
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    My lovely DDIL sent through the draft copies of the professional photo shoot they had done when Bea was a couple of weeks old. I've screen swiped a couple of them just to show you.



    There are so many and they've got to pick 20!

    Love Heather UK

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Cheri – Hope interview goes well for your DH and that he ‘gets’ the job … you’ll like the weather in Georgia (even North GA where they get snow sometimes).

    Thanks so much Lenora! We can only hope. Haven't heard from him yet today. Will be getting in very late tonight so will get the details tomorrow morning.

    He's been at this 17 months now. Has made over 100+ applications on-line. Has participated in over a dozen Skype/phone interviews. AND several on campus interviews. I told him yesterday before he left that a lesser man would have thrown in the towel by now. Beyond proud of his efforts!

    Have a good evening,
    NE oHIo
  • Clairblue2
    Clairblue2 Posts: 16 Member
    Another cold, rainy day in WI. Finally gave in & took a nap. At least the tulips & daffodils are blooming. They're the bright spots in our yard. Much too cold for naked gardening!

    No exercise class today. Gave myself the day off. Maybe will get on the treadmill later. It would warm me up.

    Kudos to everyone out there fighting the good fight!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    auroranae wrote: »
    Cheri- Hanging in rainy NE oHIo- My nephew is a freshman at UNG on an ROTC scholarship. My sister says it is a lovely area.Her husband's sisters both moved there about 3 years ago and if my sister were not moving to Germany they would have liked to look at homes there. Oh, and I love NE Ohio- all my dad's family are there but us- he and mom decided not to go back when he got out of the Navy. He was a nuclear engine technician and there was no work in the 60s for that in Ohio... so he stayed in Maryland and ended up a delivery driver for Hostess and Wonderbread... guess nuclear engine techs weren't in demand in the private sector.

    I love all this UNG support today! Maybe it will be a karma type thing and hubs will finally get an offer!

    I've lived in Ohio on 4 different occasions. In central Ohio, Orient and Grove City. I went to Miami University in Oxford and now live in the Akron area. Love the hills up in this area. And we are just below the "lake effects" snow line.

    My husband has an undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering....lol.

    Take care

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Hey ladies! Good evening! I hopped on this morning but just had time to read. Due to my sore posterier, I have decided to pause in my squat challenge and pick up the last five days when I am feeling not so tender down there. I went to the doc and found out I have my first hemorrhoid. Isn't that special? (Do I get a card and cake for that?) Doc thinks that lifting the bigger kids (I have some big two and a half year olds) may have caused it.
    Pip- Love the shoes! I do have a question, do your feet get really wet when you wear them outside on wet days? Are you able to wash them? The uppers look like they may be a washable material.
    Welcome all newbies! This is a great group of ladies! Very supportive and very active lives!
    Penny and Heather- I am green with envy over the fact that 1. Heather will be visiting Longyearbyen and 2. you get to meet eachother! I will live vicariously through your visit! Remember to post lots of pics!
    Marcelyn and the other gray haired ladies-My gray started coming in at about age 45, and I color my hair. Not coming in enough to go all gray, yet. Funny story: When my daughter was born with red hair my DH looked at me and said "Where did that come from?" We are both brunettes with no known natural red heads in the families. He was suspicious that she wasn't his kid. Then his mom came to visit in the hospital and while she was holding Lauren she said "Her hair is the same color mine was when I was young!" Sure enough, she brought in a lock of her hair the next day and it was a light auburn. She had been dying her hair blonde her entire adult life and bc photos were black and white back then, her sons never knew she was originally a red head! Lauren's hair stayed red, just a shade or two darker red now.
    Peach/CArol- Wow! Your mother looks wonderful and you really look a LOT like her! Good genes!
    My last kiddos just got picked up and their mom had some good news for me. She got a new job and she will be working a 6am-2pm shift. So, although I will have two more at 5:30 in the morning (might as well since I already have the one that early), not having these two boys until 6:30pm shaves a whole hour off my day as the rest of the kids get picked up by 5:30pm! Yea! An extra hour in the day for me!
    Oh, and I had a NSV day before yesterday. I was too tired and sore to cook dinner, so I picked up dinner for DH and DYS from Panera and even picked out a dessert for the both of them and I didn't get anything for me! This is a HUGE victory for me; because I love the soups and HELLO a plateful of frosted brownies staring at me?! I came home and had a cup of cottage cheese and an apple.
    Meatloaf and mashed potatoes tonight. One of DH's favorite meals.
    Have a wonderful night, all! KJ/Kelly
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your logging advice is right on. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: I'm happy that your gallery is doing so well. It is a tribute to your hard work and that of others. :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: Sending good thoughts for your health and your husband's job search. :flowerforyou:

    Marcelynh: I think you'll love your natural hair and will look beautiful. A picture would be nice. :smiley:

    247mama: Welcome, you sweet young thing! :devil: :bigsmile:

    Heather: I love the pictures of your DGD. She is a precious one. Both the photos you shared are wonderful. :heart:

    It has been a good day but I'm ready for rest. Spent some of the time crabbing back and forth with DH. I don't like that at all. We got the groceries and other items that we need.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi gals,

    Lisa – LOL on hubby gardening… If Kitten is replacing words what would they do with a pic of DH gardening naked… add a pic of a kitten? LOL

    Penny – I am green with envy indeed and I plan on seeing LOTS of pictures!!!
    Heather – I am green with envy that you get to meet Penny and see Longyearbyen in person

    Barbie – good deal! I bet you would both play mini golf with a little niece or nephew… I’m glad to hear he watches you perform .

    Linda, 247Mama – welcome

    Carol – ok since next month is 3 days away… but the first week of next month… I side with DH

    Miriam – Oh LUTRDMF (laughing until tears run down my face)

    Sylvia – I wonder if you could shop the toothpaste, maybe a Walmart or Costco?

    Pip – What is Etta? Or more specifically what does the Etta Auction support, It would be fun to dress up

    Annie – Glad mom is doing better – Please get over the guilties!!! And chalk it up to a learning experience.

    Heather - Beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    KJ – Ok PM me your address and I’ll send you a card !!! LOL

    Busy day – gardening in the am then errands, and the financial guy – I checked in with him on the repercussions of getting a “real” job - sounds like it will be fine. Now to just land it. I had to smile to myself, I have stressed about the business and finances for months, now that I know if it is offered I’ll take the gardening job, and that will ease everything my phone and email have gone crazy with embroidery jobs… which of course I am saying yes to…

    And another of my “pesky” pounds off, 1.5 more to go and I’ll be back to my lowest MFP weight and ready to get the next chunk off. I am finding that the lower stress level is helping with my eating habits, I seem to want less and make better choices without even realizing that I am.

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, I wish they had included you and DH in the pro photo shoot. But those are lovely. So hard to choose.

    I got good news this afternoon. I had an appointment for next WEdnesday for my tooth extraction. Well it has really been hurting, the entire gum is swollen and feels boggy, it's real red. and my face is swollen. It even hurts all the way up around my eye. So I called this afternoon and I got an appointment for tomorrow at 11! This late morning sleeper would have accepted an appointment at 7 AM just to get this tooth out.

    Lenora, my brother was on a nuclear sub and he was a big part of the operation of part of it. He never had the formal education just a brilliant mind. Now just him being on the sub was rather harrowing at times. But after 20 years he hung up his hat and retired.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Here at the library again. Finally got my Fitbit set up so start tracking today. I decided not to interview for the job as I just could not see myself being happy with it. Still looking for something where I can use my skills and have some fun or at least be happy to go to work each day! I'll find it yet. Have not read any posts so can not post in reference to anything going on in any of your lives. I hope nothing terrible has happened and that many of you are having good things happening. Please know that you are in my thoughts many times a day and I will check-in as possible. Becca has my phone number if anyone wants to check with me. Love you all!

    Gloria in WA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Hello all: Cool cloudy day here. Didn't get much done outside today but groceries and errands are done. I have been doing really well with not eating after dinner since I have a new med that needs to be taken on an empty stomach before bed but now I have found myself eating less than healthy stuff midafternoon. Need to preplan I think and have something ready to grab so I am not looking around for something.

    Heather - Congratulations on getting that money back from BT.

    Lisa - Safe travels!

    Cheri - Hope that karma works. Your DH deserves to find something right up his alley.

