
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Does anyone use Spotify or Pandora for streaming music? I'm trying to decide which would be better. It's time for me to buy a new iPhone & this time I'll up the gigs (64 probably) because I've run out of space...much of it because of music.

    Pennyspectacular pics which prompted me to Google Longyearbyen...how lucky you are to live amongst such beautiful scenery!

    Heather darling pic...they grow up so fast my youngest is now 11 a competitive downhill skier & horse women...I fondly remember when she was that small! Hope you get to spend lots of time enjoying those fleeting growing up years.

    Katla DH is outside spray painting new posts & getting the deer netting ready so I'm not sure He's taking me up on the urine experiment will let you know if he does.

    Grandmallie glad things have calmed down for you...an apology always helps.

    miriamwithcats apropos poster...it's too bad tornados can wreak such havoc!

    I'm off to work on my father's bills etc...copies of everything scanned & emailed to the lawyer for his Medicaid file...ugh
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Well ladies - we have just had an email to say that the package of compensation from BT (for the phone and Internet fiasco) amounts to a grand total of £326. That's near enough $500 .
    Wow! :drinker: Very happy dancing going on here. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    I'm thinking about a new tattoo. I know what I want I just don't know where to put it. Kirby would like it visible I don't know about me. Everyone that knows us knows we run in Vibram five finger shoes. We call them monkey feet. It's going to be the drawing of the bottom footprint and 26.2 underneath it. Where do you think we should put it on our bodies. I am not sure how big it will need to b so out can see the detail of the bottom of the shoe yet.

    Found out top of my foot is out, too painful a d the lettering has to b 1/2 inch high to b able to read it
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I'm thinking about a new tattoo. I know what I want I just don't know where to put it. Kirby would like it visible I don't know about me. Everyone that knows us knows we run in Vibram five finger shoes. We call them monkey feet. It's going to be the drawing of the bottom footprint and 26.2 underneath it. Where do you think we should put it on our bodies. I am not sure how big it will need to b so out can see the detail of the bottom of the shoe yet.

    Found out top of my foot is out, too painful a d the lettering has to b 1/2 inch high to b able to read it

    Yeah on top of the foot, the tattoo can fade rather quickly from shoe friction and need to be redone. Not awesome.

    How tall are you? Are you leggy, or more long torso? Broad shoulders? These play into placement; you want it to be about your body, as much as about the design.

    I originally wanted a tattoo on the back of my shoulder; it was the artist who convinced me to place it on my hip (since I'm "two feet torso and four feet leg", :lol: ) and she was definitely correct. :smile:

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi gals,

    Sylvia – Oh I wish you were near me my chiro is wonderful not at all like that bimbo!

    Penny – I know the feeling about needing to have something “special” to say, but then I remind myself that even little things are interesting to those who care about me…and we care about you too.

    Dawn – welcome!

    Chris - Dealing with the car would have gotten me into the reeses no question! You are one strong woman.

    Janetr – Sorry about the low attendance, and the “bad” news, sometimes these things happen, let go of yesterday and today will be fine. I didn’t get it until you told Miriam about tornado warning… we do not have horns in our area for anything.

    Larisa – sprouts are ok with me.

    Annie – if you are really uncomfortable with the back, could you put in a piece of lace to cover up some of it?

    Joyce – world naked gardening day, and Becca gave up her community gardening bed…. Something wrong with that.

    Alison - ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) please feel loved by us, but remember this the next time she asks you to help with something. I reacted - you need to read what Margaret says, and take care you the way WE would take care of you.

    KJ – I know nothing about your problem but if it doesn’t go away soon calling the Dr. might be a good choice.

    Katla – so what color is the new jacket?

    Heather – awe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and DH did a great job of standing up for yourself with BT

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I'm thinking about a new tattoo. I know what I want I just don't know where to put it. Kirby would like it visible I don't know about me. Everyone that knows us knows we run in Vibram five finger shoes. We call them monkey feet. It's going to be the drawing of the bottom footprint and 26.2 underneath it. Where do you think we should put it on our bodies. I am not sure how big it will need to b so out can see the detail of the bottom of the shoe yet.

