
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited April 2016
    I pressed the Awesome button, Penny. <3 Showed the pics to DH. ;)

    Felt like an absolute twit this morning. I tried to access a savings account on line, completely failed, and had to ring their help desk. The guy was very patient with me. I felt like some 80 year old with Alzheimers. Had to reset everything. :'(:*

    That enabled me to avoid tackling the printer problem. >:) Will do it tomorrow, which is another day, don't you know. Can't fail worse than DH. :* I hate with a big H anything technical, but I am still better at it than him. Luckily, we managed not to fall out over it. It kept me awake until 2.15 am though, just fretting.

    Going to see my yoga friend today. Her husband might be able to run me through what to do with the printer and I might get him to print out a couple of bookings for me. My poor friend isn't allowed to walk very much for a couple of weeks since her carcinoma op on her leg.

    Belated congrats to all those hitting Onederland and those who have lost inches. I am struggling to lose my pesky pound before the cruise, but I've only myself to blame. I'm also biting my nails again which is not what I ordered.

    Love Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Alison sounds like she is just looking for someone to take out her frustrations. As I say to my students don't let her have your power. Walk away and say a prayer for her. I have watched this over and over in classroom some people get something out of getting others upset. Confronting them or trying to get them to apologize just adds fuel to their position. They got you, and they know it.

    She will be back to ask you for help with her mother because she knows you will do it and taking care of some one with Alzheimer's is overwhelming. You will need to decide how willing you are to help. Saying no at times to meet your own needs is not selfish. Saying no is not a way to get back at her treatment of you. It is a way of taking care of you.

    My brother tore off the top of a cabinet my father had made so my niece couldn't take it, and he also removed a drawer out of a chest for the same reason. It did make me angry, but I didn't let him know it. I wrote him and said what a hard time this is for all of us seeing our mother in the nursing home and seeing our childhood home of 65 years being sold. I didn't say a word about the cabinet or chest of drawers. I just chalk it up to his character and his problems. He is one I pray for and wish him well. He is not worth losing my peace of mind over. Just as your DSIL actions are a result of her problems and she is trying to make them yours if you let her. DON"T LET HER!

    Enjoy this time you have to yourself.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • kskelio
    kskelio Posts: 11 Member
    I need encouragement but have never used a community forum. Hoping I can learn how this works.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Alison sounds like she is just looking for someone to take out her frustrations. As I say to my students don't let her have your power. Walk away and say a prayer for her. I have watched this over and over in classroom some people get something out of getting others upset. Confronting them or trying to get them to apologize just adds fuel to their position. They got you, and they know it.

    She will be back to ask you for help with her mother because she knows you will do it and taking care of some one with Alzheimer's is overwhelming. You will need to decide how willing you are to help. Saying no at times to meet your own needs is not selfish. Saying no is not a way to get back at her treatment of you. It is a way of taking care of you.

    My brother tore off the top of a cabinet my father had made so my niece couldn't take it, and he also removed a drawer out of a chest for the same reason. It did make me angry, but I didn't let him know it. I wrote him and said what a hard time this is for all of us seeing our mother in the nursing home and seeing our childhood home of 65 years being sold. I didn't say a word about the cabinet or chest of drawers. I just chalk it up to his character and his problems. He is one I pray for and wish him well. He is not worth losing my peace of mind over. Just as your DSIL actions are a result of her problems and she is trying to make them yours if you let her. DON"T LET HER!

    Enjoy this time you have to yourself.

    Allie - what Margaret said. Doubled.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kskelio wrote: »
    I need encouragement but have never used a community forum. Hoping I can learn how this works.

    Hi and Welcome. You've already joined by posting. I never joined a forum before and am pretty non-techie but this group is forgiving and welcoming and supportive, so come again. Watch for the new month that is posted on May 1, and somebody else can tell you how to bookmark the forum so you can find us easily each time. Sometimes I just read and not write in the forum....It helps to know that other women are going through so many similar challenges. We are in this together. Log every bite, keep moving and keep checking in, this works!

    Karen from NY
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    Morning, everybody. Bought my camera and charged a battery, now I have to wait till this evening to use it...
    Love your photos, Penny, okay I really double love them!!!
    Allie, hang in there and try to get some me time in there today.
    Welcome, new people!!!
    I am not sleeping well lately--might be allergies...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kimses: Many restaurants post menus online with calorie and nutritional information. If you can find one of them during your travels, count yourself lucky. We usually stay in hotels that provide a morning breakfast & I've learned to make very good choices there that set me up for a good day. Good luck! :smiley:

    Janetr: Enjoy your travels. I hope the tornadoes avoid people and property. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in WA: I've seen YouTube videos of horses who were able to undo latches to release themselves from their stalls, and to get into closed feed storage areas. It was very funny to watch. & I wonder how the owners dealt with the situation beyond posting the funny video. :laugh: I didn't get the blue coat after all. DH really likes this one, and I think he's tired of the blue. :smiley:

    DJ: One of the irritating neighbors has moved. Yay! I hope we like the people who have bought the place. The other irritating neighbor is in the process of moving but not getting things done very fast. I know I'll be happy when she is gone along with her pack of feral cats and wild raccoons. And her habit of putting garter snakes in my lawn just because she knows I don't like it. :grumble:

    Glo Northshore MA: Please let us know if your husband successfully keeps the deer out of the yard. I've always wanted to know whether Nora was right. :wink:

    Marcelyn: I've seen reports from Southern California and also seen things locally that point to the fact that wild animals are moving into human neighborhoods. I don't mind the deer moving in, but I'm not at all pleased when coyotes start taking pets out of fenced yards and off of leashes while owners are walking them. The coyote pack that was bothering pets a few years ago seems to have moved on, or met with led poisoning. :noway:

    Joyce: I didn't know there was such a thing as World Naked Gardening Day. I wonder if I should go outside and put clothes on my hanging baskets in protest. I'll likely let it go by without comment. :devil:

    Penny: Your photos are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: Your artist's coop is running well, thanks to your wit and wisdom. :smiley:

    Margaret: I agree wholeheartedly with every word of advice you gave to Alison. You are a wise advisor. :heart:

    kskello: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    As I mentioned, I decided to keep the new color jacket after all. DH chose it and loves it on me. He gets to have his own way once in a while, and this is his turn for the forseeable future. :devil: I also asked a neighbor and she liked it very much. I have a great deal of confidence about many things, and then not enough about others. Go figure. :ohwell:

    I'm looking forward to yoga today with one of my favorite teachers. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    edited April 2016
    hidee ho,
    just popping in before taking a shower and taking the boys for a walk and then off to work..
    I cancelled my physical for and can't get in for awhile because of my wacky schedule ,my aunt is having a very bad go of it and cancer is trying to kick her butt, my cousin is down in florida for a week trying to take a breather as she is her caretaker and works full time ,and it takes a toll, well of course while she is away Maragaret isn't feeling well so Maryanne is scrambling to find someone to take her to the Dr. so my other cousin is taking her today but she also has an appt for tomorrow, now if she doesnt need the appt tomorrow im off the hook, but if they want her again, than I drive an hour away and take her to the Dr..
    I went back up to dads and got the rest of the paint of Taliah's floor and my brother came over, he is not as worried about the lampshade and everything else as Jean is...her crazy brother , the one that is driving them batty called his mother and told her they had a baby boy.. and named it after dad, but there is no proof.. he showed mom an ultra sound picture, that is about 15 yrs old, with no name or anything on it,and Wallys wife is 54 yrs old, so if she had a baby it would be a true miracle... this is how this idiot's mind works.. this is another way to get to Jean without physically showing up.. so that is what set her off, and she like I said has alot on her plate... she did text me to apologize and I forgave her, no use crying over spilt milk...
    Penny~ those pictures are just breathtaking...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member

    Yet another baby pic! Don't know where she got that nose from!

    Can't wait to see them next week. <3

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin - 50min, 86ar, 98aw, 10-14g, 150mhr, 21.3mi = 401cal
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to have found this group. I'm 56 and it's great to see the encouragement and support on here. I am trying to log my meals everyday, walk everyday and write off something on my to-do list everyday. Happy Wednesday
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ We are all in love with B!
  • Clairblue2
    Clairblue2 Posts: 16 Member
    Howdy. Another gloomy, cold day, plus wind. BUT went to core class this morning & did the treadmill, so off to a good start.

    On the way home from the gym, I came across a garage sale. You KNOW I had to stop! Bought two beautiful striped Pennsylvania house armchairs for the family room ($40 each--what a bargain!). They are in nearly perfect condition, just need to be vacuumed & a few minor spots to be cleaned. Found Cheerios between the cushions. I think they're from the seller's darling little granddaughter who was helping out at the sale. LOL. Had I not gone to work out, I would never have seen the chairs. Best reward ever!

    Also found a large, beautiful verdigris vase (about 32" tall) at the thrift store where I volunteer on Mondays. Have been on the lookout for one for our garden for a few years. It's the little things that make me happy. When the sun comes back out, I'll be ready to enjoy the back yard.

    Have a swell day, all.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Heather love Bea's new pic and I think her nose is just adorable.

    To all ladies on this thread- I want to take a moment to apologize for the poor choice of wording I used when describing the censorship on this site. I specifically called the site managers "word nazis", not even thinking that the term I used is hurtful to the many people who had the actual evil people in their lives and in the lives of their loved ones. I am truly, truly sorry for the insensitivity. I always try to choose my words carefully and this one slipped right by. Thank you to the one who kindly and with love pointed this out to me. I promise to not use that term anymore! <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Just had a terrific thunderstorm which took out the electrics. Was overhead. The horses in the field were terrified. It's all back now, but my Facebook account went down and I had to relog in. ;) Couldn't get out of the car for the hail and snow. DH came out with an umbrella. <3
    Nothing on TV for days and now 3 programmes at 9 pm. ;) Luckily my recorder can do 2 programmes at once.

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    morning peeps - and welcome new peeps young and old -

    damnit - i've only known you as damnit... :0/

    exermom - i'm terrible, only know peeps by login, who's karen and why does she need me.. biking or running advice?

    grandmallie - i'm so sorry to hear about your family drama...

    lagopus - purdy pics!

    did my 10 miles last Saturday, wasn't bad at all, then I realized why, I didn't have any ankle weights for any part of the run.