    Katla - My DD is in Wales just now and they went horseback riding in Snowdonia yesterday. She rode a Welsh cob named Alice. She had to ride an english saddle for the first time in years, hope she is not sore today.

    Pip - Yeah for the new monkey feet!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    ok ladies it is 8 pm, and an hour past my bedtime.. today was a day to say the least ,and I didnt even get 10,000 steps almost,but not quite...
    went up to my dads and put shelf paper in the bureau's for the bedrooms and got a piece of plywood to do a couple of projects with.. then came home and walked the dogs... from there I left to go get aunt Margaret.. hung out at her place for about an hour and then took her down to the cancer center which is only about 5 miles from her house... they had to give her i.v. fluids, so we were there for almost 3 hrs, then from there I stopped at the store and got her some straws and cranberry juice.... got her settled in back home and left her place at 5:50 I didn't get home until 7 ,and had to get the dogs outside to do there business, feed them ,give chester his pill, and water the grass seed..
    I am exsausted and have a full day tomorrow at work... Tom got down to the house , and is all set..goodnight ladies
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    ljdw99 – We divided my Mother’s ‘stuff’ before we had to put her into an Assisted Living Facility. She got to see that we did it fairly and no arguments or hurt feelings. Later on, we made some ‘exchanges’ with one another for things that we really wanted. My oldest sister had gotten the dining room table that would let out to seat 12. Middle sister and I gave her our 4 chairs for something she had that we wanted. But, I will admit to being a pluperfect B**** when my DH’s daughter by a previous marriage ‘screwed’ him and his brother over by getting DMnL to ‘add’ her as if she was a ‘child’; and pulled a POA off the Internet AFTER we had had her ‘rescind’ one that she had gotten her to sign earlier. BnL was 'pissed' because she was 'co-mingling' their funds and had transferred the title to the car over to he; he made her sign it over to both of them. Told her NOT to pay her insurance out of his mother's account and he balanced the accounts. They had given her a ‘Limited Power of Attorney’ to get ‘medical treatment’. Karma WILL come visit her ‘someday’; but, at this point – don’t care. We have not seen them in nearly 9 years since. DH was ‘hurt’ that she’d do this to them. I think what upset me most was that ‘she’ being the ‘only’ granddaughter did not bother to have the 4 grandsons added. She took DMnL to the bank and had her sign another signatory card; then it was never convenient to go have them added back; then she took the POA and went into DFnL’s lock box 4x from the day he died until the day of the funeral. Both sons ‘knew’ that he had money in it. Again, never sent any paperwork to have them added to the Mutual Funds that she bought with the $$$. The worst thing she did was on the day of the visitation for DMnL … they were having a ‘pool’ dug in their yard (while the supper was about to eaten in the back yard). I made a comment to DH about how it was the ‘height of disrespect’ for them to have workers in the yard when we would be eating out on the patio. Her husband was standing 2 feet away from me and he went over and told them to pack it up. His daughter came screaming and cursing out the back door – saying that it would then be the end of the summer before they could reschedule them. Oh well ….
    Lenora this was the story I was referring to.
    GLo North Shore Ma
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    The computer ate my response this morning! Part of my post this morning was to say that it ate my response from last night. I am upset enough that I don't remember what I said.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Computers actually hate us...I'm quite sure of it. :wink:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.41min, 14amph, 149mhr, 2.9mi = 110c
    OTHER- PHYSICAL THERAPY @ gym- 40min, 8 diff exer. 2sets of 20ea, some w/5#, 9sets of 100, 122mhr = 148c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.17min, 13.6amph, 145mhr 1.4mi = 65c
    ride wk 2 hm, turn on 40th - 19.05min, 150mhr, 2.7mi, windy! = 181c
    total cal 504
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr Booya fitness Upper Body Arms, Legs and Butt DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Horizontal Conditioning DVD. I know this one is very challenging, hope I can do it.

    Nikki - as for online dating, I say GO FOR IT!

    pip - well, everyone will see you coming in those money feet. They are so pretty

    Volunteered at the Green Room then Lynette brought me home because Vince was at shooting. I asked her to stop at Bi-Lo so I could get a rotisserie chicken. I told her the last one we had was from WalMart and it was SOOO salty. She said oh, "we like the chickens from WalMart". I tell you, my feet were swollen from all the salt. I had a hard time choking it down.

    Then did some more on the power washing of the driveway. Tonight is the last session of Newcomer bowling (for this season). Afterwards, we're going to go to WalMart. Vince wanted to go before bowling, but I need refrigerated items, so we'll go after. Really, this man thinks you should be able to get EVERYTHING in one trip to one store. Doesn't work that way. Not every store carries the same thing.

    Larisa - so glad you friend will be joining us

    Kim - thanks for telling me that filo will work. I just can't seem to find the cups around here.

    D in MD - there's an article in *Consumers Reports* this month about things to do for pain. Love your hair

    Linda - welcome!

    Lenora - we love the salt water pool. I would definitely go this route again. Did you ever try that Krud Kutter for red clay? I tell you, it WILL get the red clay out, even on clothes.

    Cheri - keeping my fingers crossed for your dh

    In 2 weeks Vince is taking me to get my hair colored and cut. He'll also get his cut at the same time. I can't wait....I hate my hair as it is. It really needs to be colored and cut. Badly. But there's only so much I can ask him to do. I try to limit my asking, but it's hard sometimes.

    mama - so glad LoLo invited you! Nice to meet you

    ljdw - I'm thinking that the "baking mix" is Bisquick. But in the end, I had to change to making these chicken pot pies for Mexican Train. You know, I take something but have very little to eat there. I always take a dessert plate and there are so few things that interest me. Mostly deep fried or store bought stuff.

    Heather - lovely pics

    Joyce - so glad you were able to get that appointment for tomorrow. Please take care of yourself.

    Gloria - so glad to see you!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michelle in NC - I'll look for that ... I definitely need something to take out dried on red clay. Will it get 'mustard' out of clothes? IF I wear white and eat ... I am going to 'spill' something on it. Grease, mustard, you name it. I love 'white' but it doesn't like me particularly like it. LOL!

    Joyce - I hope that nothing I posted (about engineers) was taken with offense. Certainly NOT meant to be. I just had a 'bad' experience with one in TRIG class. He might have been very smart ... he just was NOT a teacher. I've known a lot of 'brilliant' people - whether they have 'formal education' or not. Does not matter. I choose my friends for 'common interests' and I consider all on this site as 'friends ... I just have not 'personally' met you. I only know Carol/Peach because she went to the same HS that I did and was in my middle sister's class. Shows you 'how small' this world really is.

    My computer just ate my entire post; maybe it was because I cut it; and did not paste it here, first; before 'not saving' it in my WP program. Oh well. Missed another one of my DYS's antics story.

    Can't remember anything else I had typed. But, just 'typing' calms me down a whole lot. You can probably tell I like to type (and talk) from my 'long' posts.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited April 2016
    KJLaMore - Does having hemorrhoids make you a 'royal P.I.T.A.'?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Cheri - I know you are proud of your DH. You're right ... most people would have 'given up and thrown in the towel'. My DOS is working with his Dad in his 'paint contracting business'. He really needs to 'find' a job if he is not willing to 'step up to the plate' and take over it if he has to. He was talking the other day when he was driving me somewhere that he and his Dad had talked about taking the 'insurance' test (even paying for the class, if necessary); but, then he asks around and gets told 'it is cut-throat' business'. So that is something else he does not really want to do. He passed his real estate license test' right before the housing market tanked. Right after his boss ran the paint company out of business by taking large sums of money out of it and not paying for the franchise. No wonder the other 3 partners pulled out. At least DH had something he could do to make a living. He wants a job with insurance and benefits; but, he needs to clear what he makes now. DH cannot afford insurance for him.

    Ah Dammit - Every time Cracker sleeps on her back and I try to take a picture of it, she wakes up and moves. Not just occasionally; but, EVERY time!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Hey ladies! Good evening! I hopped on this morning but just had time to read. Due to my sore posterier, I have decided to pause in my squat challenge and pick up the last
    Pip- Love the shoes! I do have a question, do your feet get really wet when you wear them outside on wet days? Are you able to wash them? The uppers look like they may be a washable material.

    Meatloaf and mashed potatoes tonight. One of DH's favorite meals.
    Have a wonderful night, all! KJ/Kelly

    They r washable you air dry them. Yes they would get your feet wet but they do make some for the rainy weather.

    Info about the upcoming Etta auction
