I wouldn't be lol....even during my pregnancies I was never the weight I am now I don't eat the healthiest of foods and I've been trying really hard to curb that I still indulge myself occasionally .....but I have been eating a lot more healthy than I ever have

    Well just indulge yourself a little.

    I eat a treat every day, and have lost over 70 lbs in the past year.

  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    Peanut butter
  • caurinus
    caurinus Posts: 78 Member
    caurinus wrote: »
    Soon many questions. Height? Weight? Goal calories? Do you sit all day at work or are you on your feet? How much exercise do you get? What kind of foods are you eating? How much alcohol do you drink? Are you losing weight? How much weight are you losing per week?

    Oh boy that is a lot of questions 5.8,188,according to this app my goal is 2,000 I very rarely sit at work and also exercise at home every day 20-40 minutes of cardio depending on how much I can get in and also chasing my 14 month old grandson I drink very rarely a glass of wine 2-3 times a month I've lost 15 lbs since the beginning of February not sure about weekly my weight tends to fluctuate a lot

    "having a really hard time meeting my daily calories"

    This is a little confusing, because I think some people are taking it like "2000 calories is more than I want to eat," and other people are taking it like "2000 calories is less than I want to eat."

    If you have lost 15 pounds in two months, don't change anything. That's a very good rate of weight loss, so just adjust your MFP goals to match what you are eating now.

  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    I don't understand what the problem is here...? You don't have to meet your calorie goal, just stay under it.