Feeling too full, need help



  • kevstorms
    kevstorms Posts: 29 Member
    I hope so! I uploaded a pic just now of me on my start date. I DESPISE looking at it, but that is what I hope will help to keep me going. As for the food, I will find that niche sooner or later haha. As long as I stay under, and don't over do it on bad fats I figure I am good for now.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    My husband seems to have the same response to fiber/chewing a lot of food as you do. I make massive salads with a ton of greens that clock in around 450 calories, eat them, and want more food 20 minutes later. My husband can't finish a portion of the same size and complains about being stuffed for the next few hours. This is a man who can polish off a six-pack of beer and an entire bag of potato chips without thinking about it. Redistribute your fiber intake and the overfull feelings should disappear (maybe change "sugar" to "fiber" in your diary so you get a better sense of how much you're eating in one sitting; if you don't have a sweet tooth there's not much advantage to tracking sugar). Add more fats in to get your calorie count up.