Littlest Losers (Week 1)



  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    morning all

    started good 2 cups water and 1 hr on wii step burning just over 200 calories i also ordered 3 exercise dvds 1 i had on video before i wore the tape out so looking forward to the dvd arriving as i lost alot of weight with it last time

    happy thursday all will check in later see if i can mange 8 glasses water today

    What exercise dvd's did you order?!

    I have been doing great with daily exercise and water and then came yesterday...we took our 3 children to Canada's Wonderland and walked around for 8 hours, my legs were so tired which was good. The only problem was that I shared ice cream with one of my children and then we ate some fast food on the drive home. I feel huge today!! We never have fast food, only about twice a year and I'm thinking that I should have gone more prepared with food for myself on the drive home. Lesson learned.

    I have a big 4 cup water bottle beside my kitchen sink and I always drink that from each day and know to fill it twice.

    Today we are going back out to celebrate Canada Day and eating at my parents so I am 100% going to avoid all dessert and stay within my calories.

    Have great days everyone!!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Good Morning!

    Had a good burn at spinning last night and downed 11 glasses of water! Then woke up this morning and worked out on the elliptical for 50 mins - on glass #5 now :)

    Keep on drinking girls! Everyone is doing great!! Almost time to face the music tomorrow :)
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Good Morning..welcome to July!

    I had planned on measuring yesterday, but time got away from me, or maybe I was letting time get away from me because I don't want to be disapointed. I know that my clothes are fitting better, so I know I've probably lost some, so I need to just do it.

    Looking forward to getting my 8 glasses of H20 in today and doing Day 10 Level 2 30DS and some intervals on the treadmill!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    hey littlest losers,

    so...i am not going to weigh in. i will post at my starting weight. i find it too difficult to weigh myself everyweek, i start becoming addicted and sorrowed by the number and it hinders my actual progress, ie. eating healthy all week turns junky, i stop exercising, etc. but i will weigh in bi-weekly. so next week fo sho.

    keep up the good work team!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    morning all

    started good 2 cups water and 1 hr on wii step burning just over 200 calories i also ordered 3 exercise dvds 1 i had on video before i wore the tape out so looking forward to the dvd arriving as i lost alot of weight with it last time

    happy thursday all will check in later see if i can mange 8 glasses water today

    What exercise dvd's did you order?!

    I have been doing great with daily exercise and water and then came yesterday...we took our 3 children to Canada's Wonderland and walked around for 8 hours, my legs were so tired which was good. The only problem was that I shared ice cream with one of my children and then we ate some fast food on the drive home. I feel huge today!! We never have fast food, only about twice a year and I'm thinking that I should have gone more prepared with food for myself on the drive home. Lesson learned.

    I have a big 4 cup water bottle beside my kitchen sink and I always drink that from each day and know to fill it twice.

    Today we are going back out to celebrate Canada Day and eating at my parents so I am 100% going to avoid all dessert and stay within my calories.

    Have great days everyone!!

    your water bottle thing is a great idea, i know, cause i am doing it too! i have a 1 litre bottle i brought with me to work, because there is no fountain, and i dont like to buy water. so i fill it up in the morning, and i usually refill it by late afternoon and finish it by the time i get home! good work :D
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    speaking of Canada Day

    Happy Canada Day, and with that, you should really watch this video
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Little losers,

    I got up and did Day 31 of Power 90. I am also hoping to go to step class tonight but not sure if I will be able to make it. If not I will do a 30 min walk. I am pretty good about my water - usually over 12 cups a day. - I kinda quit counting after my I drink my 32oz bottle three times.

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning all

    started good 2 cups water and 1 hr on wii step burning just over 200 calories i also ordered 3 exercise dvds 1 i had on video before i wore the tape out so looking forward to the dvd arriving as i lost alot of weight with it last time

    happy thursday all will check in later see if i can mange 8 glasses water today

    What exercise dvd's did you order?!