    Found out top of my foot is out, too painful a d the lettering has to b 1/2 inch high to b able to read it

    I don't have personal experience with a tattoo, but it seems like your lower calf with an arrow pointing to your heel would be a possibility. :smiley:

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    I have worked long and hard to build my leg muscles so I am thinking I don't want to put them on my legs.

    I'm 5'5" I've been told I have long legs... but I'm thinking maybe on the inside (palm side) of my arm... I dunno..
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I have worked long and hard to build my leg muscles so I am thinking I don't want to put them on my legs.

    I'm 5'5" I've been told I have long legs... but I'm thinking maybe on the inside (palm side) of my arm... I dunno..

    Oh that could work! :smile: I don't think body proportions really matter, for a forearm tattoo :wink: and you would get to see it.

    My collarbone tattoo is largely where it is so I can see it--even if it is backwards, in the mirror. :wink:
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member

    Yet another baby pic! Don't know where she got that nose from!

    Can't wait to see them next week. <3

    Heather UK

    HeatherWhat a little elf.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Well ladies - we have just had an email to say that the package of compensation from BT (for the phone and Internet fiasco) amounts to a grand total of £326. That's near enough $500 .
    Wow! :drinker: Very happy dancing going on here. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love Heather UK

    Actually, my dear, your and DH's time are worth far more as far as I am concerned. However, I am amazed that you are getting anything. American cable companies get away with not compensating at all.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, Bea is adorable.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Sylvia As an alternative to a chiropractor, I go to a massage therapist who works out of a chiropractor's office. She is amazing. She explains the reasons for each stretching, or positioning that she does and has given me homework between sessions. Some community colleges have therapeutic massage certificate programs and can give recommendations or you might try student sessions ( very closely supervised by instructors) to try this out.

    Those in weather harm's way Please stay safe. It appears to be a very long list of people who are threatened with hail, floods, ice, and tornadoes. Everyone else- the best thing we can do is contribute to the Red Cross or other experienced organization. The folks affected will need our help for a long time.

    Joyce World Naked Gardening Day? I live in a college town. Can you imagine if the students found out????

    Sue I used to board my girls at a big farm with a large three story barn with a ramp from the ground to first floor which could also be entered from outside. The hayloft was on the top floor that was entered from the top of the hill. Several of the horses were escape artists and someone did not close the main grain storage correctly... Several ponies and a SB had to be tubed. My pony, who never had to be sedated for dental work, was never quite so cooperative after this with the vet.

    Katla Did you say what color your new jacket is?

    AllieSometimes people feel the need to take out whatever is wrong in their lives on someone else. Unfortunately, you were the target this time. Please give yourself a {{{{hug}}}} from me.

    Penny I feel that I am really getting to know Norway through your stories and pictures. Keep them coming.

    Off to exercise. I get cranky when I don't get my walking completed.

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    hahaha I would do World Naked Gardening Day, but my garden is on a fifth-floor rooftop, surrounded by 17~26-story buildings. I meet people at the bus stop, who recognize me, from watching me garden. Ummm....
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Nikki – I guess I must be lucky … my deck is about 5 – 6 feet off the ground; and I hang my baskets out a little so they’ll get rain water. 20' off the ground, easily. They have not attempted to climb the stairs. Unfortunately, last year the deer discovered our grapes. Ate every last one of them before we could get to them. We might have to put up some sort of fence around them to keep them out. Talking about your phlox putting out their fabulous display – can you get a piece of plastic and put stakes under it to keep it off them; put bricks to hold it down and get a heat lamp to go under it? My husband puts a heat lamp out in our greenhouse during the coldest times. It does not have a heater – small anyway.

    KJLaMore – Sometimes taking ‘fiber’ (Benafiber (sp?) and stuff like that - can make you constipated and block you up; but, the muscles are trying to get it to pass through - so the pressure. I’m told NOT to take ‘fiber’ … just eat more ‘fiber’. You could have hemorrhoids if you push and really shouldn't. I would suggest taking something like ‘Ducalax’ stool softeners (at night before bed) and see if you have a BM; if not, you probably need to see a MD about it. I got really constipated and could not pee because of it. That was extremely uncomfortable. Had been to the MD earlier in the week for a UTI; and, he had suggested taking a stool softener and see if that worked. The next AM, still had not had a BM (about 3 days in a row). Had appointment later that day to have a catheter put in so they could empty bladder and also to run a test on my bladder. I wanted to have a BM ‘before’ I went; so I took more (different) kinds of stool softeners, laxatives the night before; and had a ‘blow out’ that morning. This is going to be WTMI; but, it took 4 flushes to empty the toilet, too. LOL!!! Then I had 5 or 6 bouts of diarrhea. Told GYN’s nurse that he could NOT do a ‘rectal exam’ because I’d be ‘mortified’ if I had another one while being examined. Thankfully, she gave him a heads up (or should that be a ‘tails up’) and he did not perform any kind of exam, pelvic or rectal. Put the catheter in my bladder; and, that was ‘instant’ relief! AAahhhh. I went home and got in bed for the rest of the day.

    ljdw99 – We divided my Mother’s ‘stuff’ before we had to put her into an Assisted Living Facility. She got to see that we did it fairly and no arguments or hurt feelings. Later on, we made some ‘exchanges’ with one another for things that we really wanted. My oldest sister had gotten the dining room table that would let out to seat 12. Middle sister and I gave her our 4 chairs for something she had that we wanted. But, I will admit to being a pluperfect B**** when my DH’s daughter by a previous marriage ‘screwed’ him and his brother over by getting DMnL to ‘add’ her as if she was a ‘child’; and pulled a POA off the Internet AFTER we had had her ‘rescind’ one that she had gotten her to sign earlier. BnL was 'pissed' because she was 'co-mingling' their funds and had transferred the title to the car over to he; he made her sign it over to both of them. Told her NOT to pay her insurance out of his mother's account and he balanced the accounts. They had given her a ‘Limited Power of Attorney’ to get ‘medical treatment’. Karma WILL come visit her ‘someday’; but, at this point – don’t care. We have not seen them in nearly 9 years since. DH was ‘hurt’ that she’d do this to them. I think what upset me most was that ‘she’ being the ‘only’ granddaughter did not bother to have the 4 grandsons added. She took DMnL to the bank and had her sign another signatory card; then it was never convenient to go have them added back; then she took the POA and went into DFnL’s lock box 4x from the day he died until the day of the funeral. Both sons ‘knew’ that he had money in it. Again, never sent any paperwork to have them added to the Mutual Funds that she bought with the $$$. The worst thing she did was on the day of the visitation for DMnL … they were having a ‘pool’ dug in their yard (while the supper was about to eaten in the back yard). I made a comment to DH about how it was the ‘height of disrespect’ for them to have workers in the yard when we would be eating out on the patio. Her husband was standing 2 feet away from me and he went over and told them to pack it up. His daughter came screaming and cursing out the back door – saying that it would then be the end of the summer before they could reschedule them. Oh well ….

    Karen – My oldest DGD played the violin. She’s rusty now with being in college; doesn’t have the time – always studying. I love violin music.

    If I don’t sleep well; for instance pull off my C-pap and/or forget to take my evening meds; I am dead on my feet the next day. Good thing I am retired and can sleep any time I want to. Usually, if I can’t get to sleep within 5 minutes of putting my C-pap on, it is because I have not taken my meds, so I get up and take them, then I go to sleep.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited April 2016
    So, I have some confessions...then you all can beat me with the spaghetti noodles I'm making for dinner deal?
    So last Wednesday at my TOPS meeting I "opted" out of weighing, and so technically the weight recorders counted me as absent. I was up 4 lbs and didn't want to negatively affect the totals of the group for the week. Plus I really liked seeing that 226.4 in my weight book. Well....this week was not great either....and I weighed 1 lb more......AAAAck! So my NOT BEING ACCOUNTABLE last week didn't do anything but delay the inevitable!! Today I swallowed my lumps, bit the bullet, whatever you want to call it...I weighed in and accepted my fate. I am now 231.4 but I KNOW what 226 felt like so I will get back there...(come hell or high water)!!

    Some things that attributed to my gain, is that my middle sister "didn't mentally show up or physically either" for the Crab Festival last weekend. I tried to stay positive, but nope she didn't show up. Also my oldest sister called, crying on the phone because she really wanted to speak to our middle sister, left messages but never was calling her back. She has just moved from Colorado to Moses Lake Washington, and is lonely I would imagine. I just tore me apart to hear her so upset. Both her and I are investing so much emotion into this one-sided sisterly relationship with our middle sister. It's draining on both of us. There is a picture I remember seeing on facebook of a whole wall of suitcases, and trunks, all partitioned neatly in wooden cubbies. I picture my life and stress sharing a wall like that. So I put how my sister treats me in one of those trunks and close it. Only positive things in my life, not relationships ;that only give me grief and bleed toxic into my thoughts. Kind of a fail safe measure.

    All that are near the storms, I am thinking of you!!! Keep safe!
    All those getting tattoo's reconfirm the spelling before they fire up the ink guns k???? I don't want to see arms with "No Regerts" now......

    A quiet rest of the month.....


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    edited April 2016
    Becca - be kind to your self, and those noodles???? they need to be spaghetti squash :p Family relationships can be a challenge, and while it would be nice to have things be smooth we each have our own issues. Take care of you and remember how much work it is taking for you to make changes and you want to - your sister will not make the changes she needs to until she is ready for.
    (((((((((((((hugs for you)))))))))))))
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ((((thanks Kim))))) my voice of reason...

    My husband took 90 minutes to find bread to go with the spaghetti and I am not even having any!!! My cup of noodles, 1/2 cup of sauce, 1 tsp of Parmesan cheese all resting on a bed of fresh wilted spinach.
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2016
    Michelle- I am in your neck of the woods -in a very general sense- about an hour NE of DC. And I am new to the group too!
    D-in yucky wet Maryland
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    I've decided to learn a new musical instrument. I play piano, trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone and can manage a few songs on the flute. I tried the bassoon but I have to admit I never got beyond sounding like a freight train so I don't claim that one. I have no string instruments unless you want to count the piano so I'm going to learn the cello. I shall see if it works out or goes the way of the bassoon. lol I won't sound like a freight train but a screeching tiger? (the idea of a violin screeching moved me to a lower voiced instrument)

    I play the piano, clarinet, sax AND BASSOON:)
    I had to laugh at your description as it is apt. I sound like a sick bird when I try the flute!
    I learned to play bassoon- self taught in 8th grade- because there was an abundance of clarinets getting ready to go to the high school. I was going to go with the oboe but my friend, Eve, took the only one the school had before me so I decided to play the instrument that no one else wanted.
    Apparently I began routing for the underdog at an early age.
    Eve and I looked very much alike and with my name being Dawn, people thought we were sisters (dawn and evening-silly right?) ...and being the only ones playing double reeds, well we went with it.

    Thank you for the welcomes.
    A little more about me- I am married with 6 children (35-17 years) and 3 grand children- the youngest being 11days old today. 4 of the kids and the baby live at home with us.
    Our youngest is about to graduate high school in 5weeks and he is finishing his final lacrosse season so I am busy at games and school events for him and his friends.
    Which means some days I eat and some, I just forget to.
    Don't hate me, not eating enough is a real problem that means your body doesn't let you lose weight.(it was suggested I leave WW because I never ate all my points so never lost more than 9 pounds) I was anorexic in high school and have not had any appetite since then which is a real problem as well.

    Okay. Too much info I am sure, but I look forward to reading more of all the posts here.

    D - in cold damp Maryland