    I have been doing great with daily exercise and water and then came yesterday...we took our 3 children to Canada's Wonderland and walked around for 8 hours, my legs were so tired which was good. The only problem was that I shared ice cream with one of my children and then we ate some fast food on the drive home. I feel huge today!! We never have fast food, only about twice a year and I'm thinking that I should have gone more prepared with food for myself on the drive home. Lesson learned.

    I have a big 4 cup water bottle beside my kitchen sink and I always drink that from each day and know to fill it twice.

    Today we are going back out to celebrate Canada Day and eating at my parents so I am 100% going to avoid all dessert and stay within my calories.

    Have great days everyone!!

    it was a set of 3 by beverly callard including one called rapid results i think one of the others is real results not sure on 3rd but i used rapid results on video couple years ago its a 20minute workout and 20minute toning and it was fantastic really good i lost loads so im hoping it will motivate me again

    water 7 glasses but its only 8pm so theres time for me to drink another
    exercise 1hr on wii step (loving it beat my high score today) also 30minutes slow strolling round supermarket
    hope everyone else had a good day
  • carilyn39
    carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
    Started a new medicine on monday. has my system all messed up. very very sleepy. managed to get up and work out tuesday and this morning. planning on a work out tomorrow as well. i have a 28oz bottle that i fill several times a day. water today 60 oz. thinkikng about what to have for dinner. but daughter has softball game so it might end up being a popcorn dinner. checking in tomorrow with weight.
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    So TOM decided to visit this morning........GREAT!! Guess I won't be seeing any results on the scale tomorrow, figures, our first weigh in, DAMN! Oh well, I am still doing well with my water though, I am on number 6 right now and will have three more with dinner. Good luck tomorrow everyone!!:wink:
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    My scale results will be awful tommorow. I have stuck to the week 1 goals though- 8 glasses of water and 30min exercise.
    The problem is that I drank alcohol 4 days this past week... which as we all know messes up the scale. :(

    I am making a goal for myself to not drink the entire month of July-- unless its 1 GLASS of wine. My Italian family serves wine with dinner and it would be rude to refuse.... but NO BEER and NO AMARETTO SOURS this month!

    I have noticed that I am super bloated in the lower AB area... and I must contribute this to the alcohol. Anyone else notice this?
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    I've got alot of catching up today for water, haven't had 1 glass yet :(

    Babysitting my twin 18 month old nieces tonight so I hope to get my shred in before the get here. That will at least give me my 30 minutes!
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    Happy Canada Day all! Planning on doing some heavy yard work with my husband today. I've been doing really well with my water, and have gotten in at least 30min per day of exercise. Pretty sure the scales will be the same as ever tomorrow, but i'm ready for our weigh in. Good luck everyone, lets keep up the good work!
  • an94
    an94 Posts: 3
    Hey guys -

    I was on the last thread and completely overlooked the link to this one/forgot to check back at the thread until today. I've been drinking the 8(+!) glasses of water a day, and our first weigh-in is tomorrow... do you mind if you add me to the list with the next weigh-in?
    My weight as of last week was 109, and my goal weight is 95 (fluctuating upwards - 95 is the absolute bottom it should fluctuate to).

    Thanks :)
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    H2O & 30 minutes are both in for today!

    tomorrow is the big day ladies =]
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    doing good on the water. workout to follow for tonight.
    fingers crossed for tomorrow!
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Think I've about got my water in (finally) and got in Day 10 of Level 2 30Ds and 30 minutes (1.5 miles) on the treadmill!

    Hope my scale is good to me in the morning!!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Water: Got my eight in.
    Exercise: Mowed the lawn today, took about 45 minutes.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning all happy friday

    weight stayed same at 136 but my usual weigh in day i smonday so i have weekend to burn some off hope everyone has a good day
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i drank so much water yesterday-- i woke up twice to pee in the middle of the night! (sry tmi)

    i weighed in at 118!

    this 30 minute a day thing truly made a huge difference!